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HAIF Happy Hour!


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hot toddy recipe

2oz scotch

cup or so of hot water

juice of 1/2 lemon

tsp of honey.


yum. No scotch, but rum available. Need to find a hot buttered rum recipe. (which sounds vaguely pornographic...even better)

Speaking of accidents, people leaving my office onto Allen Parkway were already driving like idiots.

I'll be ready for those Warren's cocktails next week!

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let's go ahead and cancel. I will be there should anyone be bored. we'll shoot for next week.

Looks like the frozen precipitation blew through faster than anticipated. Most of the accumulations have already melted. Icy roads are still a consideration for most people, but not me so much. I'll swing by Warren's just to see if anybody's there, but fairly late. Probably 7:30PM or 8:00PM.

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Just got home from a 4 hr marathon appointment where they now want to come to the showroom on Monday...WTF !!!. Then to top it off Friggin' HEATER went out in my car on the way home, and it was a balmy 27 degrees outside the whole way home of that 75 minute drive. The car was 28 degrees inside, FUN!!!!

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i forgot to mention that tonight is the annual santa reenactment of the pearl harbor bombing. santas usually start arriving at 8 at warrens and then head outside after 9 to market square for the reenactment. bring your santa suit if you want to participate.

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After wussing out last week on the weather, I'm soooooo ready for a good HH.

And boy can I use a stiff Warren's drink. Holidays at the office are such a tragic parade of nasty potluck luncheons and passive-aggressive assistants and forced group recreation. Bleh. It's worse than dysfuntional family Christmas. If I get one more URGENT!!!!! email from the admin with the jingly hat, setting a microwave schedule for potluck casseroles ( :wacko: yes, for real) or decorations detail, or white elephant gift exchange, blah blah blah, I'm going to lose it. By 5 pm tomorrow I will have had to politely decline at least my 5th crock pot of cheesy potatoes and bad grocery store pie. No, I don't want to go 'elevator caroling.' And for the love of God, please, please, no more Secret Santa Anything.

Arrghh!!!!!! OK, rant over. Sorry. Thx for listening. See y'all tomorrow!


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<br />Shockingly,  my chocolate/rum treats made it all week in the fridge uneaten. Now I just have to remember to bring them.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

So what's the lowdown? Friday 12/11 @ 5:00. Warren's.

My HAIF looks all freaky and it's hard to read. The formatting is all jacked-up.

See you then.

Now, I can't find 'Send' WTF?

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After wussing out last week on the weather, I'm soooooo ready for a good HH.

And boy can I use a stiff Warren's drink. Holidays at the office are such a tragic parade of nasty potluck luncheons and passive-aggressive assistants and forced group recreation. Bleh. It's worse than dysfuntional family Christmas. If I get one more URGENT!!!!! email from the admin with the jingly hat, setting a microwave schedule for potluck casseroles ( :wacko: yes, for real) or decorations detail, or white elephant gift exchange, blah blah blah, I'm going to lose it. By 5 pm tomorrow I will have had to politely decline at least my 5th crock pot of cheesy potatoes and bad grocery store pie. No, I don't want to go 'elevator caroling.' And for the love of God, please, please, no more Secret Santa Anything.

Arrghh!!!!!! OK, rant over. Sorry. Thx for listening. See y'all tomorrow!


:lol: We had our "Potluck" yesterday and I can relate to your every word. hahahahahaha!!!

See y'all in a bit. I think I'll bring the camera, since the santas will be there.

FYI - I'm at home now and my HAIF looks normal. They must have done some sort of filtering BS at work. Quite annoying, I enjoy HAIFing at work.

Oops, I overloaded with emoticons - three ha, ha's at each the beginning and the end.

Rum balls, please.

DANG, it won't even let me do two. Maybe, it's counting crunch's

Edited by rsb320
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