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Houston City Councilman gets punked on his own show.


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Apparently Mr. Berry believes that only he has the right to shoot off his mouth:

By Doug Miller / 11 News

Protestors gather every week on bridges over the Southwest Freeway.

But now Houston Councilmember Michael Berry wants to shut the demonstrations down. "Well, you don't have a right to yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. And you don't have a right to stand on a freeway and create gridlock. And when somebody gets killed on that freeway, that's going to be well beyond their first amendment rights. We have a public safety right and a responsibility and a duty to stop them from distracting traffic and creating gridlock. And we're not going to let them continue to do it."

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Read the post at:

http://www.bayareahouston.blogspot.com and listen to a loud mouth shooting his mouth off about supporting the war until a caller asks him to join the service.

He is only 36 years old and is term limited so he has LOTS of time on his hands!!!!!

I have the link to the audio and BTW, I was the caller!

John...John, John, John...

You clearly are a trouble-maker. How dare you kick a poor defensive cripple like our delicate little Mikey? :P

Now I suggest you call back and apologize to him and his other two listeners...


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Y'all KNOW this no talent arse clown will be running for mayor in a few years.

I gradutated UH with him. His fake Texas accent gets stronger each year.

And don't get me started on his litter, I mean, campaign signs all over the city.

Did anyone see the Houston Press piece about him a few years ago? Good stuff.

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Did anyone see the Houston Press piece about him a few years ago? Good stuff.

ooh there's several:

In this year's municipal contest, the overwhelming winner in the "prayola" category is Michael Berry.


Berry's last campaign report also offers a trail of green to the area's clergy. Berry listed a $2,000 donation to the Baptist Ministers Association political action committee on September 13 and a $2,500 gift to the Northeast Harris County Ministers Alliance PAC a week later. Along the campaign trail he sprinkled relatively miserly $25 gifts to each of 20 congregations throughout Houston.


In Position 4, realtor Michael Berry has blanketed the town to the point of overkill with posters and billboards. Berry is less than forthcoming about his stance on issues, refusing to tell Democrats how he stands on abortion, and pulling a similar fade with gays about same-sex job benefits. Berry's apparent strategy is to overwhelm the opposition by sheer force of cardboard.


and the 2003 mayoral stuff:



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I swear BigT, you and your literal NONSENSE ! Where your argument holds no water is where Berry used the term "Gridlock" correctly, the term doesn't only pertain to downtown streets, it can also be used to describe a "traffic jam". You knew what he was talking about when he used the phrase apparently, and YES, you can have "gridlock" on a freeway, if the cars cannot move, doesn't have to be a "grid" involved per say. You can have "gridlock" coming out of a movie theater if someone were to yell "FIRE !"

Can you expound a little bit about the illegality of Mr. Berry's for rent signs on the sidewalk ? I haven't heard about that.

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Can you expound a little bit about the illegality of Mr. Berry's for rent signs on the sidewalk ? I haven't heard about that.
The City of Houston Sign Code prohibits two specific types of signs - Spectacular Signs and Bandit Signs.


Typically small and placed in large quantities along public spaces as advertisements, these signs include political, real estate, developer, and garage sale signs and other similar signs placed upon a public street, public sidewalk, public alley, public right-of-way, public curb or other public improvement in any public street or grounds, on any public bridge or part of same, or on any public building or structure of any kind belonging to the city, or in any public place or any public improvement. http://www.houstontx.gov/council/g/alerts/illegalsigns.html

Berry just chooses to break the law he swore to uphold. BTW. the penalty is anywhere from $300 to $500 per sign per day.

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is Ashton struggling to find worthy celebrities to punk?!?! :P

"For Rent"?

I was talking about his campaign signs.

But "For Rent" is a good description of a "Campaign Sign" when you think about it.

Another real estate agent in city hall with visions in his head of being mayor.

They should just post ads on Craigslist.org and on the inside of windows and just avoid putting future litter on the grass.

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Berry just chooses to break the law he swore to uphold. BTW. the penalty is anywhere from $300 to $500 per sign per day.

Your boy BigTex said "For Rent" signs. I know all about the "Tree Killing" incident with his campaign signs. He immediately had them taken down when he found out what had happened. You guys are acting like HE went out there and nailed all those signs up himself ? ! C'mon now, you know he doesn't have time for that, he is too busy selling houses and such, and keeping his eye on Alvarado. Berry had a couple of interns go put signs out, and of course these little underclassmen dummies from UofH, didn't realize they were breaking laws when they started nailing signs to trees. DO you really believe that Berry purposely went out and started hanging signs just ANYWHERE ? Great googely moogely. This is a simple case of over zealous teens, not having a clue as to what they were doing, they were told to go put signs up, that's what they did. Someone in Mike's camp should have been a little more specific. If THAT is the best that you can condemn him for, then you seriously have nothing better to do than grasp at straws.

