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Digital TV Delays


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If the government decides to auction off analog spectrum to the highest bidder ($$$ profit $$$),

Already done. Last year. It raised $19.6 billion.

I believe most of the money is going for new emergency radio networks for police, fire, and other emergency organizations.

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I'm starting from behind scratch on all this. How does one know if a converter box is necessary, and where are they sold? Where do people get the coupons? If you just had regular ol' cable will it no longer work without the converter? Do channels change when all this happens?

(you can see how effectively I isolate myself from current events. :blush: )

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I disagree. I have a very strong need for TV and to watch this particular set, I "need" an ATSC tuner. Someone said that they were out of boxes. There are plenty of boxes around, just no government coupons.

My thought is how many people obtained the coupons that don't need one, like me? Now, the program is likely to be extended, go-live postponed and more money poured in for more coupons.

Radio Shack did say that if I could obtain a coupon, bring it back, along with my receipt and they would give me credit.

What is "a very strong need for TV"? How is that different from just enjoying TV a lot?

It sounds like you were financially able to buy an ATSC tuner without a coupon. Doesn't that mean you need a coupon less than someone who has no money for a tuner?

I'm starting from behind scratch on all this. How does one know if a converter box is necessary, and where are they sold? Where do people get the coupons? If you just had regular ol' cable will it no longer work without the converter? Do channels change when all this happens?

(you can see how effectively I isolate myself from current events. :blush: )

This is all about over the air TV. There is no impact on cable, satellite or internet TV.

Already done. Last year. It raised $19.6 billion.

I believe most of the money is going for new emergency radio networks for police, fire, and other emergency organizations.

I read that it went to the general fund.

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What is "a very strong need for TV"? How is that different from just enjoying TV a lot?

It sounds like you were financially able to buy an ATSC tuner without a coupon. Doesn't that mean you need a coupon less than someone who has no money for a tuner?

Okay, I enjoy watching TV a lot... :P What does it matter though. The majority of the channels are either Espanol or Jesus channels. Channel 8 is not coming in at all these days.

You just wrote this: "But the coupons are available to all. There's no financial hardship requirement. That was part of the deal. If the government promises everyone who wants them ATSC tuners, then the government should provide them to everyone who wants them."

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If the government decides to auction off analog spectrum to the highest bidder ($$$ profit $$$), it is the government's responsibility to give people the capability to receive the new signals. They can take a portion of the money they made auctioning off the spectrum and upgrade all the TVs. If they didn't want to incur this expense, they shouldn't have auctioned off the public's spectrum.

Need has nothing to do with it. If you break my stuff, you have to fix it.

Kyle, it wasn't "your's" to begin with. Your device is to view it simply obsolete. When you buy a computer video game and your computer isn't able to run it because it doesn't have the proper video card, are you gonna call Blizzard and DEMAND that they buy you a new Radeon video card so you can run their software ? Again, TV is not a RIGHT, it is a priviledge. Just like your driver's license.

Meme, just because the boxes are available to everyone, doesn't mean that everyone should take advantage, there are always those in more need than others. Although, I don't think the "need" should hinder the rest of us, after all, this is America and majority is supposed to rule, not fear of Mob rule.

I just want to ask meme, how long he has been thinking about joining the Republican party? LOL!

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Okay, I enjoy watching TV a lot... :P What does it matter though. The majority of the channels are either Espanol or Jesus channels. Channel 8 is not coming in at all these days.

You just wrote this: "But the coupons are available to all. There's no financial hardship requirement. That was part of the deal. If the government promises everyone who wants them ATSC tuners, then the government should provide them to everyone who wants them."

Yeah, I remember writing that. I was asking why your desire is more worthy of subsidy than others'.

Kyle, it wasn't "your's" to begin with. Your device is to view it simply obsolete. When you buy a computer video game and your computer isn't able to run it because it doesn't have the proper video card, are you gonna call Blizzard and DEMAND that they buy you a new Radeon video card so you can run their software ? Again, TV is not a RIGHT, it is a priviledge. Just like your driver's license.

The RF spectrum is owned by the public, or so our legal constructs claim. The FCC auctioned the use of the analog TV spectrum that we collectively own (and use until at least Feb. 17th) to private entities. I think that's what kylejack meant.

Meme, just because the boxes are available to everyone, doesn't mean that everyone should take advantage, there are always those in more need than others. Although, I don't think the "need" should hinder the rest of us, after all, this is America and majority is supposed to rule, not fear of Mob rule.

My point is that the government didn't draw a line that defines how much need is enough. Therefore the government should allocate enough funds to give everyone 2 coupons if they want them.

I just want to ask meme, how long he has been thinking about joining the Republican party? LOL!


