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Your approval of the President so far


President Poll  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Overall, Do You Approve or Disapprove of the Presiden'ts job so far?

    • Strongly Approve - Dem
    • Strongly Approve - Rep
    • Strongly Approve - Ind/Other
    • Somewhat Approve - Dem
    • Somewhat Approve - Rep
    • Somewhat Approve - Ind/Other
    • Somewhat Dissaprove - Dem
    • Somewhat Dissaprove - Rep
    • Somewhat Dissaprove - Ind/Other
    • Strongly Dissaprove - Dem
    • Strongly Dissaprove - Rep
    • Strongly Dissaprove - Ind/Other

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World leaders do not respect him at all:

He snubs our most staunch allies: http://www.guardian....don-brown-talks

Even France is laughing at us: http://www.realclear...ukes_97229.html

He demeans the office of the presidency: http://www.reuters.c...232140920091002

The UN AND the G20 - call for new global currency - http://news.yahoo.co...g20forexuschina

Well, I can't view Youtube at the office (damned IT), so I can't say whether or not your first piece of "evidence" proves anything, but you really have to tilt your head to the side and squint to see Obama as a failure in those other articles. Let's see... the Guardian tells us Obama didn't want to meet with Brown even though Brown is desperate to turn around his dismal public approval ratings. If you've paid even the remotest bit of attention to British politics since Brown took over, you might have known he's got virtually no support in his own country. Obama is playing a game of politics with him, most likely to position himself better with the next PM. Of course, you'd know that if you read unbiased news sources which it looks like you do with the addition of RealClearPolitics on your evidence list. Hmmm... and it looks like RealClearPolitics tells us the French are yet again acting like anti-American d**ks. That's surely Obama's fault. The French are d**ks because of Obama. Oh wait, let's look a little deeper... OMG, the article was written by the notorious Republican propagandist Charles Krauthammer, and this isn't RealClearPolitics, this is RealClearWorld, a deeply far right web rag! And it looks like Obama's plea to the IOC didn't garner the 2016 summer games for Chicago. Whoopty-effing-do. Please remind me exactly who on the IOC can be considered a world leader. And lastly, the dollar thing. Good find there. Wow. I don't wish to explain to you all the mechanics of world economics, but let me give you just a tiny bit of insight into the dollar thing. This is being pushed mostly by China who wants to get out from under their dependence on the US dollar due to certain recent... er... fluctuations in the market (pssst... I'm talking about the recession), all of which happened before Obama was even elected to the presidency. Now tell me, are you one of those people who blindly attribute everything bad in the world to people you dislike, never accepting blame for problems that are your own fault?

Your examples have as much merit as your blind right-wing rhetoric.

How many examples do you want?

How about one? From a legitimate source, of course, and that doesn't require massive amounts of circumstantial inference to come to the same conclusions as you...

Edited by AtticaFlinch
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Well, I can't view Youtube at the office (damned IT), so I can't say whether or not your first piece of "evidence" proves anything, but you really have to tilt your head to the side and squint to see Obama as a failure in those other articles. Let's see... the Guardian tells us Obama didn't want to meet with Brown even though Brown is desperate to turn around his dismal public approval ratings. If you've paid even the remotest bit of attention to British politics since Brown took over, you might have known he's got virtually no support in his own country. Obama is playing a game of politics with him, most likely to position himself better with the next PM. Of course, you'd know that if you read unbiased news sources which it looks like you do with the addition of RealClearPolitics on your evidence list. Hmmm... and it looks like RealClearPolitics tells us the French are yet again acting like anti-American d**ks. That's surely Obama's fault. The French are d**ks because of Obama. Oh wait, let's look a little deeper... OMG, the article was written by the notorious Republican propagandist Charles Krauthammer, and this isn't RealClearPolitics, this is RealClearWorld, a deeply far right web rag! And it looks like Obama's plea to the IOC didn't garner the 2016 summer games for Chicago. Whoopty-effing-do. Please remind me exactly who on the IOC can be considered a world leader. And lastly, the dollar thing. Good find there. Wow. I don't wish to explain to you all the mechanics of world economics, but let me give you just a tiny bit of insight into the dollar thing. This is being pushed mostly by China who wants to get out from under their dependence on the US dollar due to certain recent... er... fluctuations in the market (pssst... I'm talking about the recession), all of which happened before Obama was even elected to the presidency. Now tell me, are you one of those people who blindly attribute everything bad in the world to people you dislike, never accepting blame for problems that are your own fault?

Your examples have as much merit as your blind right-wing rhetoric.

How about one? From a legitimate source, of course, and that doesn't require massive amounts of circumstantial inference to come to the same conclusions as you...

ALright, Ill spend a few minutes correcting them, but when I do, why dont you try to tell me one thing he has done correct! I cant think of one, why dont you tell me!

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ALright, Ill spend a few minutes correcting them, but when I do, why dont you try to tell me one thing he has done correct! I cant think of one, why dont you tell me!