John, I heard your soundbite, where was it that you "punked" him out exactly ? Is it your belief that everyone that backs the War on Terror needs to go join? Just like your statement to Mr. Berry, you said, "You tried to see if there was anything YOU could do to help." So, you obviously SUPPORT the war on terror, then you call out Mr. Berry on his non-enlistment status, and you think he doesn't have the right to say he supports the war if he is not going to enlist ? Does that include everyone who supports the war and hasn't enlisted ? Seems like some liberal agenda on YOUR part. I am 110% positive that you were lying to him in your opening statement about trying to see what YOU could do, but were turned away because you were "too old", I am sure you also lied to the producer about the reason you called the show in the first place just so you could launch your little attack, I'm sure it burned you up more that you didn't get the reaction that you were looking for, what with all th th the st-st-stuttering an an and all. Why not have all the Libs that "support the troops and not the war" go and enlist so they can give them a break, so they can help the troops ?

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Why the hard-on for Berry, Mr. Jones?

He's pretty useless.

That's the funny part, I DON'T.

It certainly seems like the rest of you DO, with your call-ins to him claiming to be Conservatives and all. I don't know the guy, I do listen to him sometimes on the way to work, because he focuses on Houston issues first, then the rest of the world. I don't even think I would vote for him. You apparently seem to have some personal dealings with him. I agree with some of the things he has voted for and agaisnt, that's not to say I agree with him 100%. Explain to me why he is so "useless" and perhaps I can adjust my thinking of him as the P.O.S. you guys think he is.

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He's real estate agent and city councilman.

That's such a big part of the problem with Houston politics.

We need the developers and agents out of city hall.

I see where there could be a conflict. Has anything like that arisen with some property that he may own, or is part of some group that owns land and that he may use his "Power" to use the City of Houston to bankroll some of his projects ? Is there some scandal with him that you know about that hasn't come to light yet. City of Houston building codes aren't very laxed at all. Especially now, try starting a remodeling project in the city limits and go see how much fun it is to get a permit, then see how EASY it is to pass inspections.

Midtown, you don't want every Tom, Dick, and Johncoby being able to build a house. I think it is people like Mr.Berry that make the laws and building codes more strict, because they have experience int he industry and know the differences between wrong and right. I am looking at Mike's Bio, it is an All American Boy dream for sure. His resume is ridiculous and the kind of stuff that TRUE politicians are made of. Show me where he IS or HAS been playing dirty pool, and I will be a doubter.

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^ today, Wiseman tagged the Historic Preservation ordinance at the City Council meeting, and Berry might do it next week to delay even further...

from the GHPA:

At-Large Position 5 Council Member Michael Berry is expected to tag the preservation ordinance amendments again next week to further delay Council consideration. As an at-large representative, Council Member Berry is elected by all Houston voters. GHPA members are encouraged to contact Council Member Berry and ask that he support the proposed amendments. Please call his office at 713-247-2006, fax 713-247-2998 or e-mail atlarge5@cityofhouston.net.
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That is excellent info. Seems like all the other council members just cry about "not being considered" before he makes and presents an amendment. Ummm, yeah, the amendment is not for YOU fellow councilmembers, it is for the city of Houston. I think Mr. Berry's problem is that he has charged in like a Bull. Seems he forgot that you have to pay a few dues, no matter WHAT type of business you are gonna be in. Changes don't happen overnight, Nandy forgot to tell him that part I guess.

Not paying his taxes on time is about the only bad part I can see in him, but hell, I've done that also. But, I never pointed fingers at anyone else who may have paid late also, and try to take it as a moral highground. That was just stupidity on his part.

Moving in known prostitutes and drug dealers to fill up his apartment complex, where would he know such people in order to do such a thing? Highly doubtful he was "bringing them in himself" to the manager of the property. That was a good read, Berry apparently has "something" that even the Dems. here in Houston like. But, shooting down a "reparations" bill for research in the city of Houston is a ridiculous claim to try and justify "campaign promises being broken." That's not even close, and Quanell saying Berry's "Ghetto Pass has been revoked." I'm sure Berry was crushed over the news from Quanell. :rolleyes:

What I read was mostly about him trying to lower your taxes, but in the process, stepped on afew toes with the former P.O.S. Mayor, Lee Brown, that hurt a tax amendment for the elderly, which I am sure was not Mr. Berry's intention. Political dealings under the table, one hand washes the other. When you get a new Sheriff (Mr.Berry) in town, that thinks he is gonna clean up this one horse town, he soon finds out that the horse is a Clydesdale on steroids that is A-sexual, and has just mass-reproduced, and his shovel isn't NEAR big enough now.

