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Anyone Watching The Oscars?


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Next time you see Tom Crews notice how deep his wrinkles sink in especially when he does that sickening smile (and he is only about 46). Crows feet galore! (not to mention his mind is going/gone)

Major reason I would never want to be a screen actor, those bright lights and busy schedules & late night parties age you fast, fast, fast!

Reminds me of a logon a person on a online forum in LA uses

her logon name is ThankGodForBotox. lol :lol:

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Talking about TEETH and you bring up Tom Cruise, I don't think THAT is a coincidence ? Tom is a regular Bucky Mc Buckington, and I have never seen anyone else with a TOOTH in the middle of their smile.


Edited by TJones
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  • 11 months later...

Yep, it's that time again to dust off that tux, jump into it and watch the Award's again.

I imagine most have their fav actors/actresses in mind to win.

I feel a bit guilty since I personally have not seen any of the top films at all. :ph34r:

Remember the Oscar poster's can be bought online & are pretty cool and can add a tad of excitment to any hallway, etc.

The envelope please! :D

Edited by Vertigo58
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spoiler alert!


Hope Sid didn't bet the farm!

I thought Hugh Jackman was OK while he was onscreen, but he seemed to do a disappearing act about halfway through (one of the presenters commented on it.)

The set design may have been stunning in person, but whoever was in charge of the camerawork and editing needs to stay away from television production. Especially distracting was the "In Memoriam" segment... rather than showing the people whose memories were being honored, the camera was doing slow pans over the musicians! I already know what a bald trombone player looks like, thank you.

Rather than shooting the images as they looked on big screen onstage, how about feeding them directly to the TV viewing audience, so we can actually see them?!

I liked having random previous Best Actor/Actresses presenting the nominees. Thought Shirley MacLaine's praise of Anne Hathaway was especially sincere.

And didn't Sophia look HOT!?

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The best part was the homage to Jerry Lewis and his lifetime of work on and off the screen. His thanks to the industry was truly sincere.
I liked having random previous Best Actor/Actresses presenting the nominees. Thought Shirley MacLaine's praise of Anne Hathaway was especially sincere.

These were the best two moments of the night. I love Anne Hathaway and think she is the real deal. Her short stage act with Hugh and the sincerity of her reaction to the introduction by McClaine showed she is a classy lady and an instant Tinsel Town classic.

Overall, it moved a lot faster than last year. I thought Hugh Jackman's musical numbers and jokes were light and unexpectedly refreshing compared to the stale routines of past hosts. I'm glad I didn't have to sit through five different musical number, Peter Gabriel can go cry somewhere else.

And didn't Sophia look HOT!?

Hot? More like "well-done".

SJP is still FUG and its almost like a cruel joke that the press gives her praise. Also, I'm no fashionista but I'm sorry, Marisa Tomei's dress looked like a bunch of hotel ball-room napkins sewn together. How she keeps getting accolades for that dress is beyond understanding.

I thought Taraji P. Henson stole the show, and Anne Hathaway was "belle of the ball."

EDIT: Brad & Angelina? OLD BORING NEWS.

Edited by Jeebus
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Hope Sid didn't bet the farm!

I thought Hugh Jackman was OK while he was onscreen, but he seemed to do a disappearing act about halfway through (one of the presenters commented on it.)

The set design may have been stunning in person, but whoever was in charge of the camerawork and editing needs to stay away from television production. Especially distracting was the "In Memoriam" segment... rather than showing the people whose memories were being honored, the camera was doing slow pans over the musicians! I already know what a bald trombone player looks like, thank you.

Rather than shooting the images as they looked on big screen onstage, how about feeding them directly to the TV viewing audience, so we can actually see them?!

I liked having random previous Best Actor/Actresses presenting the nominees. Thought Shirley MacLaine's praise of Anne Hathaway was especially sincere.

And didn't Sophia look HOT!?

Bod is still there but the face looked like a fitted sheet. Please the woman must be pushing 80, give it up already and grow old gracefully.

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for me, it's purely a guilty pleasure. i usually get a few ideas for movies i want to see and occasionally see the true colors of an artist: in some cases i become a fan, in other cases i stop being a fan. and.....sometimes, i wonder why i give it any attention at all.

movies like "my left foot", "remains of the day" and "gangs of new york", i might have not checked out without seeing the oscars.

do you hate it, care less, take it or leave it or love it?

I tend to not like awards shows very much. Grammy, American Music, etc. etc. ... they all just bore me after awhile.

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