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Development At 10th St. And Ashland St.


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I think there is another fire. I head HFD

W 23RD ST N DURHAM DR 452U10/12/2009 21:23111 Fire1A015, D031, E015, E031, E062, L006, L031, SQ031

Per KTRK: Suspicious. Had a fire trail at the back.

I think that they interviewed a HAIFer who has posted here a few times. However, her lil'uns stole the show. That's okay. Their care emphasizes the safety concerns we have.

Edited by Porchman
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Did anyone go to the HHA meeting last night to hear the arson discussion?

Yeah, I was there. They had a few speakers but nothing new. They have quite a few federal and local agencies at work on it. No one in custody, no suspects, lots of tips. Told everyone to keep their eyes out and report anything suspicious.

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Yeah, I was there. They had a few speakers but nothing new. They have quite a few federal and local agencies at work on it. No one in custody, no suspects, lots of tips. Told everyone to keep their eyes out and report anything suspicious.


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Sorry guys, I'm sure they'd have caught these arsonists by now if they weren't too busy nabbing those vile shopping cart villains. Apparently, according to Marksmu, Kroger's carts are more important to a well functioning society than your homes. Gotta learn to get your priorities straight.

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Sorry guys, I'm sure they'd have caught these arsonists by now if they weren't too busy nabbing those vile shopping cart villains. Apparently, according to Marksmu, Kroger's carts are more important to a well functioning society than your homes. Gotta learn to get your priorities straight.

I'm sorry but this is just a non-productive comment. My other thread about the shopping carts has nothing to do with police... I was simply asking how we can go about getting them cleaned up.

Sarcasm aside, let's stay on topic AtticaFlinch and stop threadjacking. Thanks.

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I'm sorry but this is just a non-productive comment. My other thread about the shopping carts has nothing to do with police... I was simply asking how we can go about getting them cleaned up.

Sarcasm aside, let's stay on topic AtticaFlinch and stop threadjacking. Thanks.

Yeah, you're right. I should have left that in the other thread. Sorry. I was just trying to add some levity to a pretty crappy situation.

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House fire at 15th and Beall in Shady Acres: 5AM 10-21-09.

edit: actually a garage sitting on a vacant lot on the NE corner is on fire.

Yep, that's #16 they're saying

The fire yesterday at 15th and Cortlandt that I posted must have just been a "normal" fire.

This is really getting old...

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Seems to like Thursday nights/Friday mornings....

Watch out for Thursday mornings (or morning of trash day). Lady across the street (in Heights) was attacked at 6:15AM while taking trash out to street. Attacker was hiding and slipped inside while lady was towards front of driveway. Fortunately, she noticed the wet tracks upon reentering house and was alert enough by the time the attacker jumped. She fought him off and managed to escape outside long enough to scream for help. Neighbor heard and called 911. Attacker kept coming until neighbor yelled back that police were on the way.

Seems like the Heights has so many prime hideouts for these predators due to unlit alleyways and dimly lit streets. Anyone roaming the Heights (no dog, no spouse, no walking shoes, no business in the neighborhood) at night is up to no good. Call the police on them every chance you get.

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Sorry to get off topic, but this reply is important to Heights residence.

From another site:

in the general area west of Oxford, between 11th and 13th, and east of Studewood.

My poor neighbor was attacked around 6:15 this morning in her house. While she was outside putting her trash can out by the street, and a man slipped in her door and attacked her when she went back inside. She was able to run to the back door and scream for our other neighbor, who called the police. The guy hit her in the face a few times, telling her to be quiet, and then ran off with her purse. The police found her purse a couple of houses away, and all that was missing was her wallet. She's extremely shaken up, but aside from some tenderness on her face where he hit her, physically okay. She lives alone and thinks the guy has been snooping around her house for at least the last couple of nights - she's been hearing some strange things that have had her on edge and she even thought she heard someone on her back porch last night or the night before around 9:30. When she went to look, she thought she saw the foot of someone ducking around the corner.

So, this is the 3rd major incident this year on our block - we had our home invasion/attempted MURDER in January, the burglary across the street last month, and now this home invasion/aggravated robbery. I am just SO FED UP I don't know what to do! I guess we all just have to keep our eyes and ears open and listen to our instincts. I am still shaking to think of what might have happened if my other neighbor hadn't heard my neighbor's screams through the rain...

She described her attacker as being around 5'7", heavy-set, Latino, close-shaved hair, wearing shorts, dark high-tops, and a plain dark-gray short-sleeved t-shirt. She didn't notice any tattoos, jewelry, or any peculiar scent.

She thought he was between 30-37 years old.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This from today's Chronicle:

A fire heavily damaged a home in north Houston overnight.

Details were sketchy, but the fire was reported around 1:30 a.m. at a home on North Main near 40 1/2 Street. It was extinguished, but arson investigators converged on the scene to learn more.

The fire occurred several blocks north and east of a section of the Heights area where a string of 17 intentional blazes have burned structures, usually abandoned or unoccupied, since August.

Houston Fire Department officials are not linking today's north Houston fire to the others. The cause remains under investigation.