Now, find me some real dirt where Mr. Berry has abused his political power like Alvarado and Mayor Brown, show me where Berry has written or approved checks or raises to his buddies just before they leave office, so that when their buddy's retirement kicks in, they'll be set. Has Mr.Berry done anything like that during his term as Councilman and Mayor Pro-tem ?

For BigTex, the bulb just went off over my head. I now realize what you meant by "RENTAL SIGN". I am assuming one of those black letter signs with flashing bulbs at the top forming an arrow, pointing to the business the sign is screaming about ? ON LOWER WESTHEIMER ? Eeeeegads man, your right, that is GAWDY, Berry should be impeached just for that alone.

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For BigTex, the bulb just went off over my head. I now realize what you meant by "RENTAL SIGN". I am assuming one of those black letter signs with flashing bulbs at the top forming an arrow, pointing to the business the sign is screaming about ? ON LOWER WESTHEIMER ? Eeeeegads man, your right, that is GAWDY, Berry should be impeached just for that alone.
No, dear; no light bulbs for you.

It was a standard metal edged real estate sign placed illegally between the sidewalk and street in front of Mr. Berry's home/office. So yes, he was aware of it, and no, it cannot be blamed on someone else. (Unlike Mr. Berry, I will not claim that a sign is responsible for rivers of innocent blood being shed.) Perhaps you can also expand on the reason Lower Westheimer is undeserving of protection under the law. (This should be interesting...)

OK, on the count of three: start sputtering "liberal!" "Liberal!" LIBERAL!" :lol:

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there was something on the 13 news tonight where he apologized for some comments he made towards native americans on his radio show. i think that takes some guts.

they have a little on it, but nothing about apologies on the web version (yet)

Berry said on that show on March 27 that American Indians do not deserve the federal assistance that they're getting because they were "whipped in a war."

He also said this about Indians, "We conquered them."


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there was something on the 13 news tonight where he apologized for some comments he made towards native americans on his radio show. i think that takes some guts.
Are you sure you heard that right? Here's more of Mr. Berry's remarks:

A Houston city council member said on his radio talk show that the U.S. should "stop the continuous apology for what was done to the American Indians" and drop federal programs and treaties that provide casino rights, educational support and welfare.

Houston City Councilman Michael BerryMichael Berry, a Republican councilman in his third term and mayor pro tempore who hosts a morning show on KPRC, said on the air March 27 that he opposes such benefits for the same reason he opposes paying slavery reparations. "If you're against apologizing for slavery, then you gotta be against giving welfare to the American Indians because of the fact that 200 years ago they were whipped in a war. ... We conquered them. That's history. Hello!" (source: Watching the Watchers)

"Whipped in a war..." "That's history. Hello!" :wacko:

Now, which war was that? The Big Ol' Indian War? Hello! (god, I hate when people say that!)

I agree it takes guts to admit when you're wrong. That's why I'll be surprised if Mr. Berry apologizes.

edit: But wait! There's more!

from The San Diego Union-Tribune :

Besides being an at-large councilman, Berry is Houston's mayor pro-tem, meaning that he fills in for certain duties when Mayor Bill White isn't available. Berry did not return messages left Wednesday by The Associated Press.

The Michael Berry Show airs weekdays on KPRC 950-AM in Houston. A message left for station officials seeking comment also wasn't returned Wednesday.

Berry made the remark while speaking out against a proposal in the Texas Legislature for the state to apologize for slavery.

"If we're not going to apologize for slavery, then we need to stop the continuous apology for what was done to the American Indians,"

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If one fits the requirements, is the perfect candidate for enlistment, likes to mouth off on supporting the war and criticized those that think otherwise,

then duh, they should act on it

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the way ch13 described it he did apologize on his radio show whatever time that comes on.

on the KPRC radio site:

I received quite a few emails from listeners of American Indian descent regarding some comments I made recently. Those comments were intended to spark a discussion on how we view past transgressions against American Indians as compared to those against Blacks in America. I intended to challenge policies, and not to demean or insult any group of people.


What bothered me was that my comments were construed as insulting and demeaning to American Indians. That was not my intention. However, I went back and re-read my comments several times, and I can see how someone might come away with that idea.


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Thanks for the link.

That's a justification, not an apology. There's quite a difference between the two.

i don't know. im just simply reporting what 13 had on their news. i don't have speakers here..so it'll have to wait til later to listen.

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