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Everything posted by Golyadkin

  1. Looks like that may have been the Perennial. 22 stories, June start, main tenant already secured. The 24-hour Fitness is not only still there, the people there have not heard anything about it possibly being closed any time soon.
  2. They moved fast on that fence. I took those pictures last night around 6, and this morning around 11 I drove by and it was done. Here's what it looks like now: And they got rid of the old wall that was there. The two sites are now one: I wonder if they are going to work on just the one building then move to the rest of the site, or if they may work on both main buildings at the same time. The paperwork says the expected end is Feb. 2013 for the "Office Buildings and Parking Garage", so who knows?
  3. Construction is moving pretty consistently now (all these were taken at around 6pm after work had ended for the day. During the day, the site is really busy) : And they've starting putting this fence up around the area next to the site, on the area that I assume is technically 2100 Post Oak: And if anyone is interested, the paperwork posted on the site: If you notice on the last picture, it says "Office Buildings and Parking Garage." Note the plural. Could they be putting up more than just the one building right now?
  4. The economic collapse put the brakes on almost every major project in the city, and they are just starting to start back up. If the government defaults, and the economy collapses again, are we screwed on construction until 2015?

    1. editor


      No default, but we still may get another collapse.

  5. 2011 Landmark Awards Presented by: Stewart Title Category: Land Deal of the Year Honoring: 3009 Post Oak - Skanska USA
  6. I had a delivery to Skanska's office on Yorktown today, and they have an award sitting on their front desk: The guy who picked up the delivery said that they are hoping to break ground in the next month. If this is true, and what I was told when I went to the BLVD Place offices last week is true, then by the beginning of next year, there will be serious work happening all down Post Oak. EDIT: Wow. That picture came out huge. I took it with my p.o.s. non-smart phone, so I didn't think it'd be THAT big.
  7. Then maybe the ones along Ambassador Way and McCue are just bad examples.
  8. I posted this in the other thread about this site. A few pictures I took about a week ago:
  9. The hotel tower. The residential building has been a separate property for a long time now.
  10. Also, I went by yesterday around the Pavilion to get some pictures of it, and inside in one of the rooms (everything seemed hastily abandoned except for America's) I saw this: I recognize the one on the left as the plans for the new YMCA downtown, but what are those other buildings? And in another room out in front facing the main open space inside the Pavilion, I saw this, a scale model of the original plans for the site:
  11. It's still going to be the awesome development we're expecting, just (maybe) minus the 10 story tower in front, and the rear property won't be developed by Ed Wulfe.
  12. I was coming home from UH one day, and was patiently waiting in the line of traffic merging from 59 south onto 610 north. A little teenage girl in an SUV pulled up next to me right before the lane merges off (I had been waiting in the line for 5-10 minutes at this point). She puts on her turn signal, and just merges in on me. Not in front of me: IN TO ME. I laid on my horn and she just kept coming. I was forced onto the shoulder and the person behind me was nice enough to let me back onto the road. When the lane finally merged with 610 she pulled into the lane next to me and as I drove passed her I saw her pointing and laughing at me. I have never wanted to run into someone so much in my life. At the time Rita hit, I was 17, so I was forced to evacuate by my panicky mother. It took us 19.5 hours to get to just north of Dallas to my great-uncle's house. Took more than 10 to get home. I moved out before Ike hit, and moved into a bunker of a condo. Rode out Ike here. We didn't lose power, TV, anything.
  13. Ok. So I went back today, after work failed to start in June like I was told. Here's the story I got: -Construction cannot start until the Pavilion is gone, because the underground parking garage for Whole Foods needs some of the space it's currently sitting on. -America's lease at the Pavilion will be up August 31st. Demolition will start in September. -Demolition is expected to take around 3 months. -Actual work on the site is scheduled to start in December. -The current plans do not call for the 10 story tower pictured in the renderings or mentioned previously. -The site in the back, on the other side of Post Oak Ln. has been sold to another developer. -Ritz Carlton isn't part of any plans for any of the sites at this point.
  14. Yeah. They timed the start of the stadium garage perfectly to cause as much disruption as possible to parking at this exact moment.
  15. Probably best it wasn't built then. Every single image I've seen for the it is hideous. I'd rather have the city associated with oil refineries than this thing.
  16. I was at UH on Thursday, and Wheeler between Cullen and Calhoun/MLK is now one way: They've also cleared the front of lot 9C away. It looks like they are going to have the road curve around the Cameron Building: And a good chunk of the new road is finished:
  17. Surprised this wasn't brought up earlier. The most famous non-building in Houston: Bank of the Southwest Tower: http://www.emporis.com/application/?nav=building&lng=3&id=103046
  18. At least for now, the light at Post Oak Blvd. and BLVD Place Dr. (at least that's what's on the pole there. If you look on a map you won't find it because it doesn't even exist yet.) is pointless. Once BLVD Place is actually built, there will be a use for it, but right now it just stops people on Post Oak for no reason at all. Also, at South Post Oak Ln. and Westbriar Ln. That light just stops people up on S. Post Oak, and confuses people coming out of the Rice Epicurean parking lot. It used to be a stop sign, and it worked fine. I know they built it expecting an increased traffic load from the Cosmopolitan, but there is never more than one or two cars that go through from the side street at any time.
  19. Submitted a line from Town & Country through Memorial City, down I-10, passed the Marq*E and ending at the Northwest Transit Center, which is the planned end of the Uptown line. Would allow access to Memorial City Mall and Town and County, and help alleviate at least a small part of the traffic on I-10 between the belt and the loop.
  20. That's fantastic! Hopefully they'll be able to just build the whole system now, instead of having a several year wait between lines.
  21. Everything I've ever read has it at or right around 1000' tall.
  22. One Shell Plaza has a big one. I think most don't for the same reason I keep hearing why we have nothing over 1,000 ft.: The FAA, Hobby Airport, etc.
  23. ACTUAL EQUIPMENT! Construction has finally actually begun, it seems! Took these pictures about an hour ago:
  24. I wouldn't be surprised to see them try to grab a slice of that parking lot north of Walgreens and try to put an entrance there and an exit on Brownway. That, or see some work down on Brownway. It's way too small to handle the increased traffic of a 22-story tower. And at the Sage/Westheimer intersection, there are always people who cut across the right lane to get to Brownway, I imagine that problem is just going to get worse.
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