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The 100 year flood plain maps "shrank" in that area after Allison. They redid Sims Bayou several years ago and it seems to have corrected problems that previously existed in some areas.

Check the TSARP maps, but I think the houses that back up to the bayou on Glen Forest are in it.

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A portion of my lot is in the "valley" part of Glenbrook (area near intersection of Santa Elena and Glendell Ct). Since that are is in the lowest lying portion of the hood, the maps did put my lot in the 100 yr flood plain even though my house has never flooded. The insurance was $370.00 per year. I think my lot is one just a few in Glenbrook that require flood insurance. The elevation that requires flood coverage 26 ft or less.

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  • 1 month later...
agree with rps, check the maps to be certain for the area of Glenbrook you are looking at.

I'm in Glenbrook Valley, near Sims, and not in the flood plain. I pay a couple of hundred for flood insurance.

Just curious, could this be the reason the lt. green house at 8107 Stony Dell Ct. is appraised (HCAD-2007) so much less than others on the same street, with similar footage? :mellow: I have been fascinated by that house since I was a kid.The garage sits below the home, in the ravine. Love the river rock on the front. There is a house very similar to it on the corner of Chimney Rock and Memorial Dr.

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Just curious, could this be the reason the lt. green house at 8107 Stony Dell Ct. is appraised (HCAD-2007) so much less than others on the same street, with similar footage? :mellow: I have been fascinated by that house since I was a kid.The garage sits below the home, in the ravine. Love the river rock on the front. There is a house very similar to it on the corner of Chimney Rock and Memorial Dr.

I'll let RPS comment on the appraisal. I live very near that house and longtime Glenbrook residents have told me that in past the garage of that house flooded everytime it rained. When I first moved to Glenbrook (1 yr ago) the city worked on the drainage system at the intersection of Glendell Court, Stony Dell Court, and Santa Elena continuously for about 4 months. Since that time there has been no water accumulation during storms. Before that work, that low intersection filled up like a pool within an hour and then the drainage system would spit it back up like a fountain at the bottom of my drive way on Glendell Ct. During all that, no house at the intersection got any water. The drainage work, combined with major work on Sims Bayou seems to have fixed the floooding.

I'm with you on the coolness of that house. The people that live there have junked it pretty bad....or to be more specific...real bad. It's the only eyesore left in this section of Glenbrook and hopefully will be remedied soon as more mod enthusiats continue to grab the good Glenbrook Mods.

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I'll let RPS comment on the appraisal. I live very near that house and longtime Glenbrook residents have told me that in past the garage of that house flooded everytime it rained. When I first moved to Glenbrook (1 yr ago) the city worked on the drainage system at the intersection of Glendell Court, Stony Dell Court, and Santa Elena continuously for about 4 months. Since that time there has been no water accumulation during storms. Before that work, that low intersection filled up like a pool within an hour and then the drainage system would spit it back up like a fountain at the bottom of my drive way on Glendell Ct. During all that, no house at the intersection got any water. The drainage work, combined with major work on Sims Bayou seems to have fixed the floooding.

I'm with you on the coolness of that house. The people that live there have junked it pretty bad....or to be more specific...real bad. It's the only eyesore left in this section of Glenbrook and hopefully will be remedied soon as more mod enthusiats continue to grab the good Glenbrook Mods.

Thanks for the info. Good to know there are people who still appreciate Glenbrook's architects and planners. It was and still is awesome. I frequented Glenbrook often as a kid, looking at Christmas lights, and going to the doctors and dentists on Bellfort. I remember Southeast Memorial Hospital even being beautiful in it's day, white (terazzo?) floors, green atriums, and small mosiac tile work. :)

