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Midtown Bar Refuse Gay People


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How do you force a person to accept you?

With guns, silly. Mousie Dung says all political power flows from the barrel of a gun. When the government says your lunch counter has to let black people eat there, they back up that statement with punishments, all ultimately backed by guns. And bullets.

BryanS: You seem to be picking the information that support your desired view of this event and ignoring anything that contradicts it. I don't know what happened, but I'd be just as wary of lies or exaggerations from either side on this topic. I've seen several people say Union Bar is gay friendly, so the whole "you can't come in because you look gay" thing doesn't sound plausible.

And really, Midtown needs more gay awareness? That seems a little ... safe. How about Pasadena or Dickinson?

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... that post seems too perfect in its response to be legit, IMO.

...and there are too many first-hand accounts of people being told explicitly that they were not allowed in, because they were gay. All the other conjecture and discussion really doesn't matter, in light of that fact.

Actually Bryan, all the discussions matter because they helped resolve the issue.

Just because you don't want to hear or believe other views - that doesn't make them "conjecture and discussion [that] really doesn't matter". The same goes for the other first hand accounts. Just because you do want to hear and believe them - that doesn't make them "fact".

...up to ~1200+ people now, probably agree with a lot of what I've posted.

1200 people weren't there. Since they weren't eye witnesses, all they're doing is offering up the "conjecture" that you said doesn't matter.

...does not mean that no one else in the world sees this incident as I have.

No one else in the world saw the incident. In fact, Bryan, you didn't see the incident either. You just received an anonymous email, accidentally. By your own rules, you're statements are nothing more than the same conjecture you accuse others of. Well - only the ones you disagree with.

Then - after both sides have met, cleared up the misunderstanding, with the bar owner supporting a change in the law and the G&L community asking for an end to boycotts and threats

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I like how none of my friends who are active in the community haven't said anything about this. Usually any real incident is immediately circled in facebook groups/invitations from them, even small problems across the country, and the world.

The problems are legit. Which is why the only time this has come up for me is on HAIF.

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...there's a couple of facebook pages, where up to ~1200+ people now, probably agree with a lot of what I've posted. Just because they do not post here, does not mean that no one else in the world sees this incident as I have. I may be outnumbered 100:1 here and 500:1 on the chron comments (of which I do not post)... but there are others that would agree with my viewpoint, no matter how unpopular.

Holy hell.. stop the presses.. 1200 angry and irrational sheep on a mission can't be wrong.

Ok.. I'm convinced now. So sorry for the earlier doubting.

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Slightly off topic...

I consider Union to be in Montrose, not Midtown. I thought Bagby was the eastern divider line. What are the official boundries?

On another note: Who are the supposed "Leaders of the Gay Community"? I don't recall voting for anyone to lead me - WTF!

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Holy hell.. stop the presses.. 1200 angry and irrational sheep on a mission can't be wrong.

Irrational sheep... I thought this was a story about gays, not Christian Conservatives? ha ha ha :P

ANYWAYS... this is the first I have heard about this and let me see if I got this straight...

- Group of gays form a group to go to straight bars and mingle with the straights

- After choosing a place, they (the gays) make a reservation for 50 but end up showing up with many more

- The bar could only hold 117 people

- Since other people / groups were already there or had reservations, some in the gay group (who did not have reservations) were denied entry

If I am missing something someone please tell me. I saw some people state that some in the group were specifically told they were not being allowed in because they were gay? Is this true or not? I will assume for now it's not and go from there... if I am wrong let me know. If what I stated above is pretty much what happened, I would have to say I find myself siding with the bar. If you go to a restaurant without a reservation and all of the tables are booked, you may not get to eat there. Even if there are empty tables they may be reserved for people coming later. By screaming discrimination when there clearly is none, you are lowering yourself to the standards of those like Jesse Jackson and Quanell X.

On another note: Who are the supposed "Leaders of the Gay Community"? I don't recall voting for anyone to lead me - WTF!

We voted at the last meeting... quarterly meetings are now required in order for us to achieve our, what conservatives like to call.... EVIL... GAY... AGENDA!!! :ph34r::lol:

Edited by HtownWxBoy
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Hahaha.. this is turning into a slaughter... Team Everyone Else just scored another basket from 3 point land.

Team BryanS - 1

Team Everyone Else - 87

ANYWAYS... this is the first I have heard about this and let me see if I got this straight...

- Group of gays form a group to go to straight bars and mingle with the straights

- After choosing a place, they (the gays) make a reservation for 50 but end up showing up with many more

- The bar could only hold 117 people

- Since other people / groups were already there or had reservations, some in the gay group (who did not have reservations) were denied entry

If I am missing something someone please tell me... If what I stated above is pretty much what happened, I would have to say I find myself siding with the bar. By screaming discrimination when there clearly is none, you are lowering yourself to the standards of those like Jesse Jackson and Quanell X.

When a guy with the colored flag signature starts comparing you to Quannel X... it's time to give it up.

Good job Wx

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Organizers had originally reserved space for 50, and the bar set aside tables decorated with balloons, said a manager. The group that arrived at Union was at least twice that big, said the manager, who declined to be identified because he said he has received death threats over the weekend.

- From today's Chron article.

A ) So much for peace, love, and tolerance

Awhh... That joke is classic.

Edited by Highway6
Edited by editor to remove sodomy reference.
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they have a patio when it's not raining which greatly increases capacity.

