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Simpson guilty on all charges.


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Justice... FINALLY! <_<

Can't agree with you on this one.

Although I think he murdered two people, he was found not guilty. IMO, justice was not served. However, any previous charges should have no bearing on determining his innocence or guilt in this case, nor his punishment. That's how our legal system works.

That being said, I'm glad the SOB is going to jail.

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Doesn't surprise me in the least. IMO, it was only a matter of time before that got this fool on something. The man is a complete idiot. He was basically a walking court case, as sad as it sounds.

Doesn't sound sad. I mean, he knew this country was gunning for him after his previous acquittal, and then he did something else (I forget) and go off on that.

Well, they always say the 3rd time's the charm. Guess his luck was up on this.

But, I have to say this ... doesn't the Simpson drama seem inconsequential in light of the real problems facing this nation?

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Macbro: While Simpson knew that he would face more scrutiny, shouldn't he have taken the chance to "reform" his life? I don't get it.

Yeah, it does sound inconsequential - He's in prison, and nobody cares about him anymore. Let's focus on what can hurt us now.

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Macbro: While Simpson knew that he would face more scrutiny, shouldn't he have taken the chance to "reform" his life? I don't get it.

Yeah, it does sound inconsequential - He's in prison, and nobody cares about him anymore. Let's focus on what can hurt us now.

Some people are just knuckleheads.

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Doesn't sound sad. I mean, he knew this country was gunning for him after his previous acquittal, and then he did something else (I forget) and go off on that.

Well, they always say the 3rd time's the charm. Guess his luck was up on this.

But, I have to say this ... doesn't the Simpson drama seem inconsequential in light of the real problems facing this nation?

Well, since there is no central police agency to gun for him, I wouldn't necessarily agree with that description. I would suggest that his last court case managed to strip the celebrity teflon from him though, so that he no longer got the benefit of the doubt. His insistence on acting as if he still had the benefit of his teflon seems to have caught up with him, as no one even cared that he was convicted...other than his attorney and his sister.

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