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Chris Baker Talk Show


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I love the conservative Blow hards, and I love that you guys hate them. I listen to Rush, Hannity, and Michael Savage occasionally, when I am not listening to sports talk radio or Cspan on the way to and from work.

I never said I hated those blowhards, I said I hated Chris Baker and Michael Berry.

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Really I am just glad these 3 I mentioned are on the air. I really can not listen to them spout on for long other than Sean Hannity he is a little more mainstream it seems and has a little more humility than the other two I mentioned.

I also have enjoyed listening to Joe Pags lately although I do not agree with him all the time he is entertaining and I can tolerate this show a little.

Micheal Savage is just a whiny baby who's show is little more than an infomercial for his books. As for Rush and Hannity, luv 'em also. Drive them final nails into the GOP coffin.

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Micheal Savage is just a whiny baby who's show is little more than an infomercial for his books. As for Rush and Hannity, luv 'em also. Drive them final nails into the GOP coffin.

Michael Savage is a joke. All bark and no bite. claims to be so conservative and straight, but lives in the most "liberal" and "rainbowy" city in America, goes on and on about his dead poodle Teddy, and his constant whining about missing his deceased mother ? Then to top it off, BEGS for money to pay for his upcoming trial ? C'mon, he's nothing more than an ancecdotal jerkwad.

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Are talk radio listeners predominantly male? My only experience with talk radio is baseball broadcasts (if that counts) and after Ike I listened to KTRH a lot for news. I quickly came to dislike Michael Berry, but I have no idea who all these other local people are. I don't know a single adult female who listens to talk radio. Is that usual? Maybe it is a female thing, because why would I want to listen to someone I couldn't interrupt and talk back to? :D

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Back to KPRC 950 . Just what Houston radio needs another conservative blowhard . You would think that at some point saturation would be reached .

We reached the saturation point a long time ago, and that's because conservative radio talkers get listeners. It's a popular format because they're so entertaining. Ergo, everybody wants to do a conservative radio talk show. I wish liberals could be entertaining on the radio. Sadly, they don't know how.

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Are talk radio listeners predominantly male? My only experience with talk radio is baseball broadcasts (if that counts) and after Ike I listened to KTRH a lot for news. I quickly came to dislike Michael Berry, but I have no idea who all these other local people are. I don't know a single adult female who listens to talk radio. Is that usual? Maybe it is a female thing, because why would I want to listen to someone I couldn't interrupt and talk back to? :D

...pretty much...

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Are talk radio listeners predominantly male? My only experience with talk radio is baseball broadcasts (if that counts) and after Ike I listened to KTRH a lot for news. I quickly came to dislike Michael Berry, but I have no idea who all these other local people are. I don't know a single adult female who listens to talk radio. Is that usual? Maybe it is a female thing, because why would I want to listen to someone I couldn't interrupt and talk back to? :D

I think you might be onto something. I don't know any women who listen to talk radio, conservative or liberal.

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Are talk radio listeners predominantly male? My only experience with talk radio is baseball broadcasts (if that counts) and after Ike I listened to KTRH a lot for news. I quickly came to dislike Michael Berry, but I have no idea who all these other local people are. I don't know a single adult female who listens to talk radio. Is that usual? Maybe it is a female thing, because why would I want to listen to someone I couldn't interrupt and talk back to? :D

I read in an interview Sam Malone did on a Houston blog and he mentioned how morning shows like his on 104/96.5 are mostly popular with women.

What do you listen to in the morning and the drive home?

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I read in an interview Sam Malone did on a Houston blog and he mentioned how morning shows like his on 104/96.5 are mostly popular with women.

What do you listen to in the morning and the drive home?

interesting. I don't like drive time DJs either. In the car I listen to CDs/ipod or occasionally NPR.

David Foster Wallace, the novelist who recently killed himself, had a very good essay piece called "The Host." It was about the world of talk radio, following the career of a DJ who ended up out in LA. Most of these guys in the second and third tier markets he talked with are just hollering into the mic to bring in ratings, regardless of their own political beliefs. Many of them failed rock and top 40 DJs or sports guys who reinvented themselves in talk radio in order to maintain a small fan base. A thoroughly depressing business, was the impression I got.

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I think Chris Baker may be one of those guys just hollering into the mic, Crunch. I listened to him when he first started here, and it was mostly reasonable, fluffy chat. I liked him better than most. Then he seemed to get more cozy with his boss (can't remember his name) and suddenly these "Clear Channel-friendly" opinions started to appear out of nowhere.

I find the whole right-wing AM radio routine boring, but nothing to get upset about. I listen to Howard Stern, BBC World Service, the 40s channel or my iPod. I wouldn't dream of denying impoverished AM radio listeners the joy of railing against capital gains taxes.