Shh! Don't ruin a good overreaction with facts. How can people paint themselves as victims if you're going to constantly worry about such unimportant things as what actually happened?

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When a guy with the colored flag signature starts comparing you to Quannel X... it's time to give it up.

Good job Wx

Organizers had originally reserved space for 50, and the bar set aside tables decorated with balloons, said a manager. The group that arrived at Union was at least twice that big, said the manager, who declined to be identified because he said he has received death threats over the weekend.

- From today's Chron article.

A ) So much for peace, love, and tolerance

A death threat? The Gay Mafia doesn't play games. They are totally effing cereal.

But seriously? A death threat? That seems fair... a misunderstanding = death. This whole thing is a big joke, showing everyone that you can't sterotype us anymore, some of us are pure trash.

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A death threat? The Gay Mafia doesn't play games. They are totally effing cereal.

But seriously? A death threat? That seems fair... a misunderstanding = death. This whole thing is a big joke, showing everyone that you can't sterotype us anymore, some of us are pure trash.

Seriously... there are crazies in every group and from every walk of life... anyone with an IQ over 15 should know that.

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I only meant that as an observation that lots of our gay haifers don't agree with Bryan. Sorry if my signature remark came across as disparaging. Pre-emptive sorry to you too Wx..

Not a problem.

IMO this thing was so poorly planned that it has backfired and instead, has cast a negative opinion rather than one of acceptance.

Good job, Boyz.

I agree... everyone makes mistakes, though... the idea in itself was good so hopefully they can go back to the drawing boards and think of a way to do it right.

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Hahaha.. this is turning into a slaughter... Team Everyone Else just scored another basket from 3 point land.

Team BryanS - 1

Team Everyone Else - 87

When a guy with the colored flag signature starts comparing you to Quannel X... it's time to give it up.

Good job Wx

No, no it's not. He wasn't there... as were none of you - unless you were inside. I bet if some GLBT people on here were like that guy with his group, not even affiliated with "the larger group" ... and was turned away like... opinions would be different. I'd be willing to wager.

Regardless of how botched this whole thing was handled, and no matter how much you apologize for any "misunderstandings," it does not change the events that occurred outside of that place, on that night, at 10:00 p.m. The time to fix that was Friday... not after the fact.

There are plenty who agree with my position, though not on here... no amount of rainbow flags, Quannel X references, facebook bashing (which no one on HAIF has a facebook page), or Alamo-style statistics will change that or my opinion. You're going to have to do better than that.

One of the now facebook boycotters was there and experienced the events of that night first hand. People really need to talk to him, directly. He can carry the water now. That's why he put up his page. And why he's not taking it down, as previously reported. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55542124276.

I have spoken my peace.


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No, no it's not. He wasn't there... as were none of you - unless you were inside.

And were all 1200 of your facebook buddies that you were touting earlier there too ? Are they more in the know than us because you certainly thought it said something earlier that these people agreed with your side of things !

The time to fix that was Friday... not after the fact.

They tried. They tried to allow in the number of your group that the reservation was for. That wasn't good enough for your group.

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One of the now facebook boycotters was there and experienced the events of that night first hand. People really need to talk to him, directly. He can carry the water now. That's why he put up his page. And why he's not taking it down, as previously reported. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=55542124276.

I followed that link and it contains the text of a joint statement from Union Bar and GLBT, saying GLBT accepts Union Bar's apology.

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Seriously... there are crazies in every group and from every walk of life... anyone with an IQ over 15 should know that.

It was a reference to something theniche was talking about on another thread. And my I.Q. Is 14 1/2, so this is certainly news to me.

Montrose.. i see your angry face.

I only meant that as an observation that lots of our gay haifers don't agree with Bryan. Sorry if my signature remark came across as disparaging. Pre-emptive sorry to you too Wx..

Haha! No! I thought it was hilarious, I was going to put the laughing smiley... but I forgot I quoted you and made the angry face at the death threat.

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And really, Midtown needs more gay awareness? That seems a little ... safe. How about Pasadena or Dickinson?

I totally agree. Might as well RSVP for Geurilla Gay Bar at LaStrada brunch next time.

I quit going to the Boston Guerilla Gay bar when I was told the next event was going to be held at The People's Republic of Cambridge Bar on Mass Ave near Harvard. If there was a gayer straight bar in town, I wasn't aware of it.

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...there's a couple of facebook pages, where up to ~1200+ people now, probably agree with a lot of what I've posted.

I just checked and it's 1,017 people, not ~1,200. This suggests to me one of two things:

  • Bryan is once again playing fast and loose with the facts in order to generate credibility for the non-victims.
  • About 200 people have realized that they were duped and got all worked up about nothing and bailed from the Facebook group.

If Bryan can suggest a third possibility, I'm all ears.

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With guns, silly. Mousie Dung says all political power flows from the barrel of a gun. When the government says your lunch counter has to let black people eat there, they back up that statement with punishments, all ultimately backed by guns. And bullets.

That is why Mousie and Hitler and Stalin went around collecting up everyone's guns. If the people have no guns, there can be no uprising. This leads into a whole other topic as to WHY, everyone should go purchase your firearms and bullets NOW !

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That is why Mousie and Hitler and Stalin went around collecting up everyone's guns. If the people have no guns, there can be no uprising. This leads into a whole other topic as to WHY, everyone should go purchase your firearms and bullets NOW !

Off topic.

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