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Yeah, I remember writing that. I was asking why your desire is more worthy of subsidy than others'.

Uh, because I have an analog set. How many people got the coupons that have cable or digital sets? That's where I was going.

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Yeah, I remember writing that. I was asking why your desire is more worthy of subsidy than others'.

The RF spectrum is owned by the public, or so our legal constructs claim. The FCC auctioned the use of the analog TV spectrum that we collectively own (and use until at least Feb. 17th) to private entities. I think that's what kylejack meant.

My point is that the government didn't draw a line that defines how much need is enough. Therefore the government should allocate enough funds to give everyone 2 coupons if they want them.


I agree, they didn't draw a line because I am sure they expected those, not in need, to use a little common sense.

WHAT? Now everyone should enjoy the "right" to 2 TVs in their home ?

I ask about you wanting to join, because you are dead on with the rigthwing line of thinking on this deal.

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Uh, because I have an analog set. How many people got the coupons that have cable or digital sets? That's where I was going.

So you draw the line between people who don't have cable or digital sets. Others draw the line at people who can't afford to buy ATSC tuners, while others draw the line at anyone who wants a free ATSC tuner. I don't see any objective criteria that makes one of those lines a winner.

I agree, they didn't draw a line because I am sure they expected those, not in need, to use a little common sense.

My common sense says if you don't take advantage of the opportunities that others do, you put yourself at a disadvantage.

WHAT? Now everyone should enjoy the "right" to 2 TVs in their home ?

Our government offered 2 coupons to everyone who asked for them.

I ask about you wanting to join, because you are dead on with the rigthwing line of thinking on this deal.

Ah, I see. I didn't know the right was so open about grabbing every government hand out they could get. I thought that was part of the secret doctrine.

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Ah, I see. I didn't know the right was so open about grabbing every government hand out they could get. I thought that was part of the secret doctrine.

No, the secret doctrine is that not just the welfare folk get in on the, as you say, "Gubbamint" goodies. The poor downtrodden in Beverly Hills should have a piece of the pie also, or nobody should. We should either all get it, or nobody should get it, but that leaves less pie for the Dem. base, and they don't like that kind of pie.

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No, the secret doctrine is that not just the welfare folk get in on the, as you say, "Gubbamint" goodies. The poor downtrodden in Beverly Hills should have a piece of the pie also, or nobody should. We should either all get it, or nobody should get it, but that leaves less pie for the Dem. base, and they don't like that kind of pie.

Ah, yet another memo I missed. I thought the right was still publicly preaching boot straps and gumption.

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Kyle, it wasn't "your's" to begin with. Your device is to view it simply obsolete. When you buy a computer video game and your computer isn't able to run it because it doesn't have the proper video card, are you gonna call Blizzard and DEMAND that they buy you a new Radeon video card so you can run their software ? Again, TV is not a RIGHT, it is a priviledge. Just like your driver's license.

Yes, the spectrum belonged to me and the rest of the public. This is why the FCC has obscenity domain over aired broadcasts but not cable television. They took something that worked and broke it by making it illegal to broadcast analog television. They pocketed $19.6 billion into General Revenue. They made all the analog televisions stop working, so they have a responsibility to make it right. If they didn't want the responsibility, they shouldn't have auctioned off the public's spectrum and criminalized analog television broadcasts.

Meme, just because the boxes are available to everyone, doesn't mean that everyone should take advantage, there are always those in more need than others. Although, I don't think the "need" should hinder the rest of us, after all, this is America and majority is supposed to rule, not fear of Mob rule.

You stated TV is a privilege not a right, so nobody needs it.

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"In 2005, Congress required that broadcasters switch from analog to digital broadcasts, which are more efficient, to free up valuable chunks of wireless spectrum. The newly available room in the airwaves can be used for commercial wireless services and for emergency-response networks. "

So in a few years I'll be able to use my old set/antenna to catch the police band or listen in on people's cell phone conversations? Sweet. I wonder what that'll look like.

Nobody needs tv. We all need less of it, myself included. Flip the switch and let the rebirth of the productive american begin!

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So you draw the line between people who don't have cable or digital sets. Others draw the line at people who can't afford to buy ATSC tuners, while others draw the line at anyone who wants a free ATSC tuner. I don't see any objective criteria that makes one of those lines a winner.

How about this one: The line is drawn for those that will not receive television reception after the deadline, regardless of income.

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i had a guy calling around...Trying to find some boxes. Well we didn't have any. I told him i had seen some at target, he started to argue with me that he didn't want to pay out of pocket. I laughed and told him i've seen them for 49.99 so he'd have to pay atleast the $10 he got mad and told me it was his last day to use it cause "no one had any!"