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  • 2 months later...
It's T.C. Burton's house on the corner of Santa Elena & Glencrest. The civic club forced him to take down the signage. He still has a rebel flag in his window I think. That corner is a saga in and of itselft. The story I heard on the guy is that was originally his parents house. He inherited it or something. When he was little his parents used to send him to elementary school in a chauffer driven Cadillac. Every Christmas they had a giant gold santa on a mechanical bucking bronco in the yard. Across the street is another lifetime veteran of the neighborhood that fought with him about the signs. He presented him with a pre-printed one at one point b/c after all, if you are going to put up an ugly sign like that, at least get it printed and don't use the tacky hand scrawled one. I don't think T.C. appreciated the gesture, which was sort of the intention. The neighbor guy goes out and buys a couple or three new Mercedes, then gets bored and in a few months goes and gets a small fleet of Lincolns, and then something else and so on. Since he doesn't always trade in his cars, he bought the house next door and tore it down to provide space to store extra cars as they build up. It's a drama filled corner.

I was negotiating to buy the house next door to Mr. Burton's but the neighbors on the other side offered to pay cash for it so they could have it for their son and I was out of luck! Too bad, I was really looking forward to living next door to him and driving him crazy!

I can't believe I found the answer to a question I haven't asked rps324 yet! :) I'm speaking of the Asian-style house on the corner, with an empty lot next to it, across from you-know-who. I have observed, in the past, an empty lot (next to that house) with what looked like a driveway entrance. Wondered why that house was no longer there. Now I know. It's a shame Mr. Burton's house is falling into disrepair. I believe the brickwork is crumbling. I am sure it was once a "grand lady". Too bad you didn't get that other house. Just imagine the fun! :lol:

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The Burton's used to live on the intersection of Reville and bellfort in a huge mansion. It eventually became a Wienerschnitzel, and they moved to their current residence.

By the way, when I was single, he asked me out, too. I refused.

I had heard where the Chase Bank is now used to be the site of their old Mansion. I think someone said there was also one where the Sonic is.

The guy in the Asian style house is a descendent of the Christy's circus that they talk about in that Telephone Road book.

When Lisa Gray did that "Battle of Glenbrook" article T.C. was quick to point out to her that he is single, available, and listed in the phone book. So PappillionWyngs if you change your mind..... :lol:

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Okay, I admit it. I never watch local news. I heard though that one of Stolitx's neighbors, a crazy old man with everything from a rebel flag to a monument to George Wallace on his lawn, was on the news because of it. His latest addition being a homophobic hand scrawled sign. Just lovely.

I know this was a few years ago, but you mean this person actually had a sign in plain public view? Now thats real old Telephone Rd mentality, ok under Other Topics, I know the drill. <_<

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I know this was a few years ago, but you mean this person actually had a sign in plain public view? Now thats real old Telephone Rd mentality, ok under Other Topics, I know the drill. <_<

I hate to say it, but there is still some sign there, last I saw, recent months, and I got a weird look from him. "Straaannngggeee Dude". Boy, what interesting info. from rps, thanks.

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I know this was a few years ago, but you mean this person actually had a sign in plain public view? Now thats real old Telephone Rd mentality, ok under Other Topics, I know the drill. <_<

Oh yes, the signs come and go on a regular basis. The rebel flag is a main stay.

At one point recently he had one that said something like "3 homosexuals live on this street"

I really really wanted to take my magic marker and fix that "3" into an "8" and let T.C. know, "um punkin...the tally in here has risen significantly. Update your sign!" :lol:

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He should drop his issue with the gays and make a sign that says "Whores welcome here"

I guess you can't blame him, with myself and Papillion Wings turning him down I guess a guy's got to do what a guy's go to do.

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  • 1 month later...
I don't know the date of the next General Meeting after the one this week on Thursday at 7:00. They aren't monthly (I think we do 6 per year). I'll see if I can find out something. You can certainly attend the General Meetings, you just couldn't vote on any matters the board brought to the meeting. But there are often guests from surrounding neighborhoods in the area.

