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Crime In Third Ward

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A southeast Houston homeowner shot a burglary suspect yesterday afternoon after he was victimized twice in a week, looks like they are through taking crap off of burglars again. We'll see if this turns into another Joe Horn fiasco. Of course I don't think this guy killed the suspect, just wounded him., and he shot this guy in his own backyard. Might not be as big a deal as Mr. Horn's ordeal.

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A southeast Houston homeowner shot a burglary suspect yesterday afternoon after he was victimized twice in a week, looks like they are through taking crap off of burglars again. We'll see if this turns into another Joe Horn fiasco. Of course I don't think this guy killed the suspect, just wounded him., and he shot this guy in his own backyard. Might not be as big a deal as Mr. Horn's ordeal.

Troll, troll, troll your boat. . .

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Did he call the cops, tell them the criminal was running down the street, then say he was going to shoot the guy and then shoot him after the cops said not to and then change the story and say the guy was in his yard? (that was the Joe Horn scenario right?)

I think if the criminals were actually in his house on on his property or whatever and it was clearly in self defense, then it is a totally difference case altogether.

He at didn't say something that would lead people to believe it was not in self defense like Joe Horn did...

Edited by Jax
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A huge THANKS to these two gentlemen that have tried to help CLEAN UP our Houston streets and neighborhoods. As long as people like these guys keep taking out the TRASH perhaps would be criminals will start thinking twice. I love the commentary on that video link where the old man said the criminal told him, "What are you doing here ? You weren't supposed to be here." Then the oldman calls him a real dumbass, LOL!!!!

Edited by TJones
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I totally agree.

Criminals need to be reminded that their chosen profession has some hazards that come with the "job".

to be honest, I'm surprised a guy hasn't gone "Death Wish" and taken out a few of these morons out in the street.

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We need to start building some Robocop's y'all.

I loved when the homeowner was looking straight into the camera and very clearly saying " I want you to know if you come into my house I have something here waiting for you". Priceless! :P

Give that man the key to the city!

Edited by Vertigo58
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I totally agree.

Criminals need to be reminded that their chosen profession has some hazards that come with the "job".

to be honest, I'm surprised a guy hasn't gone "Death Wish" and taken out a few of these morons out in the street.

I had over $1,000 worth of copper and upwards of another $1,000 worth of tools stolen from a job site just this week, probably by one of the day laborers that have been working there. :angry:

Really makes me wish I'd been living in that building already (or that I hadn't been in Austin when it went down). There's evidence that they broke in again the following night, but didn't take anything more.

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I had over $1,000 worth of copper and upwards of another $1,000 worth of tools stolen from a job site just this week, probably by one of the day laborers that have been working there. :angry:

Really makes me wish I'd been living in that building already (or that I hadn't been in Austin when it went down). There's evidence that they broke in again the following night, but didn't take anything more.

They probably thought you would have gone out and replaced the tools the next day. I had to learn the same lesson once. I have caught day laborers in the act once, trying to steal the cabinets that were in the garage. Pressed charges and all, think they got deported. They weren't my workers but they were from another jobsite down the street. I've had shingles, sod, wood, tools, doors, garage door openers all stolen when I was building.

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Troll, troll, troll your boat. . .

Don't know who you are talking about......Troll......you don't know me very well to be kidding. I got your troll! Crawl back in your hole dweeb, and go find some kids to play with.


Mac didn't think you needed a link, it was on every TV station, every radio station that gives any news. I saw it on the 6:00 PM and the 10:00 PM broadcasts. Didn't know how to link you to the TV.

We need to start building some Robocop's y'all.

I loved when the homeowner was looking straight into the camera and very clearly saying " I want you to know if you come into my house I have something here waiting for you". Priceless! :P

Give that man the key to the city!

Just need to buy more shotgun shells that's all.

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Don't know who you are talking about......Troll......you don't know me very well to be kidding. I got your troll! Crawl back in your hole dweeb, and go find some kids to play with.

Mac didn't think you needed a link, it was on every TV station, every radio station that gives any news. I saw it on the 6:00 PM and the 10:00 PM broadcasts. Didn't know how to link you to the TV.

Just need to buy more shotgun shells that's all.

To be honest, I never (well, rarely) watch the local news. I will check Click2Houston.

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A huge THANKS to these two gentlemen that have tried to help CLEAN UP our Houston streets and neighborhoods. As long as people like these guys keep taking out the TRASH perhaps would be criminals will start thinking twice. I love the commentary on that video link where the old man said the criminal told him, "What are you doing here ? You weren't supposed to be here." Then the oldman calls him a real dumbass, LOL!!!!

