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River Oaks Woman Escapes From Kidnappers


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The chron comments are interesting. Many people think that she made the story up. Where are they getting that from? They're saying it sounds fishy.

Also, many of the early comments were complaining that they didn't announce the color of the men, but yet now the article includes it.

This is strange.

Police have yet to determine a motive for the attempted kidnapping of a woman from her River Oaks neighborhood Thursday morning.

The 39-year-old woman was walking along the 3800 block of Del Monte near the River Oaks Country Club when two men approached her in their car and forced her inside the trunk, Houston police said.

"One of them struck her on top of the head," said Sgt. John Chomiak, a Houston Police Department spokesman.

The woman found the escape lever to pop the trunk open, Chomiak said.

"She was able to get out of the trunk and run away from the scene," he said. "That was smart thinking. She was able to keep cool."

The pair reportedly drove off after the woman escaped and didn't try to recapture her. Police said there is no indication the woman knew the men.

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The chron comments are interesting. Many people think that she made the story up. Where are they getting that from? They're saying it sounds fishy.

Also, many of the early comments were complaining that they didn't announce the color of the men, but yet now the article includes it.

This is strange.

Police have yet to determine a motive for the attempted kidnapping of a woman from her River Oaks neighborhood Thursday morning.

The 39-year-old woman was walking along the 3800 block of Del Monte near the River Oaks Country Club when two men approached her in their car and forced her inside the trunk, Houston police said.

"One of them struck her on top of the head," said Sgt. John Chomiak, a Houston Police Department spokesman.

The woman found the escape lever to pop the trunk open, Chomiak said.

"She was able to get out of the trunk and run away from the scene," he said. "That was smart thinking. She was able to keep cool."

The pair reportedly drove off after the woman escaped and didn't try to recapture her. Police said there is no indication the woman knew the men.

Well, the news will never tell you the color of skin anymore. That's profiling. :wacko:

I got an email alert right after this happened. I thinks its possible. Its extremely hard to find those trunk releases though.

Here'e the email:


Thursday, February 28, 2008. At approximately 0700 this morning a

resident was assaulted and abducted in the 3800 block of Del Monte. The

female resident was struck in the head and forced into the trunk of the

suspects vehicle. As the suspects attempted to leave the area, the

resident was able to free herself from the trunk and jump from the

vehicle. The resident sustained non-life threatening injuries. The

vehicle fled the scene east bound in the 3700 block of Del Monte with

the trunk open.

The suspects and their vehicle are described as follows. The suspects

are black males, approximately 40 to 45 years old. They are of medium to

larger build (250 to 275 lbs). Clothing was dark in color. One suspect

is described as being unshaven. The suspect vehicle is described as a

silver or Champaign colored 4 door, mid-sized vehicle. It has been

suggested that it might have been similar to a Chevrolet Impala.

The suspects made no demands of the victim at the time of the abduction.

Police sources suggest that this might be related to a series of sexual

assault cases in southwest Houston. The River Oaks Patrol and Houston

Police are looking for any possible sources of information. Any

residents who might have seen anything suspicious this morning are

encouraged to contact our offices (713-622-0001)or HPD (713-222-3131)

immediately. We are also looking for any security cameras that might

have captured either the vehicle or the suspects in the area. All

residents are encouraged to review any security tape that might prove

helpful especially in the northwest area of River Oaks.

You have received this message because you are on a list managed by

River Oaks Property Owners. To unsubscribe click on the following link:

River Oaks had no problem singling out the race.

PS- I'm on the gossip trail to find out who this was. 39 is my pier group. Once I get a name, I'll let you know if its believable.

Edited by KatieDidIt
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I saw the article on the news last night and found it fishy. The guys that threw her in the trunk didn't know about the safety release latch?

I guess perhaps if they just stole the car maybe they didn't know.

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Just the fact that it happened in the middle of a busy morning in River Oaks is suspicious enough. Not saying it can't happen, but that's a pretty ballsy crime to pull off in that location at that time. HPD/Constables/Metro/River Oaks Patrol are always all over the place. If this woman was struggling and screaming this had to have taken some time and drawn some attention.

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Just the fact that it happened in the middle of a busy morning in River Oaks is suspicious enough. Not saying it can't happen, but that's a pretty ballsy crime to pull off in that location at that time. HPD/Constables/Metro/River Oaks Patrol are always all over the place. If this woman was struggling and screaming this had to have taken some time and drawn some attention.

Sheesh people...I see no reason to not believe this woman. The article even states that she was treated at the hospital for injuries she suffered during her jump from the trunk...you think she made up this story and actually went so far as to hurt herself?

Interesting timing, considering the attempted kidnapping last week

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Just the fact that it happened in the middle of a busy morning in River Oaks is suspicious enough. Not saying it can't happen, but that's a pretty ballsy crime to pull off in that location at that time. HPD/Constables/Metro/River Oaks Patrol are always all over the place. If this woman was struggling and screaming this had to have taken some time and drawn some attention.