Also you might want to consider joining the Hobby Area Chamber of Commerce. It's a joint business and residential Chamber. Many area reseidents from variety of subdivisions and civic clubs are members along with area businesses. Great way to hear what is going on, influence area decisions, etc.

Does anyone know the date of the date of the next Glenbrook Valley Civic Meeting. Have lived here over a year and have not made it to one, but want to know what is going on over here so I want to make it a point to attend the next one. At times it looks like things are getting better over here and other times not so much. Does anyone have an opinion?

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Does anyone know the date of the date of the next Glenbrook Valley Civic Meeting. Have lived here over a year and have not made it to one, but want to know what is going on over here so I want to make it a point to attend the next one. At times it looks like things are getting better over here and other times not so much. Does anyone have an opinion?


The next general meeting is September 18. There will not be much business conducted at that one because it's the annual covered dish and Bingo. I'm not at all a fan of bingo but I had a great time last year and won a 50.00 gift card to 888. The ladies in the Civic Club put on quite a spread of great home cooking too. As far as Glenbrook getting better, in my section people are moving in that take great care of their yards and are restoring their houses to the original ranch and mod granduer. Since I moved in 04/07...I have become good friends with new owners of at least 10 houses north of Bellfort. I consider that pretty good for 1 year. There is a group of new residents that have formed the Glenbrook Valley Supper Club. We go to local restaurants monthly and usually have 20-25 people in attendance. For the next 2 months different Sections are planning Progressive Dinner Parties.

If you are south of Bellfort theres alot going on there to with the effort to get Historic Neighborhood status for the 1956 Parade of Homes street, Cayton.

If you don't get the Monthly Newsletter email me and I'll see that you are put on the list.

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There is an article that appeared in last Thursday's "this week" section or whatever you call it, but it hasn't made it on line yet. Some more positive press on the hood.

Things in Glenbrook over all still seem to be heading in a positive direction. IMO the subprime halt has had some mixed results for Glenbrook. On the bad news side it has definitely slowed sales in the southern sections that were more dependent upon sub-prime buyers, especially sections 4 & 6 between Bellfort and Rockhill east of Broadway. Foreclosures have put downward pressure on prices. There were two good mods on Cayton, the Mel O'Brien design and one by E. Kelly Gaffney, both for $65,000. A HUD foreclosure just popped up right behind Shan Hu for $55,000. I expect prices around you may take a bit of a hit as sellers compete with the foreclosures, houses that were often times sold to sub-prime buyers who, again IMO, probably never should have bought houses in the first place. But, eventually those will process out and things will stabilize.

On the positive side, it seemed to me that many of the people that were moving in during the height of the sub-prime mess were also people who did not have the means and/or the desire to really maintain their property. While the sales are down, the people who are buying now are more financially stable and seem to be more inclined to maintain their property. So I do see a silver lining in that situation.

A "community Standards" program has also been implemented in Glenbrook to try to address curb appeal issues and we did speak with the subdivision Attorney about whether or not some of the general provisions of the deed restrictions cover things like parking cars on the lawn, and he thinks they do. I expect we will be filing lawsuits over deed restriction violations regarding some of these issues.

I have a better handle on who is moving in north of Bellfort than south, and the demographics continue to improve year over year. Out of I think 9 sales, one was the guys from Coles Crossing that work at downtown Law Firms, one I bought, one is a couple from Pearland-Fresno area that are friends of Stolitx's, (a Physician's Assistant at MD Anderson and his wife, a social worker), at least 2 have a PhD in the household, both buying on Colgate, one a community college President, the other a computer programmer and his wife, who is a Doctor. The people in that big grey McMansion on Santa Elena & Broadway bought 2 more houses for their kids, cash deals. Another cash deal was a lady moving in from Silverlake. the one on Stony Dell is a Project Manager for Centerpoint I think, moving from over in the energy corridor. So things seem to be on the upswing.


We also seem to be getting more and more HAIF'ers, so we get brownie points for that!

