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Okay, I admit it. I never watch local news. I heard though that one of Stolitx's neighbors, a crazy old man with everything from a rebel flag to a monument to George Wallace on his lawn, was on the news because of it. His latest addition being a homophobic hand scrawled sign. Just lovely.

I know the house since I work the area for real estate. Somebody fill me in I missed the newscast.

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I saw it. It was either on KHOU or KTRK, can't remember, I was switching back and forth. But, the guy had a smallish homemade sign tacked up on a tree in his front yard that read: Queers and Child Molesters will Burn in Hell.

They interviewed him and was he ever an embarrassment to heteros everywhere! He sounded like a total moron, and he had this very strange long waxed handlebar moustache that curled up around his little rat-like face. Gawd!

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  • 8 months later...

It's T.C. Burton's house on the corner of Santa Elena & Glencrest. The civic club forced him to take down the signage. He still has a rebel flag in his window I think. That corner is a saga in and of itselft. The story I heard on the guy is that was originally his parents house. He inherited it or something. When he was little his parents used to send him to elementary school in a chauffer driven Cadillac. Every Christmas they had a giant gold santa on a mechanical bucking bronco in the yard. Across the street is another lifetime veteran of the neighborhood that fought with him about the signs. He presented him with a pre-printed one at one point b/c after all, if you are going to put up an ugly sign like that, at least get it printed and don't use the tacky hand scrawled one. I don't think T.C. appreciated the gesture, which was sort of the intention. The neighbor guy goes out and buys a couple or three new Mercedes, then gets bored and in a few months goes and gets a small fleet of Lincolns, and then something else and so on. Since he doesn't always trade in his cars, he bought the house next door and tore it down to provide space to store extra cars as they build up. It's a drama filled corner.

I was negotiating to buy the house next door to Mr. Burton's but the neighbors on the other side offered to pay cash for it so they could have it for their son and I was out of luck! Too bad, I was really looking forward to living next door to him and driving him crazy!

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I was negotiating to buy the house next door to Mr. Burton's but the neighbors on the other side offered to pay cash for it so they could have it for their son and I was out of luck! Too bad, I was really looking forward to living next door to him and driving him crazy!

I would have sooo loved for you to have been his neighbor.

I heard that the city has been called about his backyard not being maintained, calls to 311 I guess. Other neighbors are concerned about the vermin that are likely making a home in the back yard jungle. I heard the city person who went to look was too scared to actually knock on the door.

I've met him, he asked me out.

Call me crazy, I declined.

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  • 11 months later...
Okay, I admit it. I never watch local news. I heard though that one of Stolitx's neighbors, a crazy old man with everything from a rebel flag to a monument to George Wallace on his lawn, was on the news because of it. His latest addition being a homophobic hand scrawled sign. Just lovely.

I know the house since I work the area for real estate. Somebody fill me in I missed the newscast.

Maybe I am not in the right forum but I just wanted to add this bit of kind words about Glenbrook Valley I mentioned on another thread...

I am sure there is a thread/topic relating to Glenbrook Valley. I would love to toss in my great memories of what it was like circa 1968-72. My mom would round all of us kids up take us to the olympic sized pool and let us enjoy the day there. I am almost sure that that pool was considerd a state-of-the-art feat for its day here in Houston. I heard they used to have high-profile events there on occasion. I recall how ship-shape it was kept. They had some of the best life-gaurds (pretty ladies too) on hand. They really kept the kids in line! The most exciting part was the "platform" high dive. Man, you had to have real you know whats to get up there. Once on top shame on you if you chickened out! It seemed like the whole world had thier eyes on you. I'll bet even as an adult many of us would turn back or feel 15 years old again once up there. That place was so together they made sure everyone showered at that outside shower head (pull the string). We were so happy to always go to that Dairy Queen at the end of the golf course. You would work up a big appetite after swimming so much.

Fast forward to now. Last time I heard and saw the place it went down the tubes. I recall one of our coaches from Austin HS lived right on the corner of one of those streets heading in to the pool. That neighborhhod looked terrible too. Grafittii, 5-6 cars on the yards, what the H ?

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I'm not sure what GBV 1 and GBV 2 designate but the homes north of Bellfort an on either side of Broadway are of higher value and generally of larger size than those south of Bellfort. There's a fairly shabby apartment/condo complex with a large number of ramshod Vietnamese businesses mixed in but it's less dicey crime wise than the complexes south of Bellfort along Broadway.

