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Everything posted by outback

  1. Ho hum. Let's see, using your own stats, 41,000 heights residents. How many of those have even heard that this is happening yet? 30%? Let's be generous, call it 50% (I doubt very much). 20,500 people. Number with computer and internet access? 76.3% (Census stats 2009) = 15,641. %age with Facebook page? Approx 35% = 5474 So at 2405 members (yep, still adding ), that gives them almost half the user base. 44% of the local populace don't want this, if you want to play statistical games. Oh, and where's that Bring it On, West End Wal-Mart page again?
  2. Slightly more than a dozen. Try 2369 members and counting in one week on the Facebook Stop The Heights Wal-Mart page.....
  3. Petition already up at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/stopthehoustonheightsareawalmart/
  4. http://www.fidelisrealtypartners.com/property/documents/NorthlineFlier.pdf Some hard info on the Northline Commons Walmart - it has an executed lease, opening October 2010. Any actual info out there on a Yale St location isn't popping up on this interwebby thing.
  5. OC and DC, both within walking distance, Star Pizza for delivery, Stella Sola will be on the list now they do brunch, Lola, and I'm looking forward to Zelko's, Jenni's and Jus Mac opening up
  6. The new feeder for Heights and Yale will encourage through traffic when I-10/45 is backed up - basically extra traffic that has no real reason to be in the Heights, won't bring any benefits to the Heights and will increase noise and most likely accident rates. We may even see an increase in crime with easier on/off access to the freeway. Yes, it's a hassle doing the Studemont U-turn, but it's really not a big issue from what I've seen.
  7. Seems to like Thursday nights/Friday mornings....
  8. Tonya - used to go to Mezzanine to play poker, but since moving to the Heights, it's just a wee bit out of casual pop in range. You say you do all the sports that Direct TV has - does that include rugby (eg UK 6 Nations)? That would be a draw for me.
  9. August Stats for Heights East were : August Constable Information - Eastside Total Arrests 6 Citizen Assists 3 Citizen Contacts 90 Vacation Watches 22 Traffic Citations 23 Miles Patrolled 902 I've not seen September yet. They also offer a vacation watch scheme if you are a paid up member - I used the service and the constable called me up while I was away to say that he had swung by, and had moved a package that had been delivered to a less obvious location. A small thing, sure, but they were efficient and on the ball.
  10. That's the way it's supposed to operate on the East side of Heights - they'll add hours as more sign up.
  11. Apparently there was a stabbing on Bayland, close enough to Travis to get them to lock down Travis, and then Harvard.
  12. Anyone know what's with the current rash of choppers whirling overhead? Apparently there's been an incident (rumor - attempted murder) over at Travis Elementary so both Travis and Harvard Elementary are on lockdown.
  13. It was done at the same time, but apparently independently contracted by the homeowners down the alley.
  14. I just got mail from out of the country, addressed to Harrard St, Huston, Tx 77007, with a wrong digit in the number, which arrived at Harvard St no problem. USPS isn't doing too bad a job.
  15. The new restaurant at 11th and Studewood is going to be Burgerzilla
  16. Quit arson about or does that only work in Brit-speak?
  17. That's be correct - the Heights CPP covers I-10 to 20th. Street, Studewood to Yale. Currently patrols 5 days a week, 8 hours per day. $255/year to sign up. The more that sign up, the more hours/days they can cover.
  18. Our kiddo lost his tortoise last night. A wood tortoise, about 6" diameter, generally tortoise shaped. Should be soemwhere near 7th and Harvard. Any sightings, please PM me. Thanks.
  19. It's a quiet zone being set up for train noise - they're changing the road/rail crossings so that they don't need to wake everyone within a 2 mile radius at 3 in the morning. Our bars are safe (phew!) Here's the link to the website http://washingtonquietzone.com/
  20. Cell phone use while driving is banned in many countries already. All the studies from Europe as well as the US show that cell phone use, even hands free cell phone use is a major problem. It's not so much that it's a distraction like a passenger or having kids in the car - there's a lot more cognitive processing involved in a cell phone conversation than just yelling at your brats in the back. Partly this is down to the lack of visual clues and body language, partly that the guy on the other end of the phone doesn't see the truck that just cut you off - if you have a passenger, they will mostly see the same road situation you do, and break off the conversation leaving you free to deal with it. The surprising result is that hands free isn't much better - and that's because the data processing going on is much the same, minus a small component for motor skills in holding a phone to your ear. Redscare had it right - I can drink drive too, no problem. Until the one time that something does happen...
  21. Our kiddo woke up about that time and said there were 'pops' outside. We didn't hear a thing though.
  22. While on the subject of bicycling in the Heights, a cyclist was knocked off his bike at the corner of 7th and Harvard yesterday (not injured fortunately). The cyclist was on the new bike path on 7th, crossing Harvard. Harvard at that point is a 2-way stop, and there's no stop sign on Harvard itself, nor any warning that there's a bike crossing. I think that's a general need for improvement - where a bike path crosses a road, then there needs to be signs reminding cyclists to stop/look and warning drivers to slow/stop. That junction itself could use being a 4 way stop anyway - the corners are overgrown and it's difficult to see speeding cars coming down Harvard.
  23. I saw a police car around 930 sweep 4 times up and down 7th street with it's searchlight on looking for someone. Then there was a full size fire truck came down 7th as well, sirens off, heading for Yale. What was that doing out for an attempted carjacking?
  24. Hi All We are just about to move into The Heights after spending too much time out of the Loop. I've been browsing this forum and got some useful information from it, and we're definitely looking forward to moving in. One thing that I would like to get some info on is the availability of babysitters in the neighborhood, maybe some recommendations, and/or reputable local agencies. Thanks for any info.
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