Edited by rps324
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  • 4 weeks later...
Maybe I am not in the right forum but I just wanted to add this bit of kind words about Glenbrook Valley I mentioned on another thread...

I am sure there is a thread/topic relating to Glenbrook Valley. I would love to toss in my great memories of what it was like circa 1968-72. My mom would round all of us kids up take us to the olympic sized pool and let us enjoy the day there. I am almost sure that that pool was considerd a state-of-the-art feat for its day here in Houston. I heard they used to have high-profile events there on occasion. I recall how ship-shape it was kept. They had some of the best life-gaurds (pretty ladies too) on hand. They really kept the kids in line! The most exciting part was the "platform" high dive. Man, you had to have real you know whats to get up there. Once on top shame on you if you chickened out! It seemed like the whole world had thier eyes on you. I'll bet even as an adult many of us would turn back or feel 15 years old again once up there. That place was so together they made sure everyone showered at that outside shower head (pull the string). We were so happy to always go to that Dairy Queen at the end of the golf course. You would work up a big appetite after swimming so much.

Fast forward to now. Last time I heard and saw the place it went down the tubes. I recall one of our coaches from Austin HS lived right on the corner of one of those streets heading in to the pool. That neighborhhod looked terrible too. Grafittii, 5-6 cars on the yards, what the H ?

Yes, in the 1960's, Glenbrook Valley was home of the upper middle class. It was a great neighborhood to trick-or-treat and a great neighborhood to cruise during the Christmas season to check out the Christmas decorations.

The empty lot by the Glenbrook Golf Course on the corner of Glenbrook Street and Arizona Street I believe, was the location where my friends, their relatives, their neighbors, my brother and I played football in the late '60's, early '70's.

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I had heard where the Chase Bank is now used to be the site of their old Mansion. I think someone said there was also one where the Sonic is.

The guy in the Asian style house is a descendent of the Christy's circus that they talk about in that Telephone Road book.

When Lisa Gray did that "Battle of Glenbrook" article T.C. was quick to point out to her that he is single, available, and listed in the phone book. So PappillionWyngs if you change your mind..... :lol:

Uh, I am VERY happily married for 4 years now this Thursday, August 28th (Lord willing). So- no thanks!

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  • 1 month later...

Considering a house in Glenbrook and wondering about some things that I take for granted in my current location. Would love to hear from folks who know the area about things like:

  • Decent, well-lit running trail? Someplace safe/populated if running alone.
  • Interesting restaurants or cafes in the area.
  • Time to commute to downtown/Best route.
  • Someplace good to grab a beer.
  • Thoughts on/experience with local schools.

Would also be interested to hear any thoughts people might have about the area's future. I know that light rail is being planned along the SE corridor and that there are a couple of East End coalitions trying to push redevelopment and beautification out that way.

I'm a realist (I know every area has their own issues) and am definitely not looking for a cookie cutter neighborhood. But I really have no experience with this side of town at all. Any feedback would be apprecoated.

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Decent, well-lit running trail? Someplace safe/populated if running alone - new walking/running path being built along Sims bayou. But boyfriend just heads to Memorial Park from here for his runs. I do see folks running in the neighborhood, but not as scenic as Memorial Park.

Interesting restaurants or cafes in the area - there are a few local spots. In fact there is a group of about 20 residents who get together every other month for dinner out in the area. either to try something new or revisit an area favorite. There's not much in the way of cafe to sit outside and people watch. but some good local spots.

Time to commute to downtown/Best route. - 12 minutes to downtown in the mornings. Take 45 N. There are other ways avoiding the freeway but they actually take longer unless there is a major accident on the freeway.

