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Howard Huge

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Everything posted by Howard Huge

  1. Alright, let it go guys, lets talk about the red line
  2. Nope, never happened, none of it. LA LA LA LA, I CANT HEAR YOU, LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU!
  3. Theyre gonna demolish that small building for a parking plaza
  4. Nonsense, according to some posters here there has not been a single development built on the metro light rail line.
  5. ^ exactly We bought that because we lived in Houston House for 8 years, its a god send when you have to take groceries from a parking garage, up an elevator, down a long hallway to your unit.
  6. Yea, no. Lots of people bring these on the trains, they are neither bulky nor obnoxious. Have you ever seen one of these baskets in person? Theyre not as big as you seem to be imagining them. I guess going by your standards, people in wheelchairs are also "bulky and obnoxious" since they are bigger than my basket. And people who bring their bicycles on the train, oy vey, they must be the anti-christ according to you. Then again, youve probably never even been on the train, seeing as to how you are unaware how NONE of the above are bulky or obnoxious, and are in fact encouraged.
  7. Nope. I can fit almost a full shopping cart worth of merchandise in this bad boy, and its not a pain at all, its actually easier than carrying bags by hand. Me and the wifey have been waiting for the north line to open so we could finally start taking the train to walmart instead of driving. It was awesome. The best part was saving gas money and helping the environment.
  8. Thats what I was thinking."My budgets kinda strapped right now and I wanna finish building out my home theatre setup so im not gonna buy any gum this month."
  9. Good point.Also, if no one actually smokes crack, then no one gets high or has their lives ruined, therefore crack is harmless.
  10. Like a small residential district. Im sure others will follow suit. We still have plenty of surface parking lots to offer.
  11. Dont fall on that third rail, Ramo!
  12. Ermaghurd, im at the top of the food chain, muaahahahahaha!!!!
  13. Still havent heard from your guy yet?YOU BETTER NOT BE JERKIN US AROUND, BUDDY!
  14. I wanna know who handpicked that "appraiser", he was probably greased by the deep pockets of the residents. I HIGHLY doubt that if this project gets built i will be able to waltz into SouthHampton and buy a house for 22% less than what I can now. If anything, like other posters have already stated, it will just make everything even more expensive than it is now. Buncha hogwash.
  15. You have seriously got to be kidding me. I have no words. Where did these jurors come up with these random/outrageous dollar amounts? Even down to 'xx,xxx.58 cents'. Cents? Really?? Who the hell do you think you are? Man, now I REALLY hope this thing gets built so bad and it actually DOES lower their precious property values to the tune of more than they are awarded and they end up having to stay living under the "Tower Of Terror" because moving out would equal a huge loss.
  16. Thats all true and I agree Jones will always be the Mr. Houston.Be that as it may, you take away Gerald Hines legacy, the Galleria, Transco Tower, and the many other projects him or his company were directly/indirectly responsible for, and you take away a HUGE chunk of what Houston is today, and even in years forthcoming. Cant really downplay Jerrys significance in this city.
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