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Crime In Houston

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Berry says he was carjacked while leaving concert

Ex-councilman faced attackers with knives outside southwest-side


I found this comment on Chron.com hillarious:

Festus wrote:

The thugs possibly recognized the wuss quotient a Cory Morrow show would include, and figured there would be easy pickings. Looks like they figured correctly.

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The phrase it like that becuase he waited until he got home to call the cops.

My thoughts:

1) Get your head into the game and out of the Blackberry when leaving a dirty old SW Houston bar.

2) Get a new car where all the doors don't unlock when you hit the remote

My thoughts: Get a CHL. Carry a sidearm. Use it.

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No way we've heard the whole story. Why would a Houston City Councilman not call his own cops when he is carjacked? He ruined any chance for the cops to catch the thugs in his Tahoe by waiting. 10 bucks says he was not carjacked at the Firehouse at all, but rather someplace he did not want written in a police report.

BTW, I'm still laughing at Festus' comment. :lol:

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So speaking of leaving your gun in a car in the Gulftzon Zone, I would think that to be bad practice.

What do you armed-to-the-theeth mofos say?

As a rule of thumb, if I couldn't leave the gun in the car and couldn't take it with me, I probably wouldn't be there in the first place.

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Have fun hanging out in Magnolia.

But that's just the thing, I can take it with me in Magnolia or Magnolia Park. And I can leave it in the car if I'm in a place in Magnolia where having it is outlawed, not that I frequent such establishments or events anyway. But I'm very unlikely to spend a lot of time at a bar in Magnolia Park, and that's just the kind of situation that I was commenting on.

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Another couple of gems from Chron.com:

EMME wrote:

I saw an interview with him regarding his carjacking. He plainly stated that he "flagged down a cab" and went home to his family. He said it did not occur to him to file a police report for a couple of hours.

OK, when was the last time you could FLAG A CAB in Houston, particularly in SW Houston?

OK, you have been violently carjacked and you don't think to call the police? They have taken your wallet and house/car keys and you don't think your family could be in danger?

I wonder if the Chronicle has checked the call logs for yellow cab to see if Mr. Berry called a cab and where it picked him up.

updawg wrote:

Hey here's a sketch of one of the suspects:


Edited by MidtownCoog
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But that's just the thing, I can take it with me in Magnolia or Magnolia Park. And I can leave it in the car if I'm in a place in Magnolia where having it is outlawed, not that I frequent such establishments or events anyway. But I'm very unlikely to spend a lot of time at a bar in Magnolia Park, and that's just the kind of situation that I was commenting on.

Yeah, I expected that response. You and all the other gun freaks are so worried about your gun that 3/4 of the places you could go become off limits. Meanwhile, the rest of us are free to go where we want, because we are not lugging a big hunk of metal around with us.

To each his own.

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Yeah, I expected that response. You and all the other gun freaks are so worried about your gun that 3/4 of the places you could go become off limits. Meanwhile, the rest of us are free to go where we want, because we are not lugging a big hunk of metal around with us.

To each his own.

I don't think you understand. With or without a gun, I'm not at all likely to go to a bar in Magnolia Park. The gun doesn't do anything but improve my own personal safety in places that I already go.

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I don't think you understand. With or without a gun, I'm not at all likely to go to a bar in Magnolia Park. The gun doesn't do anything but improve my own personal safety in places that I already go.

I don't think YOU understand. Vehicle burglaries occur all over town, even in places you would go. Because of your irrational fears that require you to carry a gun, you are severely limited in where you can go. Again, to each his own, but I can promise you that I have enjoyed more of life without a gun than you'll ever enjoy with one. And, I have lived in more dangerous places, gone to more dangerous places, and lived much longer during more dangerous times than you have. I won't bore you with the details. This is more about views on life than gun safety or gun control.

Paranoia will destroy ya. - The Kinks

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Well, looks like they will be shutting down some "massage parlors" around the Firehouse. Why didn't Berry run back inside the Firehouse ? The story just doesn't add up. Did he go to the Firehouse alone or did he meet some friends there that can back his story up ?

