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Think like a Mexican criminal


Cash or No Cash  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I carry no cash or lots of cash?

    • Carry lots of cash
    • Don't carry any cash
    • Carry just a little cash
    • Other, please explain

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So I'm driving down into Mexico this weekend and wanted your thoughts.

I'm not paranoid, but I just want to be prepared. Maybe if anyone has experience, you can help me.

My concern are criminals pulling me over to rob me. Most likely they just want as much money from me as possible. Normally, I don't carry much cash with me b/c I use a credit card. At the same time, I try to carry a lot more cash with me when traveling.

Which do you think would be wiser on this trip...to carry no cash so that if I get pulled over and robbed at gunpoint I have no money to give them and therefore lose nothing. Of course, my life could be in danger at this point.

Or should I carry maybe two hundred dollars so they don't get mad and are satisfied with their loot and spare my life since they got what they came for? This may be the safer option, even if I lose money, simply cuz it could save my life.

I don't want them upset b/c all I have are clothes in a bag and credit cards. Know what I mean, Vern??

What do yall think?

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So I'm driving down into Mexico this weekend and wanted your thoughts.

What do yall think?

I am nearly 50 years old and been here all my life. It has never ever been advisable to drive into Mexico. and that is more true now than ever. Do you have to drive? You have no other options?

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I've never had any problems in mexico, but then again, I always go Native.

Don't go around advertising that you're American or any trappings of "Having money" and you should be okay.

When I vacationed in Mexico, I just used the ATM a lot, you get a better rate.

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I'm going to a wedding with my girlfriend. We'll be going in her car and she still has Mexican plates (not that it necessarily means a ton.) We should be getting to her town, Chihuahua around 7ish, still daylight.

We thought about flying but of course her family wants her to bring all this stuff back. She's been making the trip herself multiple times a year for the past nine years and she's been fine. Of course, all it takes is one time. (it actually happened to her as a kid and she was held at gunpoint with her family.)

If it makes any difference to keep from looking American, she says I look like I could be from her state easily.

I also did a little research and it seems like there's not really any violence in the border city we'll be passing through, so that's a little more comforting.

I guess if you guys don't hear from me by Tuesday, I'll be dead. Or maybe I'll be on tv or in the chron.

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So I'm driving down into Mexico this weekend and wanted your thoughts.

I'm not paranoid, but I just want to be prepared. Maybe if anyone has experience, you can help me.

My concern are criminals pulling me over to rob me. Most likely they just want as much money from me as possible. Normally, I don't carry much cash with me b/c I use a credit card. At the same time, I try to carry a lot more cash with me when traveling.

Which do you think would be wiser on this trip...to carry no cash so that if I get pulled over and robbed at gunpoint I have no money to give them and therefore lose nothing. Of course, my life could be in danger at this point.

Or should I carry maybe two hundred dollars so they don't get mad and are satisfied with their loot and spare my life since they got what they came for? This may be the safer option, even if I lose money, simply cuz it could save my life.

I don't want them upset b/c all I have are clothes in a bag and credit cards. Know what I mean, Vern??

What do yall think?

Specifically where in Mexico are you going? If you'll be in the large cities and on well-trafficked highways, stick with ricco's suggestion on frequent ATM use and have just enough cash on you that it is plausible that you aren't holding any back. If you'll be out in the rural areas where ATMs may be readily available then you should attempt to conceal most of your money, but not all of it. My dad has always used a money belt for that kind of thing, and luckily has never needed it. An alternative is to sew it into your boxers. I've been smart enough not to put myself in that kind of risky situation, though.

EDIT: Considering where you're going, use a money belt or the sewing trick. That, and just try to blend in and not look too wealthy.

Edited by TheNiche
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Specifically where in Mexico are you going? If you'll be in the large cities and on well-trafficked highways, stick with ricco's suggestion on frequent ATM use and have just enough cash on you that it is plausible that you aren't holding any back. If you'll be out in the rural areas where ATMs may be readily available then you should attempt to conceal most of your money, but not all of it. My dad has always used a money belt for that kind of thing, and luckily has never needed it. An alternative is to sew it into your boxers. I've been smart enough not to put myself in that kind of risky situation, though.

