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Houston's 10 Hottest Female Newscasters


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Serious question: why do people watch local news?

I occasionally try to catch Channel 26's sports, because Mark Berman is always two steps ahead of his competition with regards to breaking local sports news...and because they seem to be the only local station that covers UH (and Rice) athletics.

Side note on Mia Gradney...I saw one of her reports while flipping through channels a few months back, something on fashion or swimsuits or something. What made me stop was seeing her standing next to the models. You wouldn't know it from seeing her behind the desk, but she must be at least 6' tall! If she's not 6' tall then the models she was standing with must have been full-blooded Cajun women!

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To find out what's going on locally?

Local news is available in print, and in greater detail.

Serious answer: See post #6.

Maybe I've just got excessively high standards compared to most guys in the target audience, but I've never actually dated a woman that wasn't at least as attractive as that without being made up for a photo shoot. I'm sorry, but unless they start wearing bikinis on air, I just don't see the point in watching. Been there, done (better than) that. When it comes down to it, even television personalities are just regular people like the rest of us, anyway.

Moreover, Telemundo is a better source of televised content featuring well-endowed scantily-clad women.

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Maybe I've just got excessively high standards compared to most guys in the target audience, but I've never actually dated a woman that wasn't at least as attractive as that without being made up for a photo shoot.

OH brother! Dude, if you're not going to back up lame remarks like that with pics, then you deserve all of the derision that makers of lame remarks like that get. Only one type of man brags like that...the one that never gets any. Go back to looking at porn or analyzing economic crises.

Are we going to compare penis sizes next?

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Side note on Mia Gradney...I saw one of her reports while flipping through channels a few months back, something on fashion or swimsuits or something. What made me stop was seeing her standing next to the models. You wouldn't know it from seeing her behind the desk, but she must be at least 6' tall! If she's not 6' tall then the models she was standing with must have been full-blooded Cajun women!

Getting a bit off topic, but are you saying that Cajun women typically tend to be on the taller side, or was she dwarfing them?

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Maybe I've just got excessively high standards compared to most guys in the target audience, but I've never actually dated a woman that wasn't at least as attractive as that without being made up for a photo shoot.


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True, but what's wrong with having televised supplements?

If you've already gotten all the details, then what's the point?

I guess there may be something to it if it's an emergency situation of some sort. Or coverage of a big fire or a refinery explosion. Live coverage has better potential to catch grisly scenes, after all, that just can't be communicated in print.

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OH brother! Dude, if you're not going to back up lame remarks like that with pics, then you deserve all of the derision that makers of lame remarks like that get. Only one type of man brags like that...the one that never gets any. Go back to looking at porn or analyzing economic crises.

Are we going to compare penis sizes next?

Uh, no. I don't post pics of my ex-girlfriends on an internet message board. That would be totally asinine and disrespectful to these people. I mean, you're making some pretty crude personal attacks even now, and I'd venture to say that if I were inclined to turn this thread into my own personal Facebook page (as you and others are basically asking), you'd only attack me for being that guy--and rightly so.

The remark was an honest one, at least insofar as beauty is subjective and as I am biased to my own perspective. ...for instance, I'd rather see the blemish and the thin lips than the makeup that I already know is hiding the blemish and the thin lips. So yeah, there is that.

I have broken up with both Heidi Klum and Marisa Miller, both times because they weren't up to my usual standards of excellence and wore too much makeup.

That, and Heidi started making eyes at Niche.

I didn't articulate my point as well as I should have. It's not that these TV newswomen aren't attractive. Most of them are, but I cannot fathom how they are perceived as so remarkable by most people that there have to be published lists with comments on the sidebar in the Houston Press and long threads on HAIF that don't really go anywhere. I guess I just don't understand the American fixation on celebrity.

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I guess I just don't understand the American fixation on celebrity.

Me either, Niche. It's so odd that this society likes to build up individuals to the point of celebrity, e.g. Paris Hilton - famous for being famous, then pick them apart for being human.