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Yes, the spectrum belonged to me and the rest of the public. This is why the FCC has obscenity domain over aired broadcasts but not cable television. They took something that worked and broke it by making it illegal to broadcast analog television. They pocketed $19.6 billion into General Revenue. They made all the analog televisions stop working, so they have a responsibility to make it right. If they didn't want the responsibility, they shouldn't have auctioned off the public's spectrum and criminalized analog television broadcasts.

You stated TV is a privilege not a right, so nobody needs it.

That's correct nobody NEEDS it. Just like nobody NEEDS a cell phone. They are great to have, but not necessary to live. TV is great entertainment, and that is all it is. You don't need it to live. You might think you do, but you don't. After the withdrawls, your body will adapt. I can afford a digital TV, I can afford digital cable, if I wish to spend my money on such devices to accomodate my lifestyle, I can and I will.

Again Kyle, I will ask you. If you buy a video game that your computer doesn't have the ability to play, what do you do ?

Also, here is a good read about how the Spectrum rights are divided. While I will agree they are "public airwaves" they have always been regulated by our Govt. They decide what gets to go on those "public airwaves". So, if the govt. feels the need for advancing the technology, then the public should be prepared to advance with that technology. Kinda like when TV producers were finally able to broadcast in color, would you say that they had broken your black and white set ? Do you think you would have deserved a voucher for a new color tv ?


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That's correct nobody NEEDS it. Just like nobody NEEDS a cell phone. They are great to have, but not necessary to live. TV is great entertainment, and that is all it is. You don't need it to live. You might think you do, but you don't. After the withdrawls, your body will adapt. I can afford a digital TV, I can afford digital cable, if I wish to spend my money on such devices to accomodate my lifestyle, I can and I will.

Again Kyle, I will ask you. If you buy a video game that your computer doesn't have the ability to play, what do you do ?

Incongruent scenario. It would be more like if I bought a game that did work on my PC for as much as 50 years and I was happily enjoying it and then the government came and made me install an application that made my video card drivers stop working so that the government could turn a profit from the application vendor.

Also, here is a good read about how the Spectrum rights are divided. While I will agree they are "public airwaves" they have always been regulated by our Govt. They decide what gets to go on those "public airwaves". So, if the govt. feels the need for advancing the technology, then the public should be prepared to advance with that technology. Kinda like when TV producers were finally able to broadcast in color, would you say that they had broken your black and white set ? Do you think you would have deserved a voucher for a new color tv ?

Of course not. The set continued to function as intended, and people could still receive the new broadcasts in black and white. Even if better services are available, the government did nothing to obstruct the old services. For example, there is currently HD radio available, but people are still able to use conventional radio.

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I find your analog TV avatar offensive.

Psssst.....rsb.....that's a computer he is avataring. B)

kyle, for how long do you think that will last. That is apparently why they are weening everyone into the HD radio thing. Those old modulations are gonna go bye-bye as well.

Better services are available for your TV, the reason for the advancement is to also loosen up some space needed for more emergency broadcast signals. They aren't doing it solely to force you to go buy a new TV and generate money into the economy. Heaven forbid you have to go spend some money on something. I guess you want to keep the old space shuttle fleet around until they all blow up during flight, then we can think about building some new ones ? Try to move forward with the rest of the country. The current services are free, the new services are still free, you just won't have the technology to see it. BTW, did the Govt. force you to buy your current TV to be able to watch the old signals ?

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It would be more like if I bought a game that did work on my PC for as much as 50 years and I was happily enjoying it and then the government came and made me install an application that made my video card drivers stop working so that the government could turn a profit from the application vendor.

Still trying to run those DOS games on Windows Vista Kyle? ;)

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Better services are available for your TV, the reason for the advancement is to also loosen up some space needed for more emergency broadcast signals.

In part yes, but the biggest winners of spectrum in the auction were Verizon and AT&T.

They aren't doing it solely to force you to go buy a new TV and generate money into the economy. Heaven forbid you have to go spend some money on something. I guess you want to keep the old space shuttle fleet around until they all blow up during flight, then we can think about building some new ones ? Try to move forward with the rest of the country. The current services are free, the new services are still free, you just won't have the technology to see it. BTW, did the Govt. force you to buy your current TV to be able to watch the old signals ?

Its not about me. I have no interest in coupons for myself. The government has a responsibility to fix what they broke, or rather, what they auctioned off. I see that you disagree, but it looks like you've lost this one because the coupons are still going to be distributed and the forced roll out has been pushed back to June. Verizon and AT&T will have to wait a little while longer and be patient while this transition takes place.

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