EDIT: Considering where you're going, use a money belt or the sewing trick. That, and just try to blend in and not look too wealthy.

If I do get held up, I couldn't care less if I lose any money, or even if it's a lot, so I'm not really interested in trying to hide money. I have plenty in the bank. If I need to carry $2-500 just to save my life, I'm fine with it. I'm just tryin to think like a criminal here.

We'll be driving her car which is one of those Chevy's that looks like a PT Cruiser (and LRH or somethin'), so it's nice, but not super nice. Besides restroom breaks, I don't see us ever getting out of the car, so the only blending in I can do is by staying in the car. I'll try not to dress up too nice just in case we do decide to get out for a bite to eat, and maybe even then we'll try to use a drive through if available.

We're going to Chihuahua city, which is a decent size city, but like any road trip, there will be miles and miles of rural area which I suppose is where they do most of their robbing?

Anyone know if they tend to kill those they rob? I would assume most of the killings we hear and read about are those involved in drugs and have a lot of money. I don't think I'm a very good target for killing and I guess even if they did, it would probably be pretty easy to get away with.

So what do yall think, carry maybe $150, $200 dollars? Or maybe just $60. All three of you have voted for carrying a little cash. What is that to y'all?

Also, even though I may look a Mexican, yall know my spanish is somewhat poor, and for sure it's not fluent, so if I open my mouth, they'll know I'm from the USA. Not sure if that will matter or not.

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If you're seriously preparing yourself for robbery at gunpoint or more, I'd tell her sorry and stay home.

I have no idea what the percent chance of us being robbed is. I just know it's possible. I'm not scared or even paranoid, but I think it's wise to think it through and at least be prepared. And to that you may say...it's wise to fly or stay home; touche!

Ah well...we shall see.

Still accepting any other tips, tricks and advice for "Survivor Mexico."

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I have no idea what the percent chance of us being robbed is. I just know it's possible. I'm not scared or even paranoid, but I think it's wise to think it through and at least be prepared. And to that you may say...it's wise to fly or stay home; touche!

Ah well...we shall see.

Still accepting any other tips, tricks and advice for "Survivor Mexico."

I'd have to agree with Sev.

Having been there many times, I've never been robbed, but just mind your manners. The odds of being mugged in Mexico is just the same here, use your head, kid. Geez.

Do have some recollections of having problems with the Federales (bribing to get out of tickets), but the Government is cracking down on the crap.

Little money while traveling? 200 bucks.

Edit: Idiot spelling

Edited by ricco67
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Since you are traveling with a local and the car has Mexican plates, I think you should be fine.

Of course many things can happen, but they can happen everywhere. I feel safer driving in Mexico than in some areas of Houston late at night.

Don't take much cash, I usually try to keep $200-$300 around me that I know would "buy" my way out of any problem I can encounter. I usually take my ATM and a couple of credit cards when driving down there.

Good luck and have fun!

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The odds of begging mugged in Mexico is just the same here, use your head, kid. Geez.

That's one hell of a double entendre, considering that it pertains to girlfriend issues.

Lockmat, if you like your GF, you need to go. Don't chicken out on this or she'll lose respect for you. This is especially true of Mexican culture, where machismo is a big deal. And don't let anybody tell you differently; growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, this is a lesson I had to learn the hard way.

A $200 surplus above your budgeted expenditures is good enough to be plausible.

Edited by TheNiche
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So I'm driving down into Mexico this weekend and wanted your thoughts.

I'm not paranoid, but I just want to be prepared. Maybe if anyone has experience, you can help me.

My concern are criminals pulling me over to rob me. Most likely they just want as much money from me as possible. Normally, I don't carry much cash with me b/c I use a credit card. At the same time, I try to carry a lot more cash with me when traveling.