Restored stem cell research funding, brought the economy back up on an upswing, restored a positive image of Americans (and therefore made life easier for travelers and business) abroad. That's three things. Do you want more? Give him time. He'll produce many more positive results. Geez, he's only been in office nine months! It took Bush eight year to destroy and demoralize this country and her values. You ought to give Obama at least a quarter of that time just to repair all the damage done.

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Restored stem cell research funding, brought the economy back up on an upswing, restored a positive image of Americans (and therefore made life easier for travelers and business) abroad. That's three things.

I'm all good and fine with your other claims, but you've been listening to way too much NPR if you think that the economy is on an upswing. Broad measures of the economy indicate that it is worsening at a slower rate than it was 9 months ago. However, the labor markets are in increasingly bad shape.

The graph below represents the number (in thousands) of Americans that have been unemployed for 27 weeks or over. I'm on there.


I'm not attributing this chart to presidential matters, however, whether pertaining to Bush or Obama. I'm just sayin', this probably isn't going to be especially fertile ground from which to draw examples.

Edited by TheNiche
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raw data is the bomb!

one item that frustrates me to no end: lefties whine and moan about a new republican president's effect on the economy months before any legislation has been signed by that pres concerning actual spending. then, a dem pres takes office and the rightie talking heads are calling it that president's economy before any legislation has actually gone into effect.

isn't it true that legislation bush signed concerning spending is in effect until many months into the new president's term? bush's first several months in office occurred while legislation clinton signed into office had yet to take its course, right?

there is a cyclical nature to economics and the annual process of legislation, neither of which are dependent, or a result of, the presidential election cycle.

to blame a presidential administration on the economy ten months into an administration is small minded at best. am i on to something? i think the executive office is given more credit on these issues than it is due.

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I'm all good and fine with your other claims, but you've been listening to way too much NPR if you think that the economy is on an upswing. Broad measures of the economy indicate that it is worsening at a slower rate than it was 9 months ago. However, the labor markets are in increasingly bad shape.

The graph below represents the number (in thousands) of Americans that have been unemployed for 27 weeks or over. I'm on there.


I'm not attributing this chart to presidential matters, however, whether pertaining to Bush or Obama. I'm just sayin', this probably isn't going to be especially fertile ground from which to draw examples.

I'll readily admit that I'm no economist. However, despite my liberal arts education, my current occupation has required a large amount of self-taught business and finance training. During this educational process, I've read unemployment figures are what are called lagging indicators. I've taken it to mean that employment figures will improve after the economy has already nominally improved. Is that education misguided?

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I'll readily admit that I'm no economist. However, despite my liberal arts education, my current occupation has required a large amount of self-taught business and finance training. During this educational process, I've read unemployment figures are what are called lagging indicators. I've taken it to mean that employment figures will improve after the economy has already nominally improved. Is that education misguided?

Generally speaking, you're correct. The labor market is a lagging indicator. But it's also very useful because the labor market data is released with greater frequency than GDP and other quarterly indicators. Additionally, the labor market and to a lesser extent the consumer credit markets are pretty much the only barometric of economic performance that matters in politics.

To quickly review the data, GDP continued to decline in the 2nd quarter, albeit at a slower pace; the three accounts that buoyed it were spending on National Defense (+14%), nondefense Federal (+6.1%), and State & Local (+3.9%). Changes to all other accounts reflect that the worst rate of decline has probably passed, but that we have not hit bottom. Wage & Salary Disbursements data, Personal Consumption & Expenditures data, and Private Fixed Investment all tell that story pretty consistently.

The best leading indicators come out of the Federal Reserve, IMO. The M1 & M2 Money Supplies are growing at annual rates of 18.6% and 7.3%, respectively, however the effects have not yet filtered throughout the economy in such a way as would induce corresponding inflation. This is important! IF YOU HAVE THE WHEREWITHALL TO BUY A HOME OR MAKE OTHER FIXED INVESTMENTS WITH LONG-TERM DEBT, YOU NEED TO DO IT SOON; IF YOU'RE ON AN ARM, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE INTEREST RATE BOOGEY MAN WILL GET YOU IF YOU DON'T RE-FI SOON. ...no seriously, it won't be pretty. The Flow of Funds and Consumer Credit figures tell the same old stories; the state of the nation's finances is still very bad.

The one iota of seemingly-good news is coming from Industrial Production numbers, which indicate that we bottomed out (by that measure) in June. But it has entirely to do with the Keynesian approach, with government spending financed by and increased money supply. It does cause an increase in production and work off some of the excess inventories...but it's only a phantom recovery. Indicators of the private sector are still quite dismal, and the Flow of Funds accounts indicate clearly that the underlying problems have yet to be resolved. If the government pulls away its support too quickly, we deal with a 1933 scenario where we have a second phase of steep declines. If the government continues to provide stimulus at these levels, then we face the marginally-less-destructive effects of inflation.

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Generally speaking, you're correct. The labor market is a lagging indicator. But it's also very useful because the labor market data is released with greater frequency than GDP and other quarterly indicators. Additionally, the labor market and to a lesser extent the consumer credit markets are pretty much the only barometric of economic performance that matters in politics.

