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Well, at least I'm consistent.

If Danax wants to re-join HAIF and have a 9/11 blog, that's fine. I have no hard feelings at all toward him. Mostly I'm just bewildered. But if he comes back, I'm not sure he should be a moderator again.

Editor: Please forgive my ill-written words. I had no idea how close this subject wqas to you. I am so sorry.

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It's not that bad. I actually like its clean lines.

I toured the new WTC 7 a couple of years ago with one of the building's managers. It's quite an amazing building, with lots of new safety features built into it based on what was learned from the 9-11 attacks.

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  • 2 months later...
Maybe he joined again under a new alias?

Why would he? Makes no sense. He chose to leave on his own accord, because of a difference of opinion. He's not banned, so there would be no need to come back in disguise. Maybe after several years of dedication to the forum he decided enough was enough, and moved on. Some people do have a life away from HAIF. I know it's hard for a chosen few to realize, but there really is life away from HAIF. There are those that take all of this way too seriously, and get their panties in a wad, and cry and act like people have it out for them, then they go cry to a couple of sympathizers, that give them their ice cream cone and their cop's hat to wear till they stop crying and then send them back home. Dan's doing what Dan wants to do.......get over it, and leave him be.

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There are those that take all of this way too seriously, and get their panties in a wad, and cry and act like people have it out for them, then they go cry to a couple of sympathizers, that give them their ice cream cone and their cop's hat to wear till they stop crying and then send them back home.

Those are some busy people.

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I know there is life outside of HAIF, but it's much more interesting with HAIF...too bad about danax...sure would have liked to talk to him about the East End.Was always impressed with his posts.

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I know there is life outside of HAIF, but it's much more interesting with HAIF...too bad about danax...sure would have liked to talk to him about the East End.Was always impressed with his posts.

Maybe the next time someone sees him they can ask if it's OK for me to give out his e-mail address to interested parties.

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Is he just a lurker now?
he's no longer a participant.

Umm...isn't that the definition of a "Lurker?"

Maybe the next time someone sees him they can ask if it's OK for me to give out his e-mail address to interested parties.

You mean I can send him my "porn of the day" emails? :)

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a lurker at least goes to the website, danax doesn't

OOOOH...okay. I figured a person that doesn't participate was someone who merely observed what was going on. Never would have concluded by your statement that he NEVER got on HAIF anymore, my mistake.


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Still wondering why he left. Musicman, shed some light (if you don't mind).

Not to be Callous (which I can be), I don't particularly care, and I don't see how its any of our business.

He's gone, if he wants back, he can come back. If he doesn't, he's just another person that decided that it was time to part ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why would he? Makes no sense. He chose to leave on his own accord, because of a difference of opinion. He's not banned, so there would be no need to come back in disguise. Maybe after several years of dedication to the forum he decided enough was enough, and moved on. Some people do have a life away from HAIF. I know it's hard for a chosen few to realize, but there really is life away from HAIF. There are those that take all of this way too seriously, and get their panties in a wad, and cry and act like people have it out for them, then they go cry to a couple of sympathizers, that give them their ice cream cone and their cop's hat to wear till they stop crying and then send them back home. Dan's doing what Dan wants to do.......get over it, and leave him be.

I too am pulling a Danax. I never was as eloquent, never as insightful, and never had my finger on the pulse of the East End like Danax, but I too am gone. I tried to show the hypocrisy of this ridiculous post that I am quoting and the Editor slapped me down. I enjoyed HAIF while I was on for my brief time, but alas, I was just a Jazz fan who dared to spar with a Rocket, or Laker, or Spur, or whatever. Clearly Mark. F. Barnes is a sacred cow, and though I was respectful, the ref (Editor) decided to play home court advantage and slap me down. I guess because I don't post 2.15 times a day. Trust me, I've taken a lot more abuse on the Rockets thread than I ever gave Mark F. Barnes on one benign post, but somehow the EDITOR deemed it a personal attack.

I take pride that my "What is your favorite music?" thread is still popular. It was a fun forum. But the unspoken rules are ridiculous.

Go Texans, Go Astros, Go Jazz. Peace Out.