There was a similar incident last week, nearby. Someone tried to kidnap a woman in the parking lot of Rice Epicurean, on Wesleyan, I think. So I suppose one could speculate that she was inspired by that incident to make it up, but it seems more likely that these are the same perps, and they're determined to kidnap a rich lady.

I find it strange that the Chron didn't mention the other incident. I read the comments, too, and found most of them to be even more inane than the usual Chron reader comments.

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Sheesh people...I see no reason to not believe this woman. The article even states that she was treated at the hospital for injuries she suffered during her jump from the trunk...you think she made up this story and actually went so far as to hurt herself?

Interesting timing, considering the attempted kidnapping last week

People have gone through more extraordinary measures for attention in the past.

I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying there are a lot of unlikely events that are said to have transpired during this alleged incident.

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The problem I found initially was with the reporting. On ABC 13 last night, they didn't give much in the way of specifics, like the type of vehicle, the description of the men, things of that nature. They just gave very broad details and then went directly into the "How could Mayor White let this happen" and "HPD needs to do something about this" rhetoric.

Certainly it would've benefitted HPD in their pursuit of the criminals/suspects to have their descriptions blasted over the airwaves.

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Been spending a lot of time locked in trunks lately?

LOL, um no. But I did go through a safety training class in Miami (don't ask, parents were always paranoid some Columbian was going to drag their blonde daughters away), and it was hard to find. Not to mention if you are in a panic and the adrenaline is going.

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LOL, um no. But I did go through a safety training class in Miami (don't ask, parents were always paranoid some Columbian was going to drag their blonde daughters away), and it was hard to find. Not to mention if you are in a panic and the adrenaline is going.

I could definitely see it being a difficult task, especially panicking in such a small, dark space and after being hit in the head/face...

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I could definitely see it being a difficult task, especially panicking in such a small, dark space and after being hit in the head/face...

Yes, The ROCC report gives more details than the Chron. Surprise Suprise. Chevie Impalaish car. Must be a new model because it was rare for the older American cars to have them.

I just got another "unofficial" Security Alert that a teenage girl was approached by three black males again, out here in Memorial (Wilcrest/Memorial), last night. A gun was held to her head. She also got away. I wonder if its the same guys targeting high income areas? I'm certainly going to stay more alert.

Edited by KatieDidIt
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Why is it fishy? What does this woman, who won't show her face, POSSIBLY have to gain out of this ? As far as the quick release latch, it is NOT that hard to find, and good salesmen these days use it as a selling tool, I use it as a "joke" with the customer to help ease tension. It gets a laugh everytime I show them the release, and this story shows that it DOES happen. The only negative I see here is that ,more than likely, if this had occurred over off of Beechnut and Cook somewhere, that it wouldn't have gotten reported AT ALL by the news ! A rich white lady gets abducted and it is the TOP STORY !!!

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The only negative I see here is that ,more than likely, if this had occurred over off of Beechnut and Cook somewhere, that it wouldn't have gotten reported AT ALL by the news ! A rich white lady gets abducted and it is the TOP STORY !!!
...then went directly into the "How could Mayor White let this happen" and "HPD needs to do something about this" rhetoric.

Maybe this was why I was turned off by the story. An old white hag in River Oaks almost gets abducted. Big Freakin' Deal. People are getting shot, raped, and home-invaded every day in other parts of town. I'm sorry, but I have no sympathy.

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I watch the evening news almost every night. I hear about attempted abductions of children in all parts of town all the time. Searches for black women missing for weeks. Kids and women from all walks of life. In fact most of the searches are for people that come from nothing. Almost all the Amber Alerts all over the websites and Breaking News are for minorites

So its ok for the media to report that a certain demographic is getting targeted,3 instances in a 24 hour period, just as long as they aren't white, rich and female? Some of the statments on here are as bad as any racist statements I've heard. Instead you are bashing someone over the padding in their bank account instead of the color of their skin. It makes me sick. Hatred is ugly.

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So its ok for the media to report that a certain demographic is getting targeted,3 instances in a 24 hour period, just as long as they aren't white, rich and female? Some of the statments on here are as bad as any racist statements I've heard. Instead you are bashing someone over the padding in their bank account instead of the color of their skin. It makes me sick. Hatred is ugly.

No, we're bashing the news media for their lack of fair coverage between all demographics.

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I watch the evening news almost every night. I hear about attempted abductions of children in all parts of town all the time. Searches for black women missing for weeks. Kids and women from all walks of life. In fact most of the searches are for people that come from nothing. Almost all the Amber Alerts all over the websites and Breaking News are for minorites

So its ok for the media to report that a certain demographic is getting targeted,3 instances in a 24 hour period, just as long as they aren't white, rich and female? Some of the statments on here are as bad as any racist statements I've heard. Instead you are bashing someone over the padding in their bank account instead of the color of their skin. It makes me sick. Hatred is ugly.

