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KKK Seabrook


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It is the talk of the town in Seabrook and some say it's for all the wrong reasons. The Ku Klux Klan is spreading its message of hate and residents are upset about it.

"It was in a clear plastic bag with a rock thrown from a truck," said Gordon Marsh who received the letter. "It's disturbing."

Scott was alarmed when student Gordon Marsh showed him a letter found in his driveway.

"It's hate literature. It's ignorant and bigoted," said Marsh.

He wasn't the only person who received this KKK recruitment letter. Seabrook police say Sunday they received at least 20 complaints from residents. Police believe that's just a portion of the total letters. The distributors even dropped an envelope containing the letter to a supervisor at the police department who did not see the actual contents until the end of his shift.

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They have also been passed around La Porte and Deer Park. Seem to be trying to enlist the whole area.

Is the KKK really one of those organizations that have the ability to grow based on the strength of their recruiting efforts? It seems to me you're either the type of person who'd join the KKK or you aren't. I don't see how leaving a bunch of clandestine letter bombs throughout town would impact enrollment at all, but what do I know.

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"It was in a clear plastic bag with a rock thrown from a truck,"

So is THAT how people formed associations before Meetup!?


"Hey, Big Bubba, that new neighbor of ours down the street, there. He works for the Census and they've been pissing off all the 'Negros'. We should ask him if he'd like to join us for a beer one of these days."

"You're right, Little Bubba. I'm gonna drive to the hill country and find us a rock. You write the letter. We'll meet back here in a couple days for some rock, bag, and letter throwing. After all that, he'll wanna drink with us fuh' sho'."

"Big Bubba, doesn't all that effort made to communicate with other guys...with rock-filled bags...seem a little gay to you?"

"Naw, Little Bubba, it's just how these things are done. It's the KKK way."

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So is THAT how people formed associations before Meetup!?


"Hey, Big Bubba, that new neighbor of ours down the street, there. He works for the Census and they've been pissing off all the 'Negros'. We should ask him if he'd like to join us for a beer one of these days."

"You're right, Little Bubba. I'm gonna drive to the hill country and find us a rock. You write the letter. We'll meet back here in a couple days for some rock, bag, and letter throwing. After all that, he'll wanna drink with us fuh' sho'."

"Big Bubba, doesn't all that effort made to communicate with other guys...with rock-filled bags...seem a little gay to you?"

"Naw, Little Bubba, it's just how these things are done. It's the KKK way."

Who knew those KKK members were such morons when it came to interpersonal communication? Could it be that we've just been misinterpreting their rhetorical style as hate speech? Is it possible all those burning crosses were just their way of saying "Welcome to the Neighborhood!"?

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