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Everything posted by Texasota

  1. Re-exposing the turquoise will make it stand out better too.
  2. This building, unlike the Marriott, shouldn't involve taking off the entire facade and then putting up EIFS in its place, so maybe it will be faster? Depends on how much work needs to be done to the interior, especially since it's a conversion from office to hotel.
  3. Yep, they've pretty seriously uglified it. I think it will still be pretty good at the street level, although I'm concerned that they'll cheap out on materials.
  4. That's how downtown used to be.
  5. Eh, separating the garage out probably makes it easier to adapt the design for different sites in different cities. Plus, if, in the future, market conditions incentivize a higher use, the garage itself can be replaced without touching the apartment building itself.
  6. What possible reason would there be to expand the GRB? It's already large enough, and expanding it even further just makes it even more of a wall.
  7. It's really great to see this building get renovated rather than torn down.
  8. Eh, it's one less surface lot. Maybe this will help spur development on the lot next to the Center for Dance
  9. On a poorly paved sidewalk next to a freeway exit ramp. Let's not oversell the quality of the connection to the bayou trails.
  10. Well, but don't forget that Jones Plaza, Tranquility Park and Herman Square are pretty close by too, and it seems like they are likely to get some work done soon. I guess my point is that, if there's an issue, it's not about a lack of park or park-like space nearby, but rather a lack of programming within that space. Sesquicentennial Park, Jones Plaza, and Tranquility Park could all be *much* more useful and successful if redesigned.
  11. Are there specific amenities you're thinking of? Something that the combined proximity of Market Square, Sesquicentennial Park, Allen's Landing, and the bayou trails doesnt address or there should be more of?
  12. 3/4 mile? This building is going in a block from the bayou, and new trails are currently being built on the south side. Sesquicentennial Park is two blocks away.
  13. Why? Would it really be out of place in the vacant lot between La Carafe and Hearsay? or on Commerce Street next to Spaghetti Warehouse or backing up to the sunset coffee building? or facing Main between Nit Noi and the Harris County building? or in the parking lot next to Treebeard's? There actually seems like there's quite a few places in the historic district where you could plop it down and it could become a great little bar/restaurant.
  14. I'd really rather it actually be *used* for something than just become another attraction in the Sam Houston Park architectural petting zoo
  15. Randall's in Midtown is a full-size major grocery store. The problem is that people here expect an 80,000 square foot grocery store (or bigger) even in an urban setting, which is totally unrealistic.
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