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Everything posted by west20th

  1. I'd have pegged MB as a JR's man. TC's (used to be Cousin's) known for dentally challenged Drag queens, male hookers and ice cold canned beer. Hey Mike. The drag show at Micheal's Outpost blows TC's away and the bar name is a better fit.
  2. The below paraphrased quote was lifted from somewhere but I can't remember where to give credit. "Yeah Ron Jeremy is in town filming a movie. I saw him at the gas station filling up. When he was done he pulled out and sprayed gas all over the hood,"
  3. I really didn't. You just reminded me I have old eyes.
  4. Can you make your font size a little larger?
  5. List of permitted patios in Houston. http://houston.eater.com/archives/2012/01/11/updated-list-of-dog-friendly-patios-in-houston.php
  6. I'll stick with Jimmy's, a real ice house..
  7. I predict I will become fabulously wealthy selling rapture insurance in anticipation of 12-21-12.
  8. NIMBY backlash in Katy to the Aldi store. http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/local&id=8458506
  9. You "heard"? Way to trash someones reputation based on hearsay.
  10. Just a little Readers Digest type story from my past. The is the first topic that it would remotely apply to. Picture it. Houston. Late '80's, back when land development engineering companies also did the environmental impact surveys. Not the conflict of interest that it would seem. The "bird and bunny" environmental engineers from our Austin office could always be counted on to give a fair report regardless of the impact on future business. We were about to start developing a tract off of Huffmeister when the Environmental Engineers found three Red-cockaded Woodpecker nests. We had to draw a map with 1/2 mile radius circles around each siting as a no-development zone, effectively killing off the development. Well the Survey crews were none too happy about the loss of future work and labeled the nest in the field books as Red-cockheaded Woodpeckers. I didn't know a cockaded woodpecker from a cock-headed woodpecker so the maps were labeled "Red-cockheaded Woodpecker Sitings". Luckily the client still had a sense of humor.
  11. Lying is OK if it is not news? We definately will have to agree to disagree on that.
  12. I have no issue with the truthfulness of the quote on Ed Schultz's show. My only point to MarkSMU was that I had no interest in going to Fox New's site because they lie. Their editorial spin has nothing to do with it. Sorry if I wasn't very clear on that.
  13. No one is arguing that some cable news has a bias. IMO only MSNBC has a left leaning bias. You conveniently ignored the point of my post. It is not the bias I have issue with it is the lying to support that bias. You do not have an issue with with Fox posting false videos to support their point of view? Google incorrect video fox news wisconsin . When you are done with that research the incorrect videos Fox used to make the Tea Party attendance seem to be greater than it was. This is enough for me to view Fox News with much skepticism.
  14. I don't consider Fox a reliable news source. Reliable news sources do not use fake video footage to "enhance" their point of view.
  15. A link to Fox News from the Drudge report? No thanks.
  16. The man that is in a coma is an Iraq war vet. This guy probably had to show more restraint than OPD while controlling crowds in Iraq and he has to come home to this?
  17. Wrong. I usually get a lot of horns on Heights because I usually drive a little less than the speed limit at night. The issue is the neighborhood hazards can't be seen soon enough because they think it is a good idea to jog at night in dark clothes.
  18. Just another note to joggers on this trail. TWICE on the the way home last night I had to brake to avoid darkly dressed joggers running out in front of me. One wasn't even at an intersection.
  19. Most polls show Obama too be well ahead of Cain. Anyway, Cain will fizzle. I don't think you can sell a tax plan ripped off from Sim City for too long.
  20. Fortunately Obama isn't running against a "generic" Republican. He will be running against one of the clown parade the GOP will trot out.
  21. Somewhat, but the war had as much to do with Nixon's election as the scary hippies. The Democrats (Humphrey) were saddled with the Vietnam war and Nixon sold everyone on his super secret plan to get us out of Vietnam. No more war no more scary hippies.
  22. Alamo Drafthouse in old Adickes studio? http://blog.chron.com/primeproperty/2011/10/alamo-drafthouse-scouting-locations-near-the-heights/
  23. The Lucky Burger, Harp, Orange Bar and Maria Selma site has also been sold. They are all safe until 2014. I'll miss Lucky Burger. http://swamplot.com/richmond-from-lucky-burger-to-the-harp-ready-for-something/2011-10-03/
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