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Everything posted by AtticaFlinch

  1. I hope this goes to court. I'm curious what kind of testimony the "expert witnesses" can provide.
  2. That is, sure. It's overwrought, maudlin and more than a bit contrived, but yeah, that's an opinion. But that's not what the opinion defense referenced. So... I guess good for you in understanding what is and what isn't an opinion, and considering the breadth of your opinion-discerning skills, I suppose my comment wasn't directed towards you.
  3. The opinion defense: the last refuge of the intellectually dishonest. BTW, opinions can't be stated as absolutes. Here's an example of an opinion and not an opinion, can you guess which is which? 1. Surface parking lots suck. 2. Houston's downtown has more surface parking lots than any other city in the world. If you guessed one is an opinion and two is not an opinion, then congrats, you grasp on some level how your statement that your take is an opinion is flat-out false. But, your take on this isn't a fact either. It fits an a less well-defined area that many internet debaters don't even realize exists. Most internet debaters automatically assume anything not able to be proven out conclusively is automatically an opinion. Often, and especially in this case, the statement falls under the category heading "hyperbolized and mischaracterized lie". I hope this clears up a few things for you.
  4. Not true at all. All the cities that developed along with Houston during the age of the automobile are very similar. Older East Coast cities and a couple West Coast cities are about the only cities in the US that aren't similar to Houston. I was being very, very sarcastic. The contention that building midrises exclusively would have eliminated surface parking is ridiculous.
  5. Very cool. I've seen literally a hundred or more mound sites, but as crazy as it may sound, especially as close as it is, I have never been to the Caddoan Mounds. I'll have to make it a point to do that some day soon.
  6. I think it's worth visiting, but I'm also a former archaeologist whose research was focused primarily on Mississippian cultures. So yeah... take my recommendation with that in mind. If anything, visiting the site is free and it's a UNESCO world heritage site. That's got to be worth something. I used to do a lot of work in Mark Twain N.F., so I completely understand why you took trips to the Ozarks instead. That's incredibly beautiful country. Cahokia is a bit of a one-trick pony. Once you've seen the mounds and visited the museum, there's not much else nearby to see. The neighborhood surrounding the site is pretty rotten. It's not far at all from St Louis though. You can easily see the city skyline from atop Monk's Mound (the big pyramid in the photo), so as long as you're in town, you may as well check it out. Out of curiosity, did you attend Wash U?
  7. I'm not surprised. We Americans have a long-standing tradition of ignoring the accomplishments of the pre-European natives on this continent. It's easier to relocate and/or slaughter people if they can be portrayed as uncivilized and barely more than animals. Plus, it's on the Illinois side of the river in a dirty little burgh called East St Louis. Most conversations about East St Louis involve crime stats, not pyramids.
  8. I was thinking more along the lines of chickens, goats, gunshots and trash, but if a civil war just so happens to happen, then yeah, that too.
  9. Got it here... ...but totally missed the point here. How many people have your login info?
  10. Cars are pretty rapid, more rapid than trains and buses anyhow. Cars are snails compared to the SR-71 Blackbird though. At 2000 mph, the SR-71 Blackbird is the most rapid (rapidest?) transit. Oh, and my quality of life is pretty good... even without an SR-71 Blackbird. (Though my life would be infinitely more full of quality with one.)
  11. Ignorance is no excuse, and I really don't feel bad for Mack. If he didn't do his homework before opening his new location, then that's totally his fault.
  12. You may want to get out of Sugarland now before it turns into Liberia West. Because it's coming, oh it's coming.
  13. Good. We can keep them all in one place. No public transport can work for teh poorz like an invisible fence does for a dog. We can partition all those nice six bedroom houses. The apartment that gets the living room with the vaulted ceiling will obviously rent for the most money. They'll follow teh poorz wherever they go. Additionally, all the dry-cleaners will turn into laundromats, jewelry stores will turn into pawn shops and the TGIFridays will turn into an all-nude strip club.
  14. I find it interesting her first sentence is grammatically incorrect. It's an incomplete sentence. I realize she's no brain trust, but surely her editors have had some training in the proper use of the English language.
  15. So it would look like the Galleria area? It's full of midrises, has only one supertall and has no parking lots at all.
  16. La Luz del Mundo has a massive underground lair where they perform their ritual virgin sacrifices. I think it extends to the earth's core.
  17. BTW citykid, thanks for clarifying for me you meant "Light Rail" when you wrote "street car system". I wouldn't have understood otherwise.Oh, also, here's a map of Rome's subway: It's actually grown considerably in four years when I last rode it. Back then it had about eight stations, all of which were hot, sweaty, stuffy and crowded, and there were onlly two lines then. It was one big X. Now there are three lines. Real world-class. Woot!
  18. Is that what I wrote? If so, then yes. If not, then no. If anything else, then I really don't care if Houston is alpha, beta, gamma, delta or even zeta rated. The criteria is stupid, and I'm pretty sure I was making light of that, but you know better than me what I meant I guess.
  19. That's the way Paris is set up, and that system is incredibly efficient. Paris, France, not Texas.
  20. In order to achieve Alpha status, it looks as if we'd need: 1) a competitive trading market to be based here - Dallas beats us here because of Ft Worth's stockyards 2) more than a regional footprint in the financial industry - eh, we control energy production 3) extortionary level costs of living 4) an internationally recognized media outlet - haif is on its way to global domination, but we'll call it a draw for now 5) a religious pilgrimage site - the beer can house, maybe? 6) more extensive rail - on its way Other than that, we've got everything else. I'd say based on their criteria we're more an Alpha- or Beta+, but who cares really? Edit: I question the placement of some of their cities.... Milan and Buenos Aires are alpha? Whatever.
  21. Ramen won't make you as gassy.
  22. For ramen? Seriously, just boil some water in the microwave. It takes a minute and a half. Let the noodles sit for another minute to soften up and bing bang boom, in two and a half minutes, you've got ramen with enough sodium to cause at least two capillaries to harden.
  23. Nah, I can pick up a pack of Top or Maruchan for about a quarter at any grocery store in town. ...which I can get to by taking the train.
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