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Another Bar On Washington Ave.


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crowd sucks

I've been there once...it was nice early on, but I agree the "later" crowd there was annoying. Then again, that crowd seems to be the one that floats around, so I'm sure they'll be moving on to Manor or Reign soon. Maybe it's better during the week?

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Did anyone see that someone fell out of a third story window above Deans on saturday night? The owner of the building lives above and has been known to throw some crazy parties. Oddly, the news station refered to the neighborhood as "montrose" wtf?

Dean's has a new location at 315 Fairview, near Taft. This is the Montrose area.

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There's already a myspace for "Manor on Washington", though with little detail: Link

My "shiny shirt" days must be over, because I have no desire to go to any of these places.

ughhhh. that myspace site is terrible.

who are these people that sign on as friends for these awful clubs. I'm starting to think myspace must have a douche bag friend generator!

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ughhhh. that myspace site is terrible.

who are these people that sign on as friends for these awful clubs. I'm starting to think myspace must have a douche bag friend generator!

LOL...I was going to say something along the same lines, but then realized I actually know one of the girls :)

I'm guessing these people MUST know the owner or something, right?

Reign already has 300 friends

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It's all the same dynamic as the band scene, except on band guest lists you have assorted musician freaks, music snobs and girls in combat boots, instead of douches and girls who look like strippers. People want to be an insider, or at least get in free.

My BF and I still have band friends and guest list privileges, which is cool, so I understand the mindset behind wanting to be a Doucheington Ave VIP.

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I knew that Deans had moved but the location they showed on the news was the location on Main..... ???

Maybe that was just easier to get a shot of, but I don't recall any windows over Dean's on Main Street, and if there is I doubt they open.

Edited by kylejack
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Did anyone see that someone fell out of a third story window above Deans on saturday night? The owner of the building lives above and has been known to throw some crazy parties. Oddly, the news station refered to the neighborhood as "montrose" wtf?

I'm assuming this is same place, but I remember I went there once (entrance was in the storefront to the right of Dean's) and had one of the strangest nights of my life. I don't remember any accessible windows, but I definitely remember thinking it would be really easy to fall off the roof

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I'm assuming this is same place, but I remember I went there once (entrance was in the storefront to the right of Dean's) and had one of the strangest nights of my life. I don't remember any accessible windows, but I definitely remember thinking it would be really easy to fall off the roof

Notsuoh (which is Houston backwards)

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Notsuoh (which is Houston backwards)

Thank you! I was trying to remember that name...this was like 5 years ago or so

Edit: OT, but I see an existing topic on it here. I remember the homeless chess playing, scene from pulp fiction version of the place

Edited by OkieEric
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Thank you! I was trying to remember that name...this was like 5 years ago or so

Edit: I see an existing topic on it here. I remember the homeless chess playing, scene from pulp fiction version of the place

Yes, and this was how it looked in 2002: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/129/3300105...b7ca2a885_o.jpg

After a little while it became Clark's and then switched back to Notsuoh in 2006.

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Yes, and this was how it looked in 2002: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/129/3300105...b7ca2a885_o.jpg

After a little while it became Clark's and then switched back to Notsuoh in 2006.

LOL...I didn't see anything nearly that organized (as in chairs, tables, people sitting). At the time, the downstairs was closed...we went straight upstairs via a door on the right to what I can only describe as some sort of strange storage area (parade props? lol), and I remember going up on the roof on the scariest metal spiral staircase ever. In the middle of the roof was a busted kiddie pool. It was most definitely not an actual business when I was there... The chess comment in the other thread is pretty funny b/c I remember a bearded man (LONG beard) in a flowing robe playing chess in a random bathtub

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Did anyone see that someone fell out of a third story window above Deans on saturday night? The owner of the building lives above and has been known to throw some crazy parties. Oddly, the news station refered to the neighborhood as "montrose" wtf?
Dean's has a new location at 315 Fairview, near Taft. This is the Montrose area.

How weird that Dean's has preserved the funky ambiance of their downtown location, and done such a nasty remuddling on the new location.

I knew that Deans had moved but the location they showed on the news was the location on Main..... ???

Local media are notoriously sloppy. Downtown, Midtown, Montrose, Museum District, and Southwest Houston are apparently indistinguishable to Our Information Sources. <_<

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found out it was a downtown regular about 6am. evidently his liver was lacerated, broken arm and leg with bad face injuries.

The Press had a short story on the incident today. The owner is really shaken up about what happened and is discussing retirement as a result:



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This insane story of that jerk falling out the window gave me a great idea.

Perhaps as a club theme idea when the party is really cranking, the employees should toss out dummies out of the windows! :lol:

Bet it would make headlines ie; Youtube, ET, Extra, etc.

and the news did call that specific Main street club "Montrose" ...cracked me up... :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was driving by Reinerman and Washington yesterday after work around 630pm and saw workers putting up 2 x 4's on the facade of the building at this corner. I then was walking by there around 930pm later that night and people were still there working on it. This is supposed to be a Bronx Bar right? Are they trying to get this open quickly?

Right next door 2 more bars (Ei8ht and I forgot the other one) are supposed to open, correct? I guess this block will kind of be like the West Washington version of the 3 bar triangle at Wash/Heights (Social, Porch Swing, and Kobain), except more pretentious. Hopefully, the bar that I forgot the name of will be more relaxed. I'd really like a laid back pub in the area.

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there is the Usual on TC Jester north of Washington. only "real" beer bar in the area.

I've actually been meaning to try that out, but haven't gotten around to it. Thanks, it's good to hear that it's laid back.

Only thing is, it's not really walking distance from me as much as the places going up at Reinerman and Washington. I'd like a casual bar where I can walk to, but I'll definately check out the Usual sometime soon.

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The Lot, next door to Pearl was a pretty nice and laid back place as well. Less douchery than Pearl for sure. I wish there was a place on Washington that had a decent happy hour and cheaper drink prices. I'm getting killed with these $80 bar tabs every night!

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ive been to the dubliner, which is across the street from pearl bar in the space that used to be chaise lounge, a few times now. they have a nice little porch and appear to be douche-bag free.

Cool, I didn't even know the Dubliner opened yet.

I wish there was a place on Washington that had a decent happy hour and cheaper drink prices. I'm getting killed with these $80 bar tabs every night!

I haven't been myself, but my friend was telling me about a good happy hour special at Candelari's every Mon-Fri from 3-7. It's something like $2 domestics, $3 house wine, some other specials I forgot, and if you order drinks you can get a 2 topping 12" pizza for $5.

BTW, how are the Dubliner and the Usual drink prices?

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I was driving by Reinerman and Washington yesterday after work around 630pm and saw workers putting up 2 x 4's on the facade of the building at this corner. I then was walking by there around 930pm later that night and people were still there working on it. This is supposed to be a Bronx Bar right? Are they trying to get this open quickly?

I thought Bronx Bar was going to be close to Blue Label? There are people working on the purple warehouse ALL DAY.

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I thought Bronx Bar was going to be close to Blue Label? There are people working on the purple warehouse ALL DAY.

It is, Bronx Bar is planned to be the old firestation next to Blue Label (small brown building). They are having problems opening because the city is requiring a parking plan for them.

i.e. The owners have to show an ability to provide parking for tenants in order to open. That's why you'll see all the newer restaurants/bars have valet parking. It's not just for convenience anymore...

I have a feeling Bronx Bar won't be able to open until that parking garage for the shopping center across the street gets built. They would then be able to contract it out for night-events.

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