If you pull out a map, find Santa Elena street and take it in either direction away from Broadway, and the homes in those areas are very nice, with nice landscaping (some homes sit along Sims Bayou).

There are some solid homes south of Rock Hill on either side of Broadway as well but they generally aren't as elaborate, as well maintained or as high in value as the homes north of Bellfort and on either side of Broadway.

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I keep reading about desireable and less desireable parts of Glenbrook Valley, but I'm not sure which is which. Also the HAR listings show Glenbrook Valey 1 and Glenbrook Valley 2. What do those designations mean?

there are multiple sections in glenbrook, there are over 10. Many larger neighborhoods are divided this way as homes were built at different times. RPS can give you specifics of which section is where.

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there are multiple sections in glenbrook, there are over 10. Many larger neighborhoods are divided this way as homes were built at different times. RPS can give you specifics of which section is where.

rps would know what the difference between 1 and 2 are. Also keep in mind that the realtor listing the property might not get the sections right either. But like already stated, north of Bellfort is considered more desirable and the homes and lots are much larger.

Of course the prices reflect that as well. There are some lovely homes & streets south of Bellfort but that is the general difference.

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Also keep in mind that the realtor listing the property might not get the sections right either.

Actually I think the listing system pulls this in for the fluffy bunnys automatically from HCAD data.

Overall, I wouldn't worry about the section number, so much as what the area looks like. The section number is part of the legal description of the lot and may or may not have any bearing on what sections are good, and what aren't.

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Like many older transitional neighborhoods, there is a variety of housing stock in Glenbrook and some sections are very different from others.

The sections between Sims Bayou and Bellfort typically have the collection of largest homes on the largest lots. The lots backing up to Sims Bayou can run over an acre. Both sides of Broadway are good. I have heard some people comment that they thought the section around Colgate and Deleon was the best maintained, others like the slightly older homes and small hills around Glen Dell, Stony Dell and Santa Elena on the other side of Broadway. Some streets look better than others, Colgate for example, has better curb appeal than Dover one street over, and Glencrest generally looks better than Glen Valley.

There is one section north of Bellfort over off of Glenloch. There are some nice homes but typically they are a little smaller and some of the lots aren't as large as the Colgate, Santa Elena, etc sections. The proximity of this section to the run-down complexes on Leonora affects the value some, but they are still nice homes and a lot of nice trees.

The worst section, IMO is section 4 and 6, which is south of Bellfort, east of Broadway, between the park and Bellfort. There are some nice well maintained homes in there, but just enough train wrecks to ruin the look of the area. Hopefully some programs we are working on to improve that will help.

There is a really nice section just north and west of Lewis elementary that is really nice, and Cayton has a lot of great modern, albeit more modest, ranch homes.

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The worst section, IMO is section 4 and 6, which is south of Bellfort, east of Broadway, between the park and Bellfort.

I wholeheartedly agree. There's a beige house on the left along Glencrest heading south at around Glen Vista (maybe) that's just absolutely ridiculous. And then two doors down, there's a house also on the left that's being used essentially as a trash pile. They stick out like two sore thumbs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a house north of Lewis Elemetary. What programs are in place for the neighborhood? Is there a civic association? And, how do you become involved? It looks like they doing major road repairs on Telephone Rd., is that a sign of new businesses coming into the area?

Like many older transitional neighborhoods, there is a variety of housing stock in Glenbrook and some sections are very different from others.

The sections between Sims Bayou and Bellfort typically have the collection of largest homes on the largest lots. The lots backing up to Sims Bayou can run over an acre. Both sides of Broadway are good. I have heard some people comment that they thought the section around Colgate and Deleon was the best maintained, others like the slightly older homes and small hills around Glen Dell, Stony Dell and Santa Elena on the other side of Broadway. Some streets look better than others, Colgate for example, has better curb appeal than Dover one street over, and Glencrest generally looks better than Glen Valley.

There is one section north of Bellfort over off of Glenloch. There are some nice homes but typically they are a little smaller and some of the lots aren't as large as the Colgate, Santa Elena, etc sections. The proximity of this section to the run-down complexes on Leonora affects the value some, but they are still nice homes and a lot of nice trees.

The worst section, IMO is section 4 and 6, which is south of Bellfort, east of Broadway, between the park and Bellfort. There are some nice well maintained homes in there, but just enough train wrecks to ruin the look of the area. Hopefully some programs we are working on to improve that will help.