No Katie, I think you missed the point. I think the River Oaks lady actually did get abducted and got away on her own. I am very happy she did. My take is that if this SAME scenario played out in the 3rd ward, or over on Gulfton and Chimney Rock, it would not have gotten the kind of coverage it did. Keep in mind this is a Moderate Conservative Whiteguy writing here.

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No Katie, I think you missed the point. I think the River Oaks lady actually did get abducted and got away on her own. I am very happy she did. My take is that if this SAME scenario played out in the 3rd ward, or over on Gulfton and Chimney Rock, it would not have gotten the kind of coverage it did. Keep in mind this is a Moderate Conservative Whiteguy writing here.

About two years ago, a man got carjacked and put into the trunk of his Mercedes in the 5th ward area, and he got out somehow. It was just barely a blurb in the evening news though. His car was older (86-93 E-Class), and I bet if it was a newer model, maybe 98 or newer, more would have been reported on it.

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The husband was also interviewed (on TV) shortly after this incident. What could they possibly have to gain from doing this. She was only 39 and did not state she was wealthy at all. Why do people assume that because people live or walk around a upscale area that they are wealthy? Perceptions.

All I can do is stress/urge for all of you to educate your female and male friends to be alert at all times. Not be paranoid but to be ready to react quick if ever in these situations. It can and will happen to any one any where. Maybe its not such a bad thing growing up street wise. Can't hide your children from the real world. Tell them what its really like. Better to educate. Again, I hope none of us ever gets near this kind of horror. No one. We are the world...we are the children... :D

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The husband was also interviewed (on TV) shortly after this incident. What could they possibly have to gain from doing this. She was only 39 and did not state she was wealthy at all. Why do people assume that because people live or walk around a upscale area that they are wealthy? Perceptions.

Careful Vertigo, I know you aren't that naive......

The only part of Del Monte that might not be considered "wealthy" is the piece of road between Voss and Windrock, those are ALL old apartment complexes right in there. If the area has the distinction of "River Oaks", then I can safely bet that the folks living there have some sort of net worth equal or greater than $1 million. I will readily assume that the older gentleman interviewed, and well beyond 39 years of age, was talking about his 39 yr. old trophy wife who was abducted. -_-

Edited by TJones
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From The Old Sixth Ward Mailing List:

Cabrina is a beautiful and intelligent woman. I am sick this happened to her - or anyone else.

She was able to get out of the trunk via the pull-down safety latch in the trunk. Look for yours now!

KT **********

Hey girls,

I am sorry if I left someone off this list because this morning has been seriously terrifying. We just found out that the woman is this crime alert is my boss' best friend, Cabrina Owsley. Please read this e-mail because we all have to realize how scary Houston has become.

She is the mother of 3 adorable children (1 being a newborn) and couldn't be a more incredible person - kind, loving, beautiful...

She was walking in the 3800 block Del Monte in River Oaks at 7 am. And these men knocked her in the head, stuffed her in the trunk of their car, and drove off. She managed to open the trunk and get out. THEY STOPPED THE CAR after realizing she had managed to get out of the truck and ran after her AGAIN! This time, their were witnesses at this point and so the men turned around, got back in their car and drove off.

Cabrina in now in the hospital with a broken arm and is getting her head checked for any permanent damage she may have suffered.

The police believe that these are the same men who tried to kidnapp the woman at the Rice Epicurian parking lot. They also believe these men are rapists and they do not know what would have happened to Cabrina.

I know this email sounds dramatic - but y'all I see this woman literally 5 times a week. It scared me to much to think that one day she was living her "perfect life" in River Oaks with 3 kids and the next day - she could have vanished.

PLEASE PLEASE send this to every single woman you know in Houston.

Thank you,


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  • 3 years later...

Believe it or not, this just went to trial. I was a Juror and it was declared a mistrial because we couldn't come to a unanimous decision. It was deadlocked 9 guilty 3 not guilty. Reading through the comments here make me laugh because I get to see first-hand what people will say and the conclusions they will jump to given limited information. Anyway, if you have any questions, fire away. I'll start by saying this. It was very real.

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Believe it or not, this just went to trial. I was a Juror and it was declared a mistrial because we couldn't come to a unanimous decision. It was deadlocked 9 guilty 3 not guilty. Reading through the comments here make me laugh because I get to see first-hand what people will say and the conclusions they will jump to given limited information. Anyway, if you have any questions, fire away. I'll start by saying this. It was very real.

What was the most compelling evidence? Did the three jurors state why they did not vote to convict?

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