(And no, I won't be lurking)


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I too am pulling a Danax. I never was as eloquent, never as insightful, and never had my finger on the pulse of the East End like Danax, but I too am gone. I tried to show the hypocrisy of this ridiculous post that I am quoting and the Editor slapped me down. I enjoyed HAIF while I was on for my brief time, but alas, I was just a Jazz fan who dared to spar with a Rocket, or Laker, or Spur, or whatever. Clearly Mark. F. Barnes is a sacred cow, and though I was respectful, the ref (Editor) decided to play home court advantage and slap me down. I guess because I don't post 2.15 times a day. Trust me, I've taken a lot more abuse on the Rockets thread than I ever gave Mark F. Barnes on one benign post, but somehow the EDITOR deemed it a personal attack.

I take pride that my "What is your favorite music?" thread is still popular. It was a fun forum. But the unspoken rules are ridiculous.

Go Texans, Go Astros, Go Jazz. Peace Out.

(And no, I won't be lurking)


You have posted on HAIF over 1400 times, an average of 2.15 times a day. I am glad to see your life away from HAIF allows you to post twice a day...It must be a busy and fulfilling life. From the tone of your post, I'd say your life away from HAIF is, clearly, rewarding as well. You seem like such a happy guy. :huh:

Scott I saw your original post and never took offense, hey that's your opinion, so be it. I just didn't respond, because I saw no reason to. I just kind of said "whatever" and went on. If you knew anything about me, you'd know I disappear from time to time, especially when I am overseas. I was gone for a month after my father passed, then I just drove around the country taking pictures and posting them for several months, just getting my head on straight. But believe me I don't get any preferential treatment or any "sacred cow" treatment as you say, at least I don't think so. (Oh if you only knew) Wayne (Editor) had to slap me down a few times over a year ago, I fell off into some of the flame games, that some liked to play on here, and got checked. There were a couple of people that just loved pushing my buttons, and I was stupid enough to bite. This was the first forum I had ever joined. I was a rookie to the "games" played within, and took a few hits. These days I just let trash talk just roll off my back now. More to life that to waste it arguing over the Internet. Been in some real zingers though as far as heated debates, politics and religion always seem to stir up the worst, sports comes in a close third to them.

As far as my tone, hey that's just me, I say whatever is on my mind and call it the way I see it. I'll be the first to tell you I can be a real a-hole at times. You ask anyone that works for me, they'll tell you the same, but they'll also tell you that I treat everyone the same, from the new guy on the rig to the President of Shell Oil. I don't treat anyone any different than I want to be treated myself. I'm getting too gray headed to play wet nurse anymore, and I've never really been politically correct, at least not over conscience of it. I just take life a day at a time. I try to be helpful to those that want help, and to those that don't I wish them luck. And just to respond to your speculation, yes life has been very rewarding, I've been married for 36 years to the same gal come June 25th, I've got six great kids, two daughter in laws and a son in law I treat as my own, three grand kids I spoil rotten. And I hope I've left them a legacy to be proud of when I check out of this game, and if not I gave it my best.

Hate to see anyone go, but hey that's your choice, luck to you where ever you land. Later...........

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Since scottf is probably not going to read this, I'm going to post this for anyone else that wants to pull a "Danax":

Even though our little group has grown, one thing that everyone needs to consider when reading some of our posts is that everyone is entitled to their opinion (except Pen...er...Niche..). As long as there is no intended malice and any replies are taken with a substantial grain of salt, you can't really take anything on here personally. Quite a number of us have a pretty good amount of thick skin and take insults in stride others, not so much. While we may pull our punches if we THINK we gone to far in the past, it is up to the individual user to tell us so.

We're not mind readers(My ESP powers has long experienced with my warranty) and we (most of us, anyway) are not not always right and sometimes we need a gentle (Some need a bat to the groin) reminder that our words can be particularly pointed and may have crossed the line.

Me? I like a good creative insult (as has been witnessed a time or two). I have strong disagreements with some of my fellow members, but I don't attack them personally. I have pondered a bat to a groin, but that would have been virtual (looks meaningfully at Mark).

Just a reminder, a friendly PM to the person you have an issue with might help, if not bring in a Mod.

To be perfectly honest, Ed (Who needs a new name, btw) is generally too busy trying to keep us in line as a whole to bother with us individually. :)

In short: Lighten up.

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