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Office Building At 811 Main St.


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Here are some additional renderings of MainPlace that I thought you would enjoy.Just an FYI on the street view renderings...there is a significant amount of streetscape that is missing...trees, sidewalk eating areas, an entry feature, etc. Those renderings were done as part of the ongoing design study, and are not meant to be a fully rendered version of the final product, though they are pretty accurate for the building itself. Other items: the top of the garage will be a garden / outdoor area for the first floor tenant.

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To be somewhat coy, and please do not ask how I know...but I know. I have very good information on the new Hines building, and some of the speculation here is somewhat unfounded, though some is quite correct.

1) The building has a skin unlike anything here in Houston, with sunshades on all facades and a glass facade that is absolutely amazing.

2) The building will be LEED Silver at a minimum.

3) The building has a 10 story garage underneath the building as a podium.

4) The sky garden is a very unique feature, and should be a tenant item. With the high dollar skin, this is clearly the defining feature of the building.

5) While there are plenty of surface lots downtown, none of them are conducive to a development of this magnitude due to location or price.

6) The cost for new highrise buildings is well over $300 per square foot. Anyone who tells you differently doesn't have a clue.

7) Discovery Tower doesn't hold a candle to their building. The renderings being shown to the broker community are a glass cube, and is very boring given its location on Discovery Green. Houston Center 6 is even worse.

8) Don't be surprised if Hines doesn't develop two buildings downtown. They have already hired an architectural team for the 2nd building. I have not seen any renderings of this building yet, though I have heard some rumors about the design.


Good insider info Houston2010! Do you know if the City Centre rendering is Hines' 2nd tower?

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I really like this building. It's a nice fresh design for Houston. I am so glad a "up to date" design with a atypical element was chosen for the city. Great atypical designs and ideas is what put Houston on the map architecturally and I for one hope this Hines building is a sign developers for Houston buildings are reverting back to that.

Bravo to the Hines Group!

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I like it because it looks different from anything I have seen before, but I can see the nickname already. The PAC MAN building or the PEZ Dispenser Building.

I sure am glad that Houston missed out on the 90's crown fad. This is far more sophisticated and in exceptionally good taste.

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i absolutely love this building. one thing what is "IMO"? and with hines going to the old shamrock site which is supposed to be the site for the 60= houston city centre does that mean city centre is cancelled? im praying that it isnt because i would love to see it built too. but when they mentioned hines' second site, is it possible that the site is across the street from houston city centre and still have the main, texas, and capitol adress?

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We'll see the renderings w/in a couple of weeks when the building and name are officially announced. Then we will finally be able to rename this thread, LOL.
someone might want to change the name of this thread


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i just realized this. i went to my google earth to see if it will make an impact on the skyline and it definatley will. i put the buildings up on G.E, and i have the mainplace site as a placemark on G.E. i viewed downtown from the famous view (the west), and realized that you will be able to see it easily between bank of america and one shell plaza. i dont know how to photocrop so this is the best i can do.


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i just realized this. i went to my google earth to see if it will make an impact on the skyline and it definatley will. i put the buildings up on G.E, and i have the mainplace site as a placemark on G.E. i viewed downtown from the famous view (the west), and realized that you will be able to see it easily between bank of america and one shell plaza. i dont know how to photocrop so this is the best i can do.

When all else fails, hit the Print Screen key and paste it into Microsoft Paint.

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Nice. They must have decided to make the terrace face east so that it would face Minute Maid Park. I think it is a good choice. I would have thought that any unique attribute on any tower in Houston would automatically face west since that seems to be the "front" of the dt skyline, especially on this building where the west side of the building also faces Main and the rail. But it's nice to see that the planners were thinking outside the box on this one. Plus, this tower and it's unique terrace on the east side will make a significant impact to the skyline when seen on television during Astros games.

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I like it because it looks different from anything I have seen before, but I can see the nickname already. The PAC MAN building or the PEZ Dispenser Building.

Or "stapler on a pedestal." Just kidding. I think they did a great job on this one and I think this may be one case where the real building is going to look even better than the rendering.

Edited by BuilderGeek
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