Which do you think would be wiser on this trip...to carry no cash so that if I get pulled over and robbed at gunpoint I have no money to give them and therefore lose nothing. Of course, my life could be in danger at this point.

Or should I carry maybe two hundred dollars so they don't get mad and are satisfied with their loot and spare my life since they got what they came for? This may be the safer option, even if I lose money, simply cuz it could save my life.

I don't want them upset b/c all I have are clothes in a bag and credit cards. Know what I mean, Vern??

What do yall think?

I dunno ... I think if I was that scared of traveling I'd probably just stay home ... or go somewhere where I felt safer.

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Having been there many times, I've never been robbed, but just mind your manners. The odds of being mugged in Mexico is just the same here, use your head, kid. Geez.

I have a friend who moved from Guadalajara to Houston years ago. He still drives back about once a year. He says that if anyone in a rural area is trying to flag you down in the middle of the road that you should just try to run them over. If they get you to stop your as good as dead.

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I have a friend who moved from Guadalajara to Houston years ago. He still drives back about once a year. He says that if anyone in a rural area is trying to flag you down in the middle of the road that you should just try to run them over. If they get you to stop your as good as dead.

Ha, good advice, thanks.

And let me say...I am not scared of going down there. And I am not debating on whether I should go or not; never was. I'm simply trying to prepare myself for the worst. Basically, I guess I'm wondering how much money I need to take in order to buy my life, if I need to.

If the criminals do stop someone, I'm guessing $150-$200 would satisfy them. After all, they can't be expecting everyone to have lots of cash on them.

Also, I know the crime there is real, but I really think the media has played it up a lot, too. For instance, the border violence was all over the news a couple of months ago, now? Nothing.

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After the machismo comment Niche made - if that has anything to do with it, even more reason to stay home <_<

Machismo is a big part of their culture, but it's not well liked. She and others I know from Mexico hate it. She doesn't want me to be like that, and that's part of the reason she likes me.

I won't be going to show my toughness. She and other family members who live in Houston do this all the time, no worries.

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I usually charge all my large puchases and hotel fees since your credit card will give you a better exchange rate than cashing in or using dollars to pay with. I will carry about $200 for fuel, cokes, lunch and impulse purchases and replenish it as I use it up from ATMs. It will be in $10s, $5s and few ones and will carry the majority of it in my left pocket and only about $20 or $30 in my right pocket so I don't have to pull out all of it when I pay for items not just for security but for negotiating also.

I travel to Mexico 6 or 7 times a year, to the border, interior and resorts and have never had any problems, however I try not to look or act like a touist or be the "rude american" and I speak spanish fluently.

Relax and enjoy yourself. You are going to be with a large group of family who know their way around, you should be allright.


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I usually charge all my large puchases and hotel fees since your credit card will give you a better exchange rate than cashing in or using dollars to pay with. I will carry about $200 for fuel, cokes, lunch and impulse purchases and replenish it as I use it up from ATMs. It will be in $10s, $5s and few ones and will carry the majority of it in my left pocket and only about $20 or $30 in my right pocket so I don't have to pull out all of it when I pay for items not just for security but for negotiating also.

I travel to Mexico 6 or 7 times a year, to the border, interior and resorts and have never had any problems, however I try not to look or act like a touist or be the "rude american" and I speak spanish fluently.

Relax and enjoy yourself. You are going to be with a large group of family who know their way around, you should be allright.


Hey, thanks.

But I realized I don't think I was very clear. I guess I'm mostly concerned about getting robbed during the long drive there, in the middle of nowhere. Of course things can still happen, but once we get to the big city I'm not really concerned. It's traveling there and back is what I'm thinking about.

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It's all about being macho!

I don't want to go veering OT, but I stand by my earlier statements. The factors affecting attraction don't have much to do with a cerebral analysis of cultural psychology. The cerebrum can lead the amygdala to dopamine, but it can't make it drink.

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The cerebrum can lead the amygdala to dopamine, but it can't make it drink.

I think I have to take the rest of my day off and drink to that statement and ponder it profusely.

