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TX GOV 2010


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Sarah Palin was in town on Sunday for a rally for Rick Perry.

See pics from the event here: http://www.houstonpr...w/view/29258322

She's in town today too as a featured presenter in a Zig Zigler networking pep rally sort of thing. It's nice to know she'll shill for whoever greases her palm with the requisite forty pieces of silver.

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She's in town today too as a featured presenter in a Zig Zigler networking pep rally sort of thing. It's nice to know she'll shill for whoever greases her palm with the requisite forty pieces of silver.

If you've got her 10 grand, I'd bet she'd do weddings and bar mitzvahs, too.

The Ted Nugent thing out at the Rick Perry pep rally is almost as embarrassing as the Who at the super bowl. At least the Who got a cool light-up stage. All terrible Ted got was a bunch of pinched-looking folks and a faulty sound system. But then, I'm sure he's used to that from the gun show appearances.

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The Ted Nugent thing out at the Rick Perry pep rally is almost as embarrassing as the Who at the super bowl. At least the Who got a cool light-up stage. All terrible Ted got was a bunch of pinched-looking folks and a faulty sound system. But then, I'm sure he's used to that from the gun show appearances.

I'm kind of surprised the Nuge would put on a show for Perry. I figured he'd be more of a Medina kind of guy.

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Did anyone listen or watch the Democratic debate last night? I listened to it (KUHT) on the way home from the office, and was generally happy with Bill White's answers. OTOH, Farouk Shami didn't come across well at all. Maybe if I had been watching instead of just listening (though that seems backward), but his answers were at best weak. I dont' have any doubts he is a smart man, but he doesn't seem to have an ounce of political prowess.

Now where is my "Anyone but Perry" bumper sticker?


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Did anyone listen or watch the Democratic debate last night? I listened to it (KUHT) on the way home from the office, and was generally happy with Bill White's answers. OTOH, Farouk Shami didn't come across well at all. Maybe if I had been watching instead of just listening (though that seems backward), but his answers were at best weak. I dont' have any doubts he is a smart man, but he doesn't seem to have an ounce of political prowess.

Now where is my "Anyone but Perry" bumper sticker?


Didnt hear the Democratic debate. It doesnt matter that I missed it though; I have as much a chance as a write in candidate as Bill White does spending millions on his campaign. I did however listen to Michael Berry on the way home last night just replaying over and over the Medina clip where she basically stated she believed the 911 truthers were onto something....after appearing to be a viable candidate and gaining so much momentum - she must have been drunk or on crack to answer his question the way she did. The Glen Beck interview was not even over and they were already telling her that she had just committed political suicide.

Now we are stuck with all bad choices. White - terrible and has no chance, Shami - terrible and even less chance. Perry - terrible, though better than the other 2 so far, and Hutchinson - terrible.

I hate to say it because I cant stand Perry or his whole trans-texas corridor idea, but he unfortunately remains the only viable candidate on the ballot. Sometimes elections are about picking the best of the worst....I feel that way about this one.

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Farouk Shami's professional campaign staff quits

Businessmen Clayton Williams and Tony Sanchez bought instant credibility in their runs for governor through large investments of their personal fortunes, but hair-care millionaire Farouk Shami isn't finding it so easy.

Political professionals say he isn't being taken seriously because he has shown a naivete about state government (he did not know the names of the state comptroller or attorney general when asked who they were), has had a series of miscommunications and had his professional campaign staff turn over twice. He fired one staff after they'd been on the job for 10 days, and the second quit Wednesday.

Even Shami's gaffes have gotten little media attention.

“It's a campaign where the only thing serious about it is it involves serious money,” said Dave McNeely, a former political columnist who now lectures at the University of Texas.

McNeely said if it was not for the $5 million Shami personally has lent his campaign, the media would not take him any more seriously than the five other long-shot candidates who have filed to contest the party's nomination with former Houston Mayor Bill White.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know when we'll start to see numbers come in?

Shortly after the polls close, they'll start to post early voting results. The rest will come in as the County Clerk's staff gets tally cards from the voting machines.

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Perry vs. White

Whoever told Kay Bailey to run as more conservative than Perry is a moron. Her only chance was to pick up moderates, Country Club Republicans, and switchover Dems.

I can't wait to watch White debate Perry. Say what you want about Bill White, but he certainly comes across as the smarter man and I think he's going to run the numbers game on Perry for turning down stimulus funds.

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I can't wait to watch White debate Perry. Say what you want about Bill White, but he certainly comes across as the smarter man and I think he's going to run the numbers game on Perry for turning down stimulus funds.

discount tires is starting to deny claims for flat tires cause streets were not maintained under bill white.

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Whoever told Kay Bailey to run as more conservative than Perry is a moron. Her only chance was to pick up moderates, Country Club Republicans, and switchover Dems.

The Chronicle analysis argues it the other way around, that she tried to appeal to moderates, etc., and that that was her undoing. Granted, I don't watch very much television or listen to much radio, but what I'd seen of her was reflected in the article IMO.