To quickly review the data, GDP continued to decline in the 2nd quarter, albeit at a slower pace; the three accounts that buoyed it were spending on National Defense (+14%), nondefense Federal (+6.1%), and State & Local (+3.9%). Changes to all other accounts reflect that the worst rate of decline has probably passed, but that we have not hit bottom. Wage & Salary Disbursements data, Personal Consumption & Expenditures data, and Private Fixed Investment all tell that story pretty consistently.

The best leading indicators come out of the Federal Reserve, IMO. The M1 & M2 Money Supplies are growing at annual rates of 18.6% and 7.3%, respectively, however the effects have not yet filtered throughout the economy in such a way as would induce corresponding inflation. This is important! IF YOU HAVE THE WHEREWITHALL TO BUY A HOME OR MAKE OTHER FIXED INVESTMENTS WITH LONG-TERM DEBT, YOU NEED TO DO IT SOON; IF YOU'RE ON AN ARM, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE INTEREST RATE BOOGEY MAN WILL GET YOU IF YOU DON'T RE-FI SOON. ...no seriously, it won't be pretty. The Flow of Funds and Consumer Credit figures tell the same old stories; the state of the nation's finances is still very bad.

The one iota of seemingly-good news is coming from Industrial Production numbers, which indicate that we bottomed out (by that measure) in June. But it has entirely to do with the Keynesian approach, with government spending financed by and increased money supply. It does cause an increase in production and work off some of the excess inventories...but it's only a phantom recovery. Indicators of the private sector are still quite dismal, and the Flow of Funds accounts indicate clearly that the underlying problems have yet to be resolved. If the government pulls away its support too quickly, we deal with a 1933 scenario where we have a second phase of steep declines. If the government continues to provide stimulus at these levels, then we face the marginally-less-destructive effects of inflation.

In other words, things are pretty bad.

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Generally speaking, you're correct. The labor market is a lagging indicator. But it's also very useful because the labor market data is released with greater frequency than GDP and other quarterly indicators. Additionally, the labor market and to a lesser extent the consumer credit markets are pretty much the only barometric of economic performance that matters in politics.

To quickly review the data, GDP continued to decline in the 2nd quarter, albeit at a slower pace; the three accounts that buoyed it were spending on National Defense (+14%), nondefense Federal (+6.1%), and State & Local (+3.9%). Changes to all other accounts reflect that the worst rate of decline has probably passed, but that we have not hit bottom. Wage & Salary Disbursements data, Personal Consumption & Expenditures data, and Private Fixed Investment all tell that story pretty consistently.

The best leading indicators come out of the Federal Reserve, IMO. The M1 & M2 Money Supplies are growing at annual rates of 18.6% and 7.3%, respectively, however the effects have not yet filtered throughout the economy in such a way as would induce corresponding inflation. This is important! IF YOU HAVE THE WHEREWITHALL TO BUY A HOME OR MAKE OTHER FIXED INVESTMENTS WITH LONG-TERM DEBT, YOU NEED TO DO IT SOON; IF YOU'RE ON AN ARM, YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THE INTEREST RATE BOOGEY MAN WILL GET YOU IF YOU DON'T RE-FI SOON. ...no seriously, it won't be pretty. The Flow of Funds and Consumer Credit figures tell the same old stories; the state of the nation's finances is still very bad.

The one iota of seemingly-good news is coming from Industrial Production numbers, which indicate that we bottomed out (by that measure) in June. But it has entirely to do with the Keynesian approach, with government spending financed by and increased money supply. It does cause an increase in production and work off some of the excess inventories...but it's only a phantom recovery. Indicators of the private sector are still quite dismal, and the Flow of Funds accounts indicate clearly that the underlying problems have yet to be resolved. If the government pulls away its support too quickly, we deal with a 1933 scenario where we have a second phase of steep declines. If the government continues to provide stimulus at these levels, then we face the marginally-less-destructive effects of inflation.

Absolutely. Over the past few years I have acquired a couple of properties, at normal prices. I can't wait for hyper-inflation now! Bring it on! I always wanted to live in a high dollar home... now I may actually get that chance...

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Restored stem cell research funding, brought the economy back up on an upswing, restored a positive image of Americans (and therefore made life easier for travelers and business) abroad. That's three things. Do you want more? Give him time. He'll produce many more positive results. Geez, he's only been in office nine months! It took Bush eight year to destroy and demoralize this country and her values. You ought to give Obama at least a quarter of that time just to repair all the damage done.

I give you one point for stem cell research. I have always found the conservative & christian view of stem cell research a bit strange...I am for stem cell research, and therefore I will say that he has done 1 thing correctly.

As to the economy - I completely 100% agree with Niche here - he has fixed nothing - he has flooded the market with cheap printed money - there has been no upswing...there has only been a slight stall in the losses...I do not attribute ANYTHING Obama has done to helping the economy. Those with money who are ready to invest it and start a business and get this economy going are scared to death of this president and are not willing to risk their cash to have it taken away from them.

On the other hand, as we keep printing the money, those with money are also sitting there watching that cash become worth less...not worthless, but worth less...and there is going to be a trigger point, and I dont know when it is, but that trigger point is where those with lots of money say I better spend it before its worthless....so they may just start investing and buying things.