Interesting that KPRC reported this AM that HPD IS linking this to the Height's arsonist. And what's up with questioning the Reagan students this week? I spoke with a policeman recently who said they think it's more than one person and most fires are copycat fires taking advantage of the situation.

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The problem, plain and simple, is that we live in the city. You see a homeless guy, a shady guy, a sceevy guy, no big deal. They walk up and down our streets and in the alleys daily. You see a truck doing something out of the ordinary, what can you do? I know it sucks, but unless you move out to Sugar Land or the Woodlands and live in a 'master planned community' it is a risk we take.

My friend was walking her dog on 24th west of Durham at lunch a few weeks ago. She didn't notice, but a white beat up van was following her. Some good samartin in a car noticed and pulled over and told my friend, the van drove away. Just have to be super aware 24/7.

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Sorry to get off topic, but this reply is important to Heights residence.

From another site:

in the general area west of Oxford, between 11th and 13th, and east of Studewood.

My poor neighbor was attacked around 6:15 this morning in her house. While she was outside putting her trash can out by the street, and a man slipped in her door and attacked her when she went back inside. She was able to run to the back door and scream for our other neighbor, who called the police. The guy hit her in the face a few times, telling her to be quiet, and then ran off with her purse. The police found her purse a couple of houses away, and all that was missing was her wallet. She's extremely shaken up, but aside from some tenderness on her face where he hit her, physically okay. She lives alone and thinks the guy has been snooping around her house for at least the last couple of nights - she's been hearing some strange things that have had her on edge and she even thought she heard someone on her back porch last night or the night before around 9:30. When she went to look, she thought she saw the foot of someone ducking around the corner.

So, this is the 3rd major incident this year on our block - we had our home invasion/attempted MURDER in January, the burglary across the street last month, and now this home invasion/aggravated robbery. I am just SO FED UP I don't know what to do! I guess we all just have to keep our eyes and ears open and listen to our instincts. I am still shaking to think of what might have happened if my other neighbor hadn't heard my neighbor's screams through the rain...

She described her attacker as being around 5'7", heavy-set, Latino, close-shaved hair, wearing shorts, dark high-tops, and a plain dark-gray short-sleeved t-shirt. She didn't notice any tattoos, jewelry, or any peculiar scent.

She thought he was between 30-37 years old.

Thanks for posting. That type of attack is very close up and personal-scary. I do have a question about the date of the attack as in the area between Studewood and Oxford - the garbage collection is on Thursday -not Friday- as you mention she was bringing her can to the curb. Perhaps you could clarify the area and/or date. Thanks.

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As mentioned, I posted it from another site's post. I believe the incident happened on Thursday (garbage day) and I posted it the day I read it (Friday). The original post is a bit confusing, but I thought those of us who know the area could figure out the general block of the occurance. Hope that helps clarify my post.

I realize we live in the big city and have lived in the Heights for years & years. I don't recall this many attacks, and various types of violent (or attempted violent) crime, in our hood since I've lived here. In the past, it's been petty theft of a bicycle, lawn tools, front porch flower pots, etc. Perhaps crime is being reported more, but without community forums, we'd probably never know what's gone on.

Seems to me the uptick in violent crimes started in January with the home invasion on Oxford and 10th (I think). Within a month's time, there's been reports of:

1. a neighbor calling the police on a man with a butcher knife & rubber gloves attempting to enter a Heights home at 1am

2. a woman assaulted and robbed when returning to her home after she took her garbage to the curb

3. an attempted assualt on a teenage girl on Studewood at 4pm

4. a ratty van following a woman walking her dog over lunch on Shepherd/Durham (see previous post)

5. numerous fires that no one knows who started

I hope folks keep posting, get descriptions and share them, call the police when you see something out of the norm and remind all of us to be neighborly and aware of our surroundings at all times.

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As mentioned, I posted it from another site's post. I believe the incident happened on Thursday (garbage day) and I posted it the day I read it (Friday). The original post is a bit confusing, but I thought those of us who know the area could figure out the general block of the occurance. Hope that helps clarify my post.

I realize we live in the big city and have lived in the Heights for years & years. I don't recall this many attacks, and various types of violent (or attempted violent) crime, in our hood since I've lived here. In the past, it's been petty theft of a bicycle, lawn tools, front porch flower pots, etc. Perhaps crime is being reported more, but without community forums, we'd probably never know what's gone on.

I hope folks keep posting, get descriptions and share them, call the police when you see something out of the norm and remind all of us to be neighborly and aware of our surroundings at all times.

i do think that more chatter about it and more reporting of it via forums and message boards has a lot to do with it. certainly violent crime has always existed in all parts of the city. we hear so much more about it now due to the internet. pre-message boards/forums, you would hear the stories that made the news, which were often the most gruesome, and stories by word-of-mouth so how much you heard depended on who you knew.

i thought the validity of the story in bullet point 1 was questionable?

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The fire broke out at an abandoned home on West 23rd at Bevis about 12:40 a.m. Firefighters extinguished the blaze about 20 minutes later.

No injuries were reported. No one was in the home when the fire broke out.

Arson investigators were called to the home and are trying to determine what sparked the flames.

It's not clear if the fire is connected to at least 18 intentionally set blazes that have damaged buildings in the Heights dating back to August.


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