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Interesting article. No doubt that in a Republican primary, she was going to face the anti-Washington/anti-taxation tea baggers. That said, every commercial I saw or heard for KBH claimed that SHE was the true conservative. Before Bill White jumped into the race, I was thinking about voting for KBH simply because she wasn't Perry but I was turned off by her campaign ads for sure. Granted, I am as far from being a tea bagging conservative as you can get, unless you are talking about the old school meaning of tea-bag.

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discount tires is starting to deny claims for flat tires cause streets were not maintained under bill white.

Good to know. I'll make sure to pick up my voter's guide at Discount tires...

On the flip side, those stimulus funds Perry turned down sure could have helped repair roads. But, at the end of the day, I am more concerned wth the drastic rise in college tuition due to budget shortfalls on campuses. To me, increasing an already woefully undereducated population base is way more scary than a few bumps in the road.

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Good to know. I'll make sure to pick up my voter's guide at Discount tires...

On the flip side, those stimulus funds Perry turned down sure could have helped repair roads. But, at the end of the day, I am more concerned wth the drastic rise in college tuition due to budget shortfalls on campuses. To me, increasing an already woefully undereducated population base is way more scary than a few bumps in the road.

i thought perry was the governor in texas. does he have power in mass where you claim to live?

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discount tires is starting to deny claims for flat tires cause streets were not maintained under bill white.

CVS is passing out half-off coupons for Aquanet in support of Rick Perry.

...or some other stupid nawn sekwitter that makes no sense and isn't even remotely relevant or true.

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i thought perry was the governor in texas. does he have power in mass where you claim to live?

Good comeback if not for the fact that I've talked openly about living back in Houston for over a year now. In fact, it's been exactly 13 months now since my move back to town.

But yeah, I'd be pissed if the governor of Massachusetts turned down millions of dollars that would have gone to education, school lunch programs, highway programs, etc... Those were OUR taax dollars that he turned away and just gifted to other states. That is totally idiotic since it was only done as a political ploy. Hungry kids thank him from the bottom of their empty little stomachs!

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Good comeback if not for the fact that I've talked openly about living back in Houston for over a year now. In fact, it's been exactly 13 months now since my move back to town.

Psst...your location and geogroup still reflect you non-local past. Might want to update that.

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  • 1 month later...

Rick Perry was quoting something along the lines of "I don't see why we need traditional textbooks in four years" citing ebooks as a replacement.

It's not enough to make me vote for Bill White, but geez, what an idiot.dry.gif

Fiscal conservative he is not.

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Rick Perry was quoting something along the lines of "I don't see why we need traditional textbooks in four years" citing ebooks as a replacement.

It's not enough to make me vote for Bill White, but geez, what an idiot.dry.gif

Fiscal conservative he is not.

The bulk of the cost of publishing textbooks comes from the actual publishing. Eliminate that, and you can lower the cost of the ideas contained within. Paying a publisher $30 (or whatever) a year for each student for copyright use times the number of classes a student takes plus the cost of an ebook reader would probably be less expensive over time than purchasing new textbooks every five years.

As an added benefit, the rate of scoliosis among school kids would probably drop as students no longer had to tote 300 lbs of books to school (uphill and in the snow both ways).

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E-textbooks are definitely on the way. But I wouldn't expect to see them in K-12 public schools anytime soon, as a rule. We are only adopting them very gradually on college campuses. They make a lot of sense, but people still like books. And they require readers, and kids lose things, so unless someone comes up with a good low-cost version of a kindle schools aren't going to switch over soon. Plus you can reuse an e-book, usually. Public schools reuse textbooks for years.

BUT: I wouldn't be surprised if some of the big textbook publishers start offering deals on e-readers for schools that make a full switch. They are behind this technology. A $100 textbook is sold as an e-version for $50. Can't be reused, can't be resold. Nice deal for the publisher.

I guess this is off-topic; I'll steer it back on by saying that Rick Perry is the last person I would listen to regarding school textbooks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rick Perry Shoots Coyote while Jogging

I'm no animal activist, far from it in fact, but I've never seen a coyote bigger than a collie. Seems like you could easily just scare them off. Past that, who carries a gun to jog? When I go running I don't even like to carry keys or a wallet, much less a laser scope pistol that weighs a pound or two.

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Rick Perry Shoots Coyote while Jogging

I'm no animal activist, far from it in fact, but I've never seen a coyote bigger than a collie. Seems like you could easily just scare them off. Past that, who carries a gun to jog? When I go running I don't even like to carry keys or a wallet, much less a laser scope pistol that weighs a pound or two.

I carry an RPG launcher on my jogs.

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  • 1 month later...

Perry is a hypocrite. He deplores the federal goverment and the stimuls but accepts it to blance the budget. Right now Texas has some of the worst public schooling systems in the nation, but he denies federal money that our schools need. Maybe he will change his tune again for the betterment our schools.

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