As to your third point concerning our image abroad - wow, great - a bunch of folks who hate us for our success now hate us less because they are happy that we have been dragged down to their level. I think its ridiculous that he has been on a world wide tour apologizing for Americas success for the last 100 years... He may not love this country but I do - I dont think we need to aoplogize for anything...Bush may not have done everything right, but the world needs to realize that we do not have to ask for their approval to do anything. The world wants America to sit down and stop being the leader....I for one am perfectly fine with us at the top...apparently you are happier being somewhere in the middle....I think it is better for us to dictate the policies to the rest of the world, as opposed to being dictated to....but thats just me....I do not want the US to look like Europe. On this particular point, I would say to the world, if you are going to hate us like you do - fine, but we are suspending aid to every country until we have dealt with our own problems....That would free up a whole bunch of money that we could use here instead of on a bunch of folks who hate us.

So, my conclusion on your three points...I give you 1. The other 2 I reject. He did nothing for the economy other than redistribute wealth (bail outs, cash for clunkers), and he did not fix our image abroad, he merely made us look weaker.

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As to your third point concerning our image abroad - wow, great - a bunch of folks who hate us for our success now hate us less because they are happy that we have been dragged down to their level. I think its ridiculous that he has been on a world wide tour apologizing for Americas success for the last 100 years... He may not love this country but I do - I dont think we need to aoplogize for anything...Bush may not have done everything right, but the world needs to realize that we do not have to ask for their approval to do anything. The world wants America to sit down and stop being the leader....I for one am perfectly fine with us at the top...apparently you are happier being somewhere in the middle....I think it is better for us to dictate the policies to the rest of the world, as opposed to being dictated to....but thats just me....I do not want the US to look like Europe. On this particular point, I would say to the world, if you are going to hate us like you do - fine, but we are suspending aid to every country until we have dealt with our own problems....That would free up a whole bunch of money that we could use here instead of on a bunch of folks who hate us.


he merely made us look weaker.

Hmm, in his short time as president, he has...

1. Called Iran's bluff on their nuclear plant (currently ongoing news)

2. His justice department has helped foil several serious plots (one recently in Dallas).

3. He signed off on (and we were successful) at hunting down and killing a top Al Qaeda operative in Africa.

4. He approved the use of force against pirates off the coast of Africa (which were killed and the Americans were rescued).

5. He has started to take a tougher trade policy stance against China (China is starting to get angry and calling Obama a protectionist because he is not bending over backwards for them like Bush did).

To me, that's a pretty darn good record so far. Obama smiles and the world blushes... but at the same time sends the message to not **** with us, or you will get what's coming to you.

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Inde here (did not vote for him, but he has my support) and I feel he honestly hasn't done anything different than any other president. I find it funny that so many people voted for him to be a "change" from the "normal" politicians, when in fact he is exactly like all the rest.

The economy is the same as it was before he was president.

We are still in the same illegal wars.

The rich are still getting richer while the poor are getting poorer (one of the main factors that tells us this country is decaying)

My faith in our government is still as low as it was with Bush.

He may not have been raised like most of them at a young age, but he sure as hell is one of them. Kind of reminds me of that movie Trading Places.

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I give you one point for stem cell research. I have always found the conservative & christian view of stem cell research a bit strange...I am for stem cell research, and therefore I will say that he has done 1 thing correctly.

So, in other words, your hardline take that Obama has done absolutely nothing you agree with was either hyperbole, a misstatement or an outright untruth. It's tough to admit when you're wrong, so I won't bury you on this point.

As to the economy - I completely 100% agree with Niche here - he has fixed nothing - he has flooded the market with cheap printed money - there has been no upswing...there has only been a slight stall in the losses...I do not attribute ANYTHING Obama has done to helping the economy. Those with money who are ready to invest it and start a business and get this economy going are scared to death of this president and are not willing to risk their cash to have it taken away from them.

On the other hand, as we keep printing the money, those with money are also sitting there watching that cash become worth less...not worthless, but worth less...and there is going to be a trigger point, and I dont know when it is, but that trigger point is where those with lots of money say I better spend it before its worthless....so they may just start investing and buying things.

Those with money? Like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates? You know, two of the richest men in America? The guys who've championed every step Obama has taken thus far? Those guys are scared of their money becoming worth less? TheNiche and I have already given this economic point some consideration, and I'm stumped as to how, after nine months in office, people expect for Obama's policies to have made more than a dent in the vast morass created by the unfettered, rampant free-for-all created by George W. The fact of the matter is, the recession has slowed. TheNiche seems to think it's an artificial slow down, but I disagree. And, only time will bear out the truth of the matter. The final results will tell the tale. Until then, at least our economy is no longer falling in a tailspin. We may still be going down, but at least someone is at the controls.