Someplace good to grab a beer - I recommend a neighbor's house. I haven't ventured out to too many area bars, there are a few. I haven't had to venture out to explore this too much as there is always a neighbor up for a glass of wine or a beer on one of our patios

Thoughts on/experience with local schools - no clue, but I think many in the area send their kids to private schools

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i want to hear more about glenbrook too. i'm about to become a new homeowner (hopefully me and the SO will close on the 7510 Cayton property at the end of October/first week of Nov) and I know nothing about this area as well...

i do want to add - is there anything comparable to whole foods/organic food, et cetera in this area?

thnx. :)

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I have done as much research on GBV schools as possible since considering moving into the neigborhood. A great resource for any area is schooldigger.com. What I have found is that the elementary schools are quite badly rated and the privates are not much better. So for us if we purchased in GBV we would have to move as soon as our daughter was ready to go to school. I have also looked into other kid type activites in the area and did not come up with much there either, our little one loves gymnastics and we would have to drive down to Clear Lake area several times a week for that. Whereas other areas of the city that would not be the case.

Stolitx did give a good tip on a park closeby.

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I have done as much research on GBV schools as possible since considering moving into the neigborhood. A great resource for any area is schooldigger.com. What I have found is that the elementary schools are quite badly rated and the privates are not much better. So for us if we purchased in GBV we would have to move as soon as our daughter was ready to go to school. I have also looked into other kid type activites in the area and did not come up with much there either, our little one loves gymnastics and we would have to drive down to Clear Lake area several times a week for that. Whereas other areas of the city that would not be the case.

Stolitx did give a good tip on a park closeby.

Keep in mind that there are a number of good private schools that aren't that far from GV; near the medical center, for example, or in Montrose. If you send your child to a private school that is reasonably close to where you live you'll find other kids from your neighborhood are also attending there. You may not have to move. There are also HISD magnets, and while many of the good magnets are clear across town from GV, there are a few good ones closer to the SE part of the city. If you have enough time to do your research, you'll probably find some good options.

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I have done as much research on GBV schools as possible since considering moving into the neigborhood. A great resource for any area is schooldigger.com. What I have found is that the elementary schools are quite badly rated and the privates are not much better. So for us if we purchased in GBV we would have to move as soon as our daughter was ready to go to school. I have also looked into other kid type activites in the area and did not come up with much there either, our little one loves gymnastics and we would have to drive down to Clear Lake area several times a week for that. Whereas other areas of the city that would not be the case.

Stolitx did give a good tip on a park closeby.

I saw information on the HISD website that kind of indicated the same thing. I grew up in HISD myself so I know that the magnet school program is an option provided you have the flexibility to drive your kids to school in another part of town.

We don't have kids yet, but we're thinking about it. And I don't know if it's hopelessly naive, but I wonder what the impact would be if people moving into the area tried to be "pioneering" with local schools. That is to say, enrolling their kids and beginning to demand better locally. I guess they'll never improve if people don't take an interest in them.

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Yes I know, but when you add up your extra time, mileage and gas expenses it hard to justify it. If you need to drive extra all the time, just kind of calculate that into your mortgage, are you ahead by purchasing there?

I know the homes north of Bellfort really kick ass, but I really considered this since we had this same senario when we lived in Long Beach and drove out of our neigborhood for everything, that got real tired real fast. If it was just my wife and I, likely we would take a shot in GBV regardless, but with a little one there is so much more to think about.

I think its a great notion to change a school system but I don't think thats ever going to happen.

Thats a cool house you bought. We thought about it but could not make the numbers work out, restoration costs vs home value comps

Edited by retromodernjeff
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Yes I know, but when you add up your extra time, mileage and gas expenses it hard to justify it. If you need to drive extra all the time, just kind of calculate that into your mortgage, are you ahead by purchasing there?

I know the homes north of Bellfort really kick ass, but I really considered this since we had this same senario when we lived in Long Beach and drove out of our neigborhood for everything, that got real tired real fast.

Sure. That's absolutely a fair point. On the other hand, given the price of other close in neighborhoods, what other options are there? I haven't been able to find the answer. There isn't much in my price range between downtown and the far west side where schools are better (there are a few houses in my range - but nothing that excites me).

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