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Cosmetic Surgery


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Jeebus - i've seen many dermatologists, and nothing has worked. Not Pro-activ, not accutain, not the face wash you can buy at the drug store. Its kinda off and on, usually when I'm stressed out its bad, but some days i'm fine.

I hate to hear that. As for my candidness, I would never pm Montrose for no reason and tell him what I said above. I just assumed that since he went so far as to post a picture and a question, that he would want honest answers.

Either way, good luck.

Back in college, I developed a theoretical economic model based upon game theory describing the general nature of human mating.
Yeah.. Right about here is where you put me to sleep. Edited by Jeebus
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For some reason pics don't show up for me at work. Now I see the picture you posted. Dude, you look fine. You don't need plastic surgery. If you don't like the way you look now, you never will and like someone else said, you'll turn into jacko.

Self-esteem is overrated anyway.

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I say whatever makes you feel better you should do. Just like when women start to age, they feel less attractive and the men their age start looking at younger women. Self confidence is so important and whatever avenue you take to get it is each person's personal choice.

I agree with this excerpt. But only because it doesn't preclude the possibility that a person might just reevaluate what makes them feel better and more self-confident, then take on a different outlook.

And yes, men will indeed look at younger women. But that's to be expected. Aside from having poorer peripheral vision which makes it easier to spot such indiscretions (which, I think, occur among both sexes), men, frankly, will look at most anything with half-decent curves. Believe me, I should know--I've seen me do it. :lol: Doesn't mean that there's any lost interest in women of the same age cohort.

Edited by TheNiche
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Teeth are a very important characterisitc, in the business world and in your personal life. In the business world, people won't take you seriously if you don't have nice teeth. It's true. Have you ever seen a powerful executive with bad teeth? No. Success and looks are a stereotype that goes hand in hand. I can remember a group of people I once over heard talking about how gorgeous this girl was but when she smiled it killed the whole thing. I think that's sad so I say whatever makes you feel better you should do. Just like when women start to age, they feel less attractive and the men their age start looking at younger women. Self confidence is so important and whatever avenue you take to get it is each person's personal choice. Just do your research and go to well-known doctors.

There you are! Wondered what ever became of you PRGirl?

I had to have a nose job done before my first screen test. They said it was at a slight angle, the rest is cinema history. :lol:

Here's a good example:


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I agree with this excerpt. But only because it doesn't preclude the possibility that a person might just reevaluate what makes them feel better and more self-confident, then take on a different outlook.

And yes, men will indeed look at younger women. But that's to be expected. Aside from having poorer peripheral vision which makes it easier to spot such indiscretions (which, I think, occur among both sexes), men, frankly, will look at most anything with half-decent curves. Believe me, I should know--I've seen me do it. :lol: Doesn't mean that there's any lost interest in women of the same age cohort.

Ok....so I don't come off sounding like some horrid crusty femininist, I'm not saying that when a woman gets older her man isn't going to look. He's looking from the get-go; we all are. But I do not accept that just because a woman ages, she feels awful about herself. That's crap. It bothers me that young women so readily assume it's true. I've got nothing against getting work done. I'm sure I'll consider it. But, I am disturbed by the ideals in body image and beauty that are becoming more extreme and embraced by very young girls. It's no longer enough to not be fat, not to have zits, have cute clothes, etc. But the blinding white teeth, hundreds of dollars in spa treatments in high school, boob jobs for 18 year olds, $500 handbags that pre-teen girls now believe are their birthright....it's just creepy. My best friend's 12 year old stepdaughter has already decided on her new nose. Her cheer-team friends helped her decide, naturally. From up here on my high horse :D , I see increasingly less evidence that women under 30 today have a viable sense of self-worth. Not one that isn't tied to beauty, money or objects. This is partly why women morph into damaged goods and desperate gold diggers. Niche may have an equation for that--not sure. ;)

Yeah, I don't know what business we're talking about, but in mine, the top execs (exclusively male save for HR and the token finance females) are disproportionately trolls, teeth and all. Bleh. Thank god for interns :D .

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Ok....so I don't come off sounding like some horrid crusty femininist, I'm not saying that when a woman gets older her man isn't going to look. He's looking from the get-go; we all are. But I do not accept that just because a woman ages, she feels awful about herself. That's crap. It bothers me that young women so readily assume it's true. I've got nothing against getting work done. I'm sure I'll consider it. But, I am disturbed by the ideals in body image and beauty that are becoming more extreme and embraced by very young girls. It's no longer enough to not be fat, not to have zits, have cute clothes, etc. But the blinding white teeth, hundreds of dollars in spa treatments in high school, boob jobs for 18 year olds, $500 handbags that pre-teen girls now believe are their birthright....it's just creepy. My best friend's 12 year old stepdaughter has already decided on her new nose. Her cheer-team friends helped her decide, naturally. From up here on my high horse :D , I see increasingly less evidence that women under 30 today have a viable sense of self-worth. Not one that isn't tied to beauty, money or objects. This is partly why women morph into damaged goods and desperate gold diggers. Niche may have an equation for that--not sure. ;)

I can get behind this. I've got a cousin that was pampered in just about the manner you describe from the time she was a baby to the point at which she ended up in a padded cell. ...and then once more once she got out. She is a master manipulator, probably with a borderline personality disorder, and wasn't/isn't afraid to feign suicide attempts or threaten to engage in prostitution when mommy and daddy don't provide her with money to support her fashionable lifestyle. Any wealthy single males reading this: be on your toes! She's on the hunt in this very city.

Unfortunately, I have not yet formulated a model describing the causes of an entitlement mentality. I just can't sufficiently empathize with such people to understand the workings of their mind. But I do think that there may be an effective market solution if parents would take it upon themselves to set a price on material goods gifted to their children. I'd have no problem buying new boobs for a daughter of mine if that's what she really wanted, but she'd have to work for them. And provided that there would be a certain cap on the hours of labor that can be worked, it'd force her to budget. Boobs or a cell phone plan for x years? I'd gladly work out a credit plan, complete with a repo clause on the cell phone or higher interest rates on uncollateralized boobs. ...being a monopsonistic employer and monpolistic lender has its advantages too. ...the tricky part, I imagine, may be preventing myself from being undercut by a duopsonist/duopolist that refuses to collude.

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Well I wouldn't get the complete set, just a few. I also re-thought the ear & nose thing...


I have fangs, and the ones infront of them are set back, and one of my front teeth is kinda crooked. <_<

You're a nice looking fellow. Don't let the gay vain bug bite you. If I were you, I wouldn't change a thing other than for health reasons (if the teeth are causing problems).

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Well I think Dal is just saying that because the fact that I'm asking something like this is stupid, immature, and shallow. Perhaps his way of showing he has a sense of humor.

Thanks satriela, but I'm just self conscious, and unhappy with the way I look.

Your problem has nothing to do with what's on your head, you look fine. Your problem is with what's inside your head. I think it would be a HUGE mistake to have any "work" done. Get away from the mirror. Nothing good comes from a man staring at himself. Go to church, volunteer at the star of hope, become a big brother. There's alot of other things you can do to "get out of your self". Time spent worring about how you look is time wasted.

CyKat, who, since he's gotten a bit older and wiser, now only wears a hat to prevent sunburn.

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You're a nice looking fellow. Don't let the gay vain bug bite you. If I were you, I wouldn't change a thing other than for health reasons (if the teeth are causing problems).

Agree, and it's not confined to gay men:


I'm sure when she started it seemed like a good idea.

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