As to your third point concerning our image abroad - wow, great - a bunch of folks who hate us for our success now hate us less because they are happy that we have been dragged down to their level. I think its ridiculous that he has been on a world wide tour apologizing for Americas success for the last 100 years... He may not love this country but I do - I dont think we need to aoplogize for anything...Bush may not have done everything right, but the world needs to realize that we do not have to ask for their approval to do anything. The world wants America to sit down and stop being the leader....I for one am perfectly fine with us at the top...apparently you are happier being somewhere in the middle....I think it is better for us to dictate the policies to the rest of the world, as opposed to being dictated to....but thats just me....I do not want the US to look like Europe. On this particular point, I would say to the world, if you are going to hate us like you do - fine, but we are suspending aid to every country until we have dealt with our own problems....That would free up a whole bunch of money that we could use here instead of on a bunch of folks who hate us.

To think I wish to settle for mediocrity simply because I recognize there's an entire world around us is baseless and dumb. To think I want to be somewhere in the middle because I can comprehend that cooperation will be far more beneficial to our country than outright disdain for the rest of the world is myopic at best and dangerous at worst. You may think it's better to dictate the policies to the rest of the world, but in thinking that, you clearly demonstrate a complete lack of understanding in the human psyche and in the history of the planet up to this point. We can only force other people to submit to our will at the end of a gun barrel, but that gets us nowhere in the long term. Wow. Read your history books before you make such blatantly destructive and [redacted] comments like that. By the way, if we suspend aid to a lot of developing countries, it'll send them into economic depressions, which may not be of any concern to you in the short term, but it'll definitely affect you in the long term. You see, hungry people start revolutions and overthrow their government, and they destabilize entire regions. We rely on the cheap raw goods many of those developing countries export to provide the underpinnings of our own economy. Not to mention, removing aid will cause an entire segment of the world's population to hate us. We've already got two wars going on that have cost us $1.1 trillion dollars so far. I don't think we can afford another - again, especially if the cost of goods rise. You do realize every action has a consequence, right?

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Hmm, in his short time as president, he has...

1. Called Iran's bluff on their nuclear plant (currently ongoing news)

2. His justice department has helped foil several serious plots (one recently in Dallas).

3. He signed off on (and we were successful) at hunting down and killing a top Al Qaeda operative in Africa.

4. He approved the use of force against pirates off the coast of Africa (which were killed and the Americans were rescued).

5. He has started to take a tougher trade policy stance against China (China is starting to get angry and calling Obama a protectionist because he is not bending over backwards for them like Bush did).

To me, that's a pretty darn good record so far. Obama smiles and the world blushes... but at the same time sends the message to not **** with us, or you will get what's coming to you.

I dont think Obama sends a message that if you mess with the bull you get the horns....he send the message that if you mess with the bull, we will send a delegate of people out to find out why you dont like the bull....if you dont bow to our talk, we will do a press conference condemning your beliefs, somehow we will then make it an issue of race, and then after playing the race card and the shame on you game we will blame it on George Bush.

Obamas stance on Iran is weak - he is still all talk. He somehow still blindly believes that he can talk Iran out of a nuclear weapon...Iran is simply buying time...give an apple to the idiots who think they can talk with you while you secretly finish building your nukes....Iran is doing what it has always done....just buying more time. Iran knows Obama is not going to do anything he is afraid of conflict. His voters are afraid of conflict...the only problem is his intelligence is telling him he needs to confront, and he is worried about politics.

His justice department dismissed the summary judgments against the black panthers, during the election for the CLEAR voter intimidation in Philly....This was the most blatant, televised, disgusting case of voter intimidation and his justice department cronies, let these guys go....

His military intelligence and high brass remains unchanged from Bush - he kept the same advisers and generals as Bush - I fail to see how he gets credit for that.

He cowered during the entire pirate ordeal - he remained silent until the event went off without a hitch. He played softball, gave permission and said nothing until it went well...had it gone poorly, you would never have known he allowed it.

As to China - I'll give you half of that....I am for the free market, so I have a hard time agreeing with any protectionist policies, but at the same time, I am also very PRO=USA - and the differences in the workers conditions between the two countries, puts the USA on an unfair playing field...so while I have a hard time agreeing with it, I also have a hard time disagreeing with it.

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I dont think Obama sends a message that if you mess with the bull you get the horns....

Actually, I think the message he's sent is more along the lines of the "Speak softly and carry a big stick" variety. I think he's made it more than clear that he's willing to negotiate, but that we refuse to be the only ones making any compromises. His detached coolness is one of his greatest strengths, not one of his greatest weaknesses. He's a master chess player, and he's got an unflappable poker face. It's not cowering to not run off at the mouth at every opportunity like the cowboy president did. Perhaps the last eight years has made you forget what exactly dignity is, but one thing it certainly isn't is cowardice. We're fortunate that we have an adult in the office of the president now, but it's going to take some time to clean up the previous administration's Lord of the Flies styled shenanigans.

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So, in other words, your hardline take that Obama has done absolutely nothing you agree with was either hyperbole, a misstatement or an outright untruth. It's tough to admit when you're wrong, so I won't bury you on this point.

Those with money? Like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates? You know, two of the richest men in America? The guys who've championed every step Obama has taken thus far? Those guys are scared of their money becoming worth less? TheNiche and I have already given this economic point some consideration, and I'm stumped as to how, after nine months in office, people expect for Obama's policies to have made more than a dent in the vast morass created by the unfettered, rampant free-for-all created by George W. The fact of the matter is, the recession has slowed. TheNiche seems to think it's an artificial slow down, but I disagree. And, only time will bear out the truth of the matter. The final results will tell the tale. Until then, at least our economy is no longer falling in a tailspin. We may still be going down, but at least someone is at the controls.