There is a really nice section just north and west of Lewis elementary that is really nice, and Cayton has a lot of great modern, albeit more modest, ranch homes.

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I just bought a house north of Lewis Elemetary. What programs are in place for the neighborhood? Is there a civic association? And, how do you become involved? It looks like they doing major road repairs on Telephone Rd., is that a sign of new businesses coming into the area?

What street did you buy on? There is a civic club and there are several programs they are working on to improve the area. There is a whole episode of drama going on regarding Broadway Blvd too.

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The street is Alanwood. I am interested in becoming involved as soon as move in. What's going on with Broadway? Is it the condo issue?

What street did you buy on? There is a civic club and there are several programs they are working on to improve the area. There is a whole episode of drama going on regarding Broadway Blvd too.
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The street is Alanwood. I am interested in becoming involved as soon as move in. What's going on with Broadway? Is it the condo issue?

There was a one story house over there that never had any pictures on MLS that recently went under contract. I think I know which one it is. I listed and sold the big mod on the corner recently.

That section is actually Barkerwood, which technically is not Glenbrook Valley. There are deed restrictions & at one time I had a copy but I think I pitched them. I know I gave Ann Collum the GVCC President a set though.

I would certainly encourage you to attend the next Glenbrook Valley Civic Club meeting on the 15th at the Methodist church on Wilmerdean and Glen Valley. I would like to see us include Barkerwood as much as possible since it is intertwined with Glenbrook proper.

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That is the house. I know the subdivision is Barkerwood, but assumed that because of its size that it probably had no civic group. I too would like to see it included in the Glenbrook Valley initiatives as it is so close in proximity. Unfortunately, the 15th is the day I close, so I doubt I will be able to attend the meeting. But, I want to get engaged as soon as I can. Do you know the date of the next meeting? Thanks for the reply.

There was a one story house over there that never had any pictures on MLS that recently went under contract. I think I know which one it is. I listed and sold the big mod on the corner recently.

That section is actually Barkerwood, which technically is not Glenbrook Valley. There are deed restrictions & at one time I had a copy but I think I pitched them. I know I gave Ann Collum the GVCC President a set though.

I would certainly encourage you to attend the next Glenbrook Valley Civic Club meeting on the 15th at the Methodist church on Wilmerdean and Glen Valley. I would like to see us include Barkerwood as much as possible since it is intertwined with Glenbrook proper.

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The meeting is not until 7 in the evening. Let me check with Stolitx to see when the next one is. Another HAIF'er lives behind you in that mod on the corner of Conlon and Broadview or Pecan Villas, I can't remember which street that is.

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The meeting is not until 7 in the evening. Let me check with Stolitx to see when the next one is. Another HAIF'er lives behind you in that mod on the corner of Conlon and Broadview or Pecan Villas, I can't remember which street that is.

ah i only knew of you and stoli. they a regular here?

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The meeting is not until 7 in the evening. Let me check with Stolitx to see when the next one is. Another HAIF'er lives behind you in that mod on the corner of Conlon and Broadview or Pecan Villas, I can't remember which street that is.

I don't know the date of the next General Meeting after the one this week on Thursday at 7:00. They aren't monthly (I think we do 6 per year). I'll see if I can find out something. You can certainly attend the General Meetings, you just couldn't vote on any matters the board brought to the meeting. But there are often guests from surrounding neighborhoods in the area.

Also you might want to consider joining the Hobby Area Chamber of Commerce. It's a joint business and residential Chamber. Many area reseidents from variety of subdivisions and civic clubs are members along with area businesses. Great way to hear what is going on, influence area decisions, etc.

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  • 4 months later...

One of the old "Parade of Homes" houses is coming available. It is well-maintained by the long term owner, and retains a lot of original features. Hardwoods are under the carpet in most areas, living area with exposed brick wall, vintage tile baths, appliances included, the den, 4th bedroom and 3rd bath were added at some point, but they were there when the current owners bought the house in 1967. (Tha addition is not reflected on HCAD sq footage or on the original Parade of Homes brochure). The paneled den features a raised beamed ceiling and curving bar. French doors from the den and from the Master bedroom to the pool area. $149,900





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The ad states that the house is at 7607 Cayton.

It is zoned to (Houston ISD):

* Lewis Elementary School (K-3)

* Bellfort Academy (4-5)

* Ortiz Middle School (6-8)

* Chavez High School (9-12)

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