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I find the whole right-wing AM radio routine boring, but nothing to get upset about. I listen to Howard Stern, BBC World Service, the 40s channel or my iPod. I wouldn't dream of denying impoverished AM radio listeners the joy of railing against capital gains taxes.

Not only boring, but harmless as well. People yelling into a telephone to be heard on talk radio are not the scary ones. It is the quiet ones who do the bad stuff. And the AM talk radio crowd enjoys their forum precisely because they are so opposed to actually taking to the street in protest to make a point. Uptight liberals get worked up over it, but who cares? They are merely the left side counterpart to the right wing talk radio whiners. I doubt they would do anything either.

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If we only had that dang fairness doctrine, all these conservative blowhards wouldn't be forcing us to listen to their unpopular views!

Excuse me????? "Forcing you to listen to their unpopular views"????? Good grief !!!

Even though "popularity" is a subjective term, it can be measured by how many people are drawn to a particular viewpoint, or a program where that viewpoint dominates. The fact that conservative views appear to dominate the AM call-in radio spectrum belies your thinking that they are "unpopular".

Maybe they're not popular around your house or social circle, but judging from the number of conservative radio shows that have millions of listeners and make TONS OF MONEY, it would appear that conservative views are the most popular views in the country. If I owned a radio station, guess what kind of shows I would have on it. Wouldn't you?

I could be wrong, and I'm willing to be corrected, but I'm not aware of a single nationally syndicated "liberal" talk show that's making any money. Even Air America is on life support and struggling to pay its bills. I wish it could make money, but that's how a free marketplace works.

So -- you tell me. Which views are more popular with America's radio listeners?

Who is it that's forcing you to listen to those "unpopular views"? They should be reported.

Also, I would like to know if your radio is one of those I've heard about that's locked in on conservative talk shows and doesn't have an "Off/On switch? Judging from the number of complaints we hear from liberals, there must be a lot of them out there.

Please tell me you were just kidding in your posting.

Edited by FilioScotia
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I am actually giving up talk radio for lent. LOL

I listen to all those shows and I like and agree with them all, especially Glenn Beck and Limbaugh.

Hannity is a major league hack and is hard to listen to in large doses and Michael Berry is a minor leaguer who sounds like a wannabe, although he's gotten better and he's growing on me. Savage can be entertaining, too, but his show is also cartoonish and purposely mean in a lot of ways and not particularly informative. Mike Gallagher is also entertaining, but he's kind of minor league, too. Prager is weird. Medved is OK. Hugh Hewitt is also a hack (but very informative). Dan Patrick (not the sportscaster) is too serious and too focused on state stuff so I find him mostly boring. And I never listen to Laura Ingraham because I never listen to that station.

But as far as Chris Baker goes, he's actually funnier than all of them except maybe Beck and Limbaugh, and since he is (was) local and doesn't just do politics, he gets a lot more "weird" callers. He is a comedian after all, and he's very good at playing along with the guests right up to the point of being patronizing without going too far. I thought he was VERY entertaining back in the day and look forward to having him back (although I hear he's not actually coming back to Houston as he is now in Minnesota???).

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interesting. I don't like drive time DJs either. In the car I listen to CDs/ipod or occasionally NPR.

David Foster Wallace, the novelist who recently killed himself, had a very good essay piece called "The Host." It was about the world of talk radio, following the career of a DJ who ended up out in LA. Most of these guys in the second and third tier markets he talked with are just hollering into the mic to bring in ratings, regardless of their own political beliefs. Many of them failed rock and top 40 DJs or sports guys who reinvented themselves in talk radio in order to maintain a small fan base. A thoroughly depressing business, was the impression I got.

Sad but so true . Remember John Matthews, aka "the King" ?

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  • 1 year later...

Why, because he was conservative?

No, because he's a rude prick. Pat Gray is conservative and I like him. He's moved on to Glenn Beck, though.

I'm glad that Baker is gone. I would agree with his stance on things if he would simply take a position! I gave up listening to him several years ago when he changed his argument or simply wouldn't let (the intelligent sounding) people finish their points. When a caller agreed with him, he'd turn around with some odd logic disputing it.

Pat Gray was a blast to listen to, and I enjoyed him immensely when he joined Beck. It's a pity I can't listen to him on the radio anymore, I can't stand his TV show, though. The Radio program was much more entertaining.

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No, because he's a rude prick. Pat Gray is conservative and I like him. He's moved on to Glenn Beck, though.

Fair enough... Honestly, I wasn't a big fan either. I will say that I enjoy former city councilman Micheal Berry's show better. He can be a little brash sometimes, but has some common sense viewpoints.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fair enough... Honestly, I wasn't a big fan either. I will say that I enjoy former city councilman Micheal Berry's show better. He can be a little brash sometimes, but has some common sense viewpoints.

Now Baker has shown up on KSEV. That really where he belongs . Another right-wing DJ prick .

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