To think I wish to settle for mediocrity simply because I recognize there's an entire world around us is baseless and dumb. To think I want to be somewhere in the middle because I can comprehend that cooperation will be far more beneficial to our country than outright disdain for the rest of the world is myopic at best and dangerous at worst. You may think it's better to dictate the policies to the rest of the world, but in thinking that, you clearly demonstrate a complete lack of understanding in the human psyche and in the history of the planet up to this point. We can only force other people to submit to our will at the end of a gun barrel, but that gets us nowhere in the long term. Wow. Read your history books before you make such blatantly destructive and [redacted] comments like that. By the way, if we suspend aid to a lot of developing countries, it'll send them into economic depressions, which may not be of any concern to you in the short term, but it'll definitely affect you in the long term. You see, hungry people start revolutions and overthrow their government, and they destabilize entire regions. We rely on the cheap raw goods many of those developing countries export to provide the underpinnings of our own economy. Not to mention, removing aid will cause an entire segment of the world's population to hate us. We've already got two wars going on that have cost us $1.1 trillion dollars so far. I don't think we can afford another - again, especially if the cost of goods rise. You do realize every action has a consequence, right?

I am open minded...I dislike Obama, I dislike Socialism, but I will give a dog a bone if he earns it....I could not think of one thing, you gave me one...it was not hard at all to admit that I over stated my position.

I happen to agree with Niche on the economics of this one.....He is spot on when it comes to his economics. I also do not blame Bush for the economic situation we are in. He was simply at the helm when it occured. We would not have experienced the years of fantastic growth and prosperity if it were not for the free market. The free market is known for making corrections...it is making a correction now and people are not happy with it. It was democrats who drove the housing market off the cliff and opened the flood gates, not republicans. Republicans warned of the fannie mae/freddie mac problems long before they surfaced on the national media....and its about to repeat itself again with ginne mae, yet nobody is covering that on the news...Also you want another impending explosion - look to commercial real estate - many of those loans are on the verge of collapse now, and your going to see alot more banks collapse, and trigger the second decline when the commercial lending starts its big defaults.

I fully understand cause/effect and I am aware of history - and it does not matter what we do - the rest of the world is going to keep on hating us because we have more than they do. We can appease and apologize until were blue in the face - history repeats itself - those who have are always going to be the targets of those who have not it has been like that forever and I dont see human nature changing any time soon. There is nothing we can do to make these other countries like us. They tolerate us simply because we have bigger guns...if we did not have those guns, they would have run us over long ago. To think you can talk and buy your way out of this reality is naive. The only way we are going to make the rest of the world like us, is if we allow them to bring us down to their level. I for one, would rather stay at the top.

Im not advocating being a huck prick to every other country....I merely think we need to put the needs of our country above the needs of others. All these other countries are now so dependent on our welfare that they cant function without us. Welfare does not solve problems, it merely delays them...we have been delaying for too long. its time to solve them....You cannot help people that dont want to be helped. Help those that want the help, and walk away from those that dont. The free market will fill in the voids.

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Actually, I think the message he's sent is more along the lines of the "Speak softly and carry a big stick" variety. I think he's made it more than clear that he's willing to negotiate, but that we refuse to be the only ones making any compromises. His detached coolness is one of his greatest strengths, not one of his greatest weaknesses. He's a master chess player, and he's got an unflappable poker face. It's not cowering to not run off at the mouth at every opportunity like the cowboy president did. Perhaps the last eight years has made you forget what exactly dignity is, but one thing it certainly isn't is cowardice. We're fortunate that we have an adult in the office of the president now, but it's going to take some time to clean up the previous administration's Lord of the Flies styled shenanigans.

Again with the its all Bush's Fault...at what point will the alleged damage stop being Bush's fault and start being Obamas? I just want to know...because its a great scapegoat, but at some point it has to be on the person in charge now! So if its Bush's fault now, is it still his fault 18 months from now? 2 years? How bout next election? When can it stop being Bush's fault? You really need to accept the world is not going to like us as long as we have more than they do.

If these people really hated just Bush, and not American prosperity in general, they would throw Obama a bone and do a few of the things he asked. But they havent done any of it...they just keep mocking him, and going about their way knowing he wont do anything about it. Iran allowed the IAEA in his facilities while Bush was president too...Iran has not made any real concession here to show that Obama did anything at all.

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You really need to accept the world is not going to like us as long as we have more than they do.

This is the statement demonstrating naivete.

By the way, I'm not certain you fully grasp what exactly socialism is.

also do not blame Bush for the economic situation we are in. He was simply at the helm when it occured.

Errr... But you can blame Obama for it? And the Democrats? Very convenient.

I merely think we need to put the needs of our country above the needs of others.