It sucks that despite the fact that people like this are "cleaning up" the streets that places like Texas still have worse crime than places where guns are banned. :(

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It sucks that despite the fact that people like this are "cleaning up" the streets that places like Texas still have worse crime than places where guns are banned. :(

You must be talking about D.C. and New York. Frankly, I think there should be tighter controls on guns, but if you pass a check, you get one.

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They probably thought you would have gone out and replaced the tools the next day. I had to learn the same lesson once. I have caught day laborers in the act once, trying to steal the cabinets that were in the garage. Pressed charges and all, think they got deported. They weren't my workers but they were from another jobsite down the street. I've had shingles, sod, wood, tools, doors, garage door openers all stolen when I was building.

And to add you could buy your own CCTV camera and hide it somewhere so you can see the people stealing your stuff.

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Is this proven or just propaganda?

Here are some 2006 stats. RedScare had some interesting commentary on it in another thread a while back...

In my original comment I had Europe and Canada in mind, not NY and DC.

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Then you should have also read this link on that page.

also note from one through 11 (Texas is 12)

South Carolina




New Mexico ??

Louisiana (DUH!)

Alaska ?? Do they count bear attacks?





Rate per 100,000 population. Based on Census Bureau estimates as

of July 1.

Take a look at the list and see why they are on the list. Now think about how the rankings are made as far as population goes and what cities are there. I know TN is up there because they're having some major issues with Meth users.

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Alaska has a very low population and a very high rate of depression, drug abuse, and alcoholism, especially among native peoples. Part of this is probably due to the weather and being holed up inside for 9 months a year. Another part is probably the fact that the state government gives so much money to natives (oil money) that a lot do not work and have more time to make trouble. I'm not saying the violent crimes are all natives by any means, I've just read their alcoholism rate and depression rate is crazy high.

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In my original comment I had Europe and Canada in mind, not NY and DC.

And in my opposition to you, I have Austria in mind.

The only thing that comparing our experience to foreign experiences will yield is a conclusion that it's not the guns, it's the people.

In my experience, Americans tend to be less docile than their European counterparts. We are far more motivated as individuals to control our own fate and to engage in self-serving action of some kind, for better or worse. The good part of that tendency is economic. We're innovative risk-takers. The bad part of it is that poor folks, especially, who don't have the means to take charge of their life in other ways, tend to be more prone to violence.

The ugly necessity, though, is that it is our dynamism that makes us unstable in a political sense. Charismatic nobodies preaching an undefined vision of hope and change can gain a lot of political backing solely because they have the ability to make people feel good without thinking first...and there are very plausible circumstances in which an armed revolt may be necessary to prevent such a person or perhaps that person's successor from moving towards dictatorship.

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Charismatic nobodies preaching an undefined vision of hope and change can gain a lot of political backing solely because they have the ability to make people feel good without thinking first...and there are very plausible circumstances in which an armed revolt may be necessary to prevent such a person or perhaps that person's successor from moving towards dictatorship

Armed revolt? What are you talking about?

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And in my opposition to you, I have Austria in mind.

The only thing that comparing our experience to foreign experiences will yield is a conclusion that it's not the guns, it's the people.

In my experience, Americans tend to be less docile than their European counterparts. We are far more motivated as individuals to control our own fate and to engage in self-serving action of some kind, for better or worse. The good part of that tendency is economic. We're innovative risk-takers. The bad part of it is that poor folks, especially, who don't have the means to take charge of their life in other ways, tend to be more prone to violence.

The ugly necessity, though, is that it is our dynamism that makes us unstable in a political sense. Charismatic nobodies preaching an undefined vision of hope and change can gain a lot of political backing solely because they have the ability to make people feel good without thinking first...and there are very plausible circumstances in which an armed revolt may be necessary to prevent such a person or perhaps that person's successor from moving towards dictatorship.

Thanks for the Sunday morning amusement. I find it especially poignant that you advocate armed revolt against the possible election of a candidate who is against war as a primary method of diplomacy, yet seem to praise thieves and war mongerers as "the good part of that tendency". In a thread praising violence as a virtue, I suppose that is to be expected.

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Thanks for the Sunday morning amusement. I find it especially poignant that you advocate armed revolt against the possible election of a candidate who is against war as a primary method of diplomacy, yet seem to praise thieves and war mongerers as "the good part of that tendency". In a thread praising violence as a virtue, I suppose that is to be expected.

I did not say it was Obama. ...oh, does he fit those characteristics? Hmmm...interesting. -_- I guess we'll see what happens. :shrug:

Also, I did not praise thieves or war mongers. I praised innovation and willingness to take on risk, principles that can be corrupted but that are on the whole tremendously valuable to society.

In any case, a preservation of the individual's right to bear arms has nothing to do with crime, self-defense, sport, hobby, or any other peripheral matter. It is the ultimate check on tyranny. That is all.

Armed revolt? What are you talking about?

You're Canadian. You wouldn't understand.

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