Then again, I'm always looking for a proper excuse to drink.

Having turned in my Mexican card years ago, I don't drink Tequila.

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Ha, good advice, thanks.

And let me say...I am not scared of going down there. And I am not debating on whether I should go or not; never was. I'm simply trying to prepare myself for the worst. Basically, I guess I'm wondering how much money I need to take in order to buy my life, if I need to.

If the criminals do stop someone, I'm guessing $150-$200 would satisfy them. After all, they can't be expecting everyone to have lots of cash on them.

Also, I know the crime there is real, but I really think the media has played it up a lot, too. For instance, the border violence was all over the news a couple of months ago, now? Nothing.

Just curious...are you planning to take the money in US dollars or Mexican pesos? Seems like a native would be carrying pesos, but USD might also be common.

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Just curious...are you planning to take the money in US dollars or Mexican pesos? Seems like a native would be carrying pesos, but USD might also be common.

Good question, I'll have to ask her. I guess I'll have to take enough USD for possible transactions made here. As far as I know, she doesn't have any pesos on her.

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How did the drive go? Any exciting stories?

Sorry for the late response. I wanted to include a few photos for fun sake, too and it took me forever b/c I kept forgetting to recharge the camera battery. They're not of the highest quality, but hey, it is what it is...

As for my safety - I never once felt unsafe or threatened. Ignorance? Maybe. Of course, it didn't even feel like we crossed a border going in. The checkpoint wasn't for a few MILES until after the border. Then there was a checkpoint from the military later on. I must admit that I was intimidated the first time I saw them, which was actually first in a big truck going down the highway with about four guys in the back carrying big automatic weapons; they also had them at the checkpoint. Of course I've seen guns like that and I've seen military, but it was intimidating seeing them both together in the real world when they're actually doing their job.

I never felt threatened either in the city. So, all in all, pretty anticlimatic news concerning this...thankfully.

As for the photos, they're pretty much all of downtown, el centro, which by far had the most pedestrians. Like any city, it has it's nicer areas, but all in all it was very dense everywhere. Although it was very dense, I never really saw what I thought were "apartment complexes." I guess pretty much all homes were single family but most were connected somehow or very very close together with pretty much zero yard space. It had density but other than downtown, there weren't as many people walking around or taking transportation as you might think.

The place is nicknamed the Statue City, but guess what, I barely got one of them in, mainly b/c we drove everywhere and I was the one doing the driving.

And sorry they might seem out of order, I don't know when I loaded them onto Flickr that it scattered them all.




















I thought this was kind of a cool picture just b/c you've got pretty wedding girls sitting down right in front of the church with a portable food stand there, too. The church was sitting in the middle of residential. I tried getting the church in the background but a car was in the way. :(























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I see you drove through Marfa...I take it you went through Presidio/Ojinaga. That's my favorite part of the world right there...La Junta de los Rios.

I've been into OJ a handful of times for grocery shopping and eating, but never any further into the interior from there. Of all the border towns I've been to, Ojinaga is by far the crown jewel of them all. I've never been to a cleaner and nicer border town. The scenery's not bad either.

I'm glad you enjoyed your trip and didn't buy into all the hype.

My wife and I are going to Mexico in a couple months...we're renting a car and driving across the Yucatan. I *think* my Spanish is just good enough to buy gas every so often. My parents are terrified, but I feel like we have nothing to fear. I've always been of the opinion that those who run into trouble were usually looking for it. We're not there to buy or sell drugs or weapons so not too worried (of course, if someone offers, it's bad etiquette to turn it down, right? ;) )

Chihuahua looks beautiful, I'll have to check it out someday. I've actually got an archaeologist friend that just pulled in there this morning on the first leg of his drive into the interior. Numerous friends of mine have driven into and across Mexico over the last 15 years...very Anglo friends of mine. In fact, one of them an actual Englishman. Based on their experiences I've never had any more fear of driving in Mexico than I have driving down Harwin...my biggest obstacle is my poor Spanish.

Edited by Original Timmy Chan's
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