And you think by negotiating, compromising, keeping our troops out of unnecessary danger, stabilizing the economies of other countries around the world and generally making the world a safer place is somehow not a self-serving goal? I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in a voluntarily safe world than a world made safe because we've got the biggest, most powerful guns. You know how expensive it is to maintain this top position? Talk about fiscally irresponsible! It's far less expensive over the long term to work with other countries than against them.

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Hmm, in his short time as president, he has...

1. Called Iran's bluff on their nuclear plant (currently ongoing news)

2. His justice department has helped foil several serious plots (one recently in Dallas).

3. He signed off on (and we were successful) at hunting down and killing a top Al Qaeda operative in Africa.

4. He approved the use of force against pirates off the coast of Africa (which were killed and the Americans were rescued).

5. He has started to take a tougher trade policy stance against China (China is starting to get angry and calling Obama a protectionist because he is not bending over backwards for them like Bush did).

To me, that's a pretty darn good record so far. Obama smiles and the world blushes... but at the same time sends the message to not **** with us, or you will get what's coming to you.

I agree with marksmu up to a point:

1: How DID he call Iran's bluff? All he did was put out a photo of a plant and said, "hey! look what we found?"

He backed down from the missile defense program in the region that are supposed to protect our ally's from them in the region, because RUSSIA took it as a threat.

The UN has yet to do anything even remotely effective (aside the sanctions, with some European nations seem to overlook and by pass) and since China and Russia are major voters, they're NOT going to go against Iran (or North Korea for that matter).

2: These plots were formed at least several months before Obama took office. They were caught with the help of Pres. Bush's guidelines on what can be done for intelligence which STILL hasn't been changed by new administration (Yet).

3: He has done nothing that Bush has done previously and is merely carrying forward what Bush has done. Try again.

4: Totally agree with Marksmu with this. He didn't warn the pirates off. He didn't say anything telling the pirates this WILL be done in the future. Obama had a chance to appear strong against bullies and he blew it.

5: The reason why he appears strong is because there isn't much further that can be done in that direction. Bush totally blew it with China, there is no doubt about that, but he is certainly going in the right direction. Question is: what is he going to do if china starts pushing back? Force all American industries there to come back home?

Again with the its all Bush's Fault...at what point will the alleged damage stop being Bush's fault and start being Obamas? I just want to know...because its a great scapegoat, but at some point it has to be on the person in charge now! So if its Bush's fault now, is it still his fault 18 months from now? 2 years? How bout next election? When can it stop being Bush's fault? You really need to accept the world is not going to like us as long as we have more than they do.

If these people really hated just Bush, and not American prosperity in general, they would throw Obama a bone and do a few of the things he asked. But they havent done any of it...they just keep mocking him, and going about their way knowing he wont do anything about it. Iran allowed the IAEA in his facilities while Bush was president too...Iran has not made any real concession here to show that Obama did anything at all.

It's something that has happened in the past. Remember how everything was Clinton's fault (Disclosure: I am still a fan of)? Even Somalia was his fault. Though, it was the REPUBLICANS that beat the drums to actually get out of the country (another major mistake, in my opinion).

As far as I can remember, they were blaming Clinton for failing to kill OBL, his foreign (which I mostly approved) and domestic policies (excellent stuff overall) all the way into Bush's second term.

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Obamasstance on Iran is weak - he is still all talk. He somehow stillblindly believes that he can talk Iran out of a nuclear weapon...Iranis simply buying time...give an apple to the idiots who think they cantalk with you while you secretly finish building your nukes....Iran isdoing what it has always done....just buying more time. Iran knowsObama is not going to do anything he is afraid of conflict. His votersare afraid of conflict...the only problem is his intelligence istelling him he needs to confront, and he is worried about politics.

How can you have any opinion on this when it is still developing? The story broke just the other week and is developing daily. It's not like Obama has been dragging his feet on this for months.

He cowered during the entire pirate ordeal - he remained silent until the event went off without a hitch. He played softball, gave permission and said nothing until it went well...had it gone poorly, you would never have known he allowed it.

Huh? He gave orders to assassinate them. That's cowering? Played softball? What did you want him to do... hold a press conference minutes after he signed the orders and say "Hey everyone, I just told the Seals to kill the pirates... just watch and wait!!!"

Hismilitary intelligence and high brass remains unchanged from Bush - hekept the same advisers and generals as Bush - I fail to see how he getscredit for that.

Last time I checked, the Justice Department is entirely new. As for keeping SOME of the same military people, that means he made a decision to keep people that were best qualified instead hiring new blood for only political reasons. You can't give Obama credit for at least doing that?

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This is the statement demonstrating naivete.

By the way, I'm not certain you fully grasp what exactly socialism is.

Errr... But you can blame Obama for it? And the Democrats? Very convenient.

And you think by negotiating, compromising, keeping our troops out of unnecessary danger, stabilizing the economies of other countries around the world and generally making the world a safer place is somehow not a self-serving goal? I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in a voluntarily safe world than a world made safe because we've got the biggest, most powerful guns. You know how expensive it is to maintain this top position? Talk about fiscally irresponsible! It's far less expensive over the long term to work with other countries than against them.

I know exactly what Socialism is, I know exactly Marxism is....and I know the differences between the two, but your free to inquire since your not convinced.

