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Anyone Watching The Oscars?


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for me, it's purely a guilty pleasure. i usually get a few ideas for movies i want to see and occasionally see the true colors of an artist: in some cases i become a fan, in other cases i stop being a fan. and.....sometimes, i wonder why i give it any attention at all.

movies like "my left foot", "remains of the day" and "gangs of new york", i might have not checked out without seeing the oscars.

do you hate it, care less, take it or leave it or love it?

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I keep it on, even though I don't stay glued to it. I admit to being a voyeur, and waiting to see if anyone acts out in a bad acceptance speech.

Looking forward to seeing DDLewis. Always hot, and has been lying low lately. Haven't seen There Will Be Blood; it looks great.

I miss Kathy Griffin on the red carpet. It wasn't the Oscars, but Golden Globes I think, when she accosted Jeremy Piven (nominated for Entourage) and asked how it felt not be John Cusack's delicate flower anymore. I love that C list stuff.

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OK: Jon Stewarts opener, C+. Dennis Hopper joke, bleh. Atonement/Yom Kippur joke, nice one.

Jennifer Garner's gown was nice, over-the-eye swoopy hair thing, ugh!

:mellow: Are we going to get tortured with "I remember my Oscar" stuff like with Barbra Streisand? Ack! This will be painful.

George Clooney used to be relevant and hot, now he's snoozeville.

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I was catching up on the watching of The Hour video podcast the other day. I think George had Ricky Gervais on there and he was like essentially like people now are caught up in the fame of a person because they are famous. I am SO over Hollywood these days.

They (stars, producers, actors) could all just vanish and I'd probably be okay with it.

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I keep it on, even though I don't stay glued to it. I admit to being a voyeur, and waiting to see if anyone acts out in a bad acceptance speech.

Looking forward to seeing DDLewis. Always hot, and has been lying low lately. Haven't seen There Will Be Blood; it looks great.

There Will be Blood was the last movie I've seen in the theater - worth seeing, but it was not what I expected at all.

I barely saw the red carpet pre-Oscar thing (couldn't sit in front of the tv for much more than that).

Definite head-turners, though, were Marion Cotillard, Javier Bardem, Casey Affleck and Summer Phoenix (hot couple!), Diablo Cody, and maaaaybe Daniel Day Lewis (but not so much in a good way)...

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I watched, or rather the wife watched while I sat next to her and surfed the web. It was OK. Not great. We both agreed that the golden age of both Hollywood (30's, 60's) and the Oscars (80's) have passed.

John Stewart was OK, but not great. Not what it should have been.

It was kind of nice to see the annoyances like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and the other hyper-self-absorbed West Coast set stayed home. That made room for what few real stars we have left like Nicole Kidman, Jack Nicolson, George Clooney, Helen Mirren, and Cate Blanchett. Too bad Hannah Banana didn't get a flat tire on the way.

Oh, and memo to Renee Zellwiger: In Korea they have a surgery to give you nice round eyes so you don't have to spend the rest of your life squinting through mascara-caked slits on your head. It was cute when you were cute, but you're aging rapidly and it's just weird now.

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I used to love to watch the Oscars, but got really angry one year when it went on way too long, as if they expected us to continue watching just because it is the Oscars after all. I haven't watched since. Now I think they're silly. I love movies, but the people invloved just aren't worthy enough for that much praise.

I watched something on Discovery Health about food and health.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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It was kind of nice to see the annoyances like Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, and the other hyper-self-absorbed West Coast set stayed home. That made room for what few real stars we have left like Nicole Kidman, Jack Nicolson, George Clooney, Helen Mirren, and Cate Blanchett. Too bad Hannah Banana didn't get a flat tire on the way.

I love Brad Pitt's movies. He's a pretty good actor IMO, and funny.

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Once I turned it on I couldn't turn it off.