As Marshall McLuhan said, "The Medium is the Message." That is why television reporters are attractive or have the appearance of being authoritative or knowledgeable. Irving R. Levine may not have been anybody's idea of handsome but the bow tie made it easier to believe he knew what he was talking about ;)

As far as the popularity contest goes, I was a little surprised not to see Mia Gradney on the list too. I think she's got a great smile, very animated eyes, and I love the bangs. My teenage daughter tells me bangs are coming back.

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Hey, at least you guys have a list. How they cobbled together that alleged 'hottest male news guys' list, I have no idea. Such a lack of visual interest for the ladies in the audience. Well, there is that cute number 2 weather guy on 13. Isn't it time that Tim Heller went on vacation, or something? ;)

I have to applaud Niche for sticking to his guns here. It's always nice to see a man call BS on the makeup, fake tans, collagen lips, and the like that make up the arbitrary metrics of attractiveness.

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Serious question: why do people watch local news?

some people don't have internet/access to internet or newspapers to look at?

I have internet, obviously, but watch it so i don't become an internet addict.

It's whatever's more convenient at the time for me. TV Station's web sites have the same story online and on-air, except maybe links. If you really want more depth, you have to go to newspaper's websites.

I frequent hcnonline.com for the Pasadena Citizen, and chron.com

As for TV Station News, I watch FOX 26 and ABC 13, sometimes channel2 and CW39

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I have to applaud Niche for sticking to his guns here. It's always nice to see a man call BS on the makeup, fake tans, collagen lips, and the like that make up the arbitrary metrics of attractiveness.

What's to applaud? The 'I date better' claim is one of the oldest locker room lines in existence, usually made to cover up the fact that one cannot even hope to impress the hotties, and to hide the jealousy that someone else does. I'm no fan of the fake boob and celebrity crowd either, but I'm not going to sit here and make grandiose locker room claims if I don't intend to post pics to back it up. And, if they look good, I'll at least admit it.

...and no, I'm not posting pics. :lol:

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What's to applaud? The 'I date better' claim is one of the oldest locker room lines in existence, usually made to cover up the fact that one cannot even hope to impress the hotties, and to hide the jealousy that someone else does.

:lol: Go easy on the beav. He probably has not spent much time in locker rooms, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I don't think he's the type to get jealous over someone else's hottie girlfriend. They require too much capital expenditure.

And you, mister, really should post those pics. :lol: In lieu of anything more salacious, we anxiously await photos of your dogs frolicking in the new garage.

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:lol: Go easy on the beav. He probably has not spent much time in locker rooms, and that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I don't think he's the type to get jealous over someone else's hottie girlfriend. They require too much capital expenditure.

And you, mister, really should post those pics. :lol: In lieu of anything more salacious, we anxiously await photos of your dogs frolicking in the new garage.

Nope. Can't post any. As I have dated some of the most beautiful and famous women in all of Houston, for me to post pics would possibly get some of them in trouble with their SOs. I have been sworn to secrecy. I do not kiss and tell, even if they ARE hotter than Mia Gradney (or could it BE Mia Gradney? I'll never tell! ;) ) I'm kinda like that dude on the Dos Equis commercial. And you KNOW he never tells.


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What's to applaud? The 'I date better' claim is one of the oldest locker room lines in existence, usually made to cover up the fact that one cannot even hope to impress the hotties, and to hide the jealousy that someone else does. I'm no fan of the fake boob and celebrity crowd either, but I'm not going to sit here and make grandiose locker room claims if I don't intend to post pics to back it up. And, if they look good, I'll at least admit it.

Crunch is right that I haven't spent much time in locker rooms. I exercise at home, for free. Perhaps not coincidentally, she was also on target with the remark about capital expenditures.

Having said that, you're correct that I don't have very many relationships. I've been told by friends (with lower standards) that I have an exceptionally high success rate at initiating relationships, however I experience great difficulty identifying women I'm actually attracted to such that I'd want to bother. ...of course, attraction is a much broader issue than what we've made of it here.

If you want my complete rationale behind relationships and sex, I'd be glad to articulate it in a PM. However, I've gone just about as far as I care to on the public side of HAIF.

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