I am not Blaming Obama for the economy - But I am not crediting him for doing anything either. The economy was going to crash regardless of who was driving. It was heavily inflated, being held up by bad loans that were propping up bad banks and bad policies...all of this Democrats like to blame Bush for, but as it turns out his hands were tied by the same Democrats that are blaming him..

I think it makes sense to have your troops in some places, and it does not make sense to have them others. And I do not think it naive one bit to believe that the only reason we are still the world leader is we have more and bigger weapons. In the history of the world, it is always the fear of being destroyed that keeps your enemies at bay.

I would love to live in that happy imaginary world where everyone gets along voluntarily...unfortunately, its NEVER going to happen. If we gave up all our weapons, it would not be 2 weeks before we were over-run. The world is too big, there are too many people, you cannot make them all happy...diplomacy is great, but diplomacy must be backed by force...every single time. When there are no repercussions to an action, there is no way to dissuade someone from doing the wrong thing.

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How can you have any opinion on this when it is still developing? The story broke just the other week and is developing daily. It's not like Obama has been dragging his feet on this for months.

Huh? He gave orders to assassinate them. That's cowering? Played softball? What did you want him to do... hold a press conference minutes after he signed the orders and say "Hey everyone, I just told the Seals to kill the pirates... just watch and wait!!!"

Last time I checked, the Justice Department is entirely new. As for keeping SOME of the same military people, that means he made a decision to keep people that were best qualified instead hiring new blood for only political reasons. You can't give Obama credit for at least doing that?

I made my point on the pirates I stick to it. He did nothing, he waited for the military to do what the military does....he allowed it to happen he did not order it done....had it gone poorly, the story would have been very different. The ordeal lasted way too long with our destroyer sitting there next to 5 pathetic somalis for days...he delayed and delayed, and then listened to his political advisers and polls, rather than taking an immediate powerful action on it. He sent no message of strength at all. 5 pathetic pirates kept the US Navy at bay for days....it was far from a powerful response. It merely ended well.

You mean the justice department who dismissed the black panther case for voter intimidation? I can only imagine what would have come from that had white people been marching and threatening voters with billy clubs in front of a polling place. It would have been a media dream come true...those CNN anchors would have had that all giddy feeling for weeks!

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I can only imagine what would have come from that had white people been marching and threatening voters with billy clubs in front of a polling place. It would have been a media dream come true...those CNN anchors would have had that all giddy feeling for weeks!

How about that time those white cops roughed up and jailed a black man for trying to get into his own home? While the president stopped short of calling the police actions racist, he did call them stupid. Boy, those Fox anchors were giddy about that for weeks, now weren't they?

The economy was going to crash regardless of who was driving. It was heavily inflated, being held up by deregulated predatory lending practices and wildly speculative gambling and bad policies.

Corrected, with the key word italicized and bolded for emphasis.

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 I keep changing my vote between somewhat disapprove to somewhat approve. Even though I didn't vote for the guy, I’m a moderate liberal republican and I think he's done better in some areas than I would have thought such as being more hawkish on homeland security.  Except for his supporting the closing of Guantanamo Bay (I guess to appease the pussified liberals) he has taken a hard line stance against terrorism and countries that just cannot be trusted instead of giving them the keys to our country like many hard-line conservatives were afraid of.  

 It's way to early to pass judgment on his bailout plans and the economy yet, though as long as my 457 keeps improving I'm not going to complain. I do hope he starts taking a hard look at our counties growing deficit soon.

I enjoy his non-religious partisan (one thing I absolutely hate about the republican party) but believe he needs to apply more bi-partisan positions in other needed reforms such as health care.

I’m still afraid he’s in way over his head. I just hope he listens to the right people and does not make snap judgments as he has shown he is sometimes prone to do.  He inherited a complete mess caused by BOTH republicans and democrats and hopefully will make the right decisions. For his country, not just his party.   

ps: I was hoping he would have decriminalized weed by now.  ^_^

Edited by LunaticFringe
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... and hopefully will make the right decisions. For his country, not just his party.   

I would hope that he and all future presidents would do this, but I always get the suspicion that it's like Us versus Them in the white house and congress. I mean, it's not Republicans versus Democrats (or shouldn't be), but instead, what is really the right course for American citizens...

I guess that is too much to ask?

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I guess that is too much to ask?

It's a little Pollyanna-ish, but a noble idea nonetheless. The only problem is there are about a hundred different opinions on what's the right course for American citizens, and everybody's of the opinion their way is the only correct course.

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To me, that's a pretty darn good record so far. (1)Obama smiles and the world blushes... (2)but at the same time sends the message to not **** with us, or you will get what's coming to you.

(1)You have your eyes closed if you haven't noticed that this effect is wearing off really fast. In fact having traveled abroad in the past couple of weeks, that is not the sentiment I detected at all. It was more of arrogance, most recently with his personal push for the Olympics bid for Chicago. People are glad as hell Chicago didn't win.

(2) Definitely not this, I have never sensed that people feel this way. He's a friendly smile, a talking head, an opportunity to take advantage where previously things were difficult.

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