I found almost every single person Regis spoke to on the red carpet to be very down to earth and sincere in their short Oscar banter. Not one dragged on or came of as obnoxious or pompous. Clooney seems like a regular guy and thats why he is so well liked. I could not help but notice that there were no outrageous ridiculous outfits or hairdoes/ribbons to distract from the event and the acceptance Thank You's were for the most part simple and to the point. Basically everyone seemed to behave in an adult way.

I always love the (montage film clips) of people in the film industry that have recently passed away. Very cool. I was stunned to see Mickey Rooney & Faye Dunaway enter! Whoah!

Most of all I am so glad the show went on! No stupid strike could stop this annual event! With so much glum in the world these days we need something exciting and fun.

Like one of the recipients stated...You can't say it's not a thrill being up here accepting this! Right on!

and the envelope please! :D

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I love Brad Pitt's movies. He's a pretty good actor IMO, and funny.

I think he's pretty much a character actor.

I did enjoy that Mr. & Mrs. Smith movie. good popcorn flick.

One last thing, because I watched Michael Clayton this weekend, I was surprised that Tilda Swinton won best supporting actress. Must have been some underwhelming nominations as I think she was on the screen for less than 5 minutes in Michael Clayton.

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I thought it was interesting how the one of the producers for No Country For Old Men, not a Cohen brother, thanked his "partner" John for support, and called him "Honey" at the very end of the show. Is that an Oscar "first" ?

Oh Yeah, and they forgot Brad Renfro and Roy Schreider in the Death Montage. Heath Ledger makes it over Roy ? What is up with THAT ?

Edited by TJones
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My personal interest by category:

Best Cinematography/ Best Special Effects / Best Short animated film / Best Foreign film / Best Art direction.

and cannot miss the life time achievement award like that 98 year old genius that created the settings for numerous classic films ie; The Birds, North by Northwest, and way too many to name. I just like the way Nicole Kidman had to describe the artist's duties as an Art Director when creating a film. The scene has to set the mood and so on. Cool stuff.

Happy 80th Birthday Oscar! The one the only!

Now buy the posters darn it! :D



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What is a character actor?

Someone who is a bit of a Chameleon when it comes to acting, meaning they can really pull off what the character that the screenwriter and director are going for is NOT a character actor. Brad is a leading man actor, not a supporting actor.

Unlike a "type-cast" Michael Richards is a "type-cast" actor, because everyone knows him and thinks of him as Kramer, or they think of him as an insensitive, racial slur spewing, jerk. Michael Richards is a "character actor"

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The best part of the Oscars was watching it in HD. You can really see who's actually attractive and who's been skating by on makeup.

Who knew Hanna Montana has a messed up grille? Couldn't see it on the regular channel, but in HD she needs some work. It was like that for a lot of the "stars."

And John Travolta showed up on the red carpet with more makeup than any of the women. And a really bad rug.

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The best part of the Oscars was watching it in HD. You can really see who's actually attractive and who's been skating by on makeup.

Who knew Hanna Montana has a messed up grille? Couldn't see it on the regular channel, but in HD she needs some work. It was like that for a lot of the "stars."

And John Travolta showed up on the red carpet with more makeup than any of the women. And a really bad rug.

I agree. I thought Helen Mirren looked pretty attractive for a woman of her age, she will be 63 this year.

And Tom Hanks has not aged well

Edited by westguy76
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While he's the main character in his movies, I would say Will Ferrell is definitely a character actor. He's the same type of guy in every one.

This is kind of where I was going with Brad Pitt, but he has chosen roles with more diversity as his career has gone on. Early on he seemed to play the manic, on the edge, jittery guy a lot. As in... (12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Seven, Snatch, an appearance on the TV show Friends) but as I said I like him in other stuff where he plays it a bit subdued.

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What is a character actor?

From Wikipedia:

"A character actor is an actor who predominantly plays a particular type of role rather than leading ones. Character actor roles can range from bit parts to secondary leads. However, character actors often play supporting roles: characters who do not undergo a major change in the course of the plot, and whose role is less prominent than that of the leading actors."

Brad Pitt is not a character actor. Harry Dean Stanton, now there's a character actor.

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