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I don't think YOU understand. Vehicle burglaries occur all over town, even in places you would go. Because of your irrational fears that require you to carry a gun, you are severely limited in where you can go. Again, to each his own, but I can promise you that I have enjoyed more of life without a gun than you'll ever enjoy with one. And, I have lived in more dangerous places, gone to more dangerous places, and lived much longer during more dangerous times than you have. I won't bore you with the details. This is more about views on life than gun safety or gun control.

Of course vehicle burglaries occur more in some places than others. Its just a matter of playing the odds and using common sense.

You seriously overestimate my tendency to go places where all of the following conditions are met:

1) Where I can't legally carry a concealed handgun;

2) Where I'd be noticed carrying a concealed handgun (i.e. court buildings w/metal detectors, a police station, a concert or sporting event where they'll frisk me, or a bar in which I intend to get drunk);

3) Where my car is likely to get broken into.

You also overestimate my paranoia. To be clear, I don't usually carry because I don't usually put myself in dangerous places, and so its just too inconvenient to bother with, day to day. I will carry if I'm trespassing in an abandoned warehouse...which does happen from time to time...or if I'm on the street in a questionable neighborhood for some reason late at night. I also carry with some loads of rat shot when hiking around in state parks, which is illegal. When carrying legally, its to mitigate risk; when carrying illegaly, its because I've always figured that I'd rather commit a felony and live than not and be subjected to undue risk of life and limb.

Guns are a tool, I use them as such. There are people that have a gun fetish, but I only get a good laugh at them because as far as I'm concerned, they may as well have a screwdriver fetish or a pulley fetish. Its just absurd.

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Well, I'm about to get my CHL in a couple of weeks, but not because I'm paranoid, but rather there are times when I carry a considerable amount of cash and valuables and/or visit or go to places that might be fairly shady.

If I plan on going out, it'll be on a case by case as to whether or not I will wear the thing while going out, mostly depending on if I'm drinking, taking a cab, or where I might go afterwards (depending on if i drink).

What gets me are these morons that I see that are some serious gun nuts that swear the government will collapse at any minute and want the biggest gun in the world.

I'm happy with a .38 revolver or maybe a glock. Someone gets hit with a .44 will just as likely get the same kind of dead with a .38

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What gets me are these morons that I see that are some serious gun nuts that swear the government will collapse at any minute and want the biggest gun in the world.

Well, I must say, depending on the consequences of next November, I may be looking to make a few major purchases right quick. I doubt the gov't. would collapse, but could forsee something similar to the assault weapons ban coming back into play, and I'd want to stockpile pre-ban equipment and certain kinds of ammo speculatively for resale.

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Well, I'm about to get my CHL in a couple of weeks, but not because I'm paranoid, but rather there are times when I carry a considerable amount of cash and valuables and/or visit or go to places that might be fairly shady.

If I plan on going out, it'll be on a case by case as to whether or not I will wear the thing while going out, mostly depending on if I'm drinking, taking a cab, or where I might go afterwards (depending on if i drink).

What gets me are these morons that I see that are some serious gun nuts that swear the government will collapse at any minute and want the biggest gun in the world.

I'm happy with a .38 revolver or maybe a glock. Someone gets hit with a .44 will just as likely get the same kind of dead with a .38

I recommend the Rossi .38 snub. That is what I carry. Excellent concealment factor and not clumsy to handle, very comfortable even for larger hands like mine.

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  • 1 year later...

There seems to have been an surge in crime lately in the Houston area. Theif, kidnapping, violent crime and murder seem to me to be in the news lately. What do yall think has be going in and how can the police, and political leaders combat this problem? Also, the violent crimes and murder are not just taking place in the inner city but more and more out to our suburbs. We know about the economy and that plays a role in it but I think there is more to it than that, what do you think?

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There seems to have been an surge in crime lately in the Houston area. Theif, kidnapping, violent crime and murder seem to me to be in the news lately. What do yall think has be going in and how can the police, and political leaders combat this problem? Also, the violent crimes and murder are not just taking place in the inner city but more and more out to our suburbs. We know about the economy and that plays a role in it but I think there is more to it than that, what do you think?

I know some of the increase in crime is being blamed on the current recession... some people get desperate and need money and turn to crime to get it. I am sure there are other reasons, also... I know that's just one reason floating around.

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