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Everything posted by AtticaFlinch

  1. How do you figure that? Band-aids have nothing to do with overt racism. I question your ability to draw rational conclusions. Edit: No matter his choice of words, it comes down to money. Apartments = turnover. Low Rent Apartments = higher turnover. Turnover = No pride in ownership. No pride in ownership = Little to no care for the community. Little to no care for the community = Decrease in property values = Band-Aid ripping = Band-Aid screaming...
  2. I didn't say that, but I'm sure the mayor thinks that. Perhaps it's you who shows his ignorance by assuming the mayor's innocence with such obviously racially-charged words.
  3. Maybe it's the all the Canadian and European immigrants he finds so loathesome. Maybe I was wrong to assume he was speaking of the majority of non-American people who live in low-income housing. Maybe it isn't about color...
  4. From the article: Elder's the Katy mayor, btw. I think it's pretty clear his reason for opposing the complex, and I'm pretty sure you and I can agree that it's not because it'll ruin the pristine prarie landscape. That said, at least he's honest with his bigotry. I always prefer an honest bigot to a closeted bigot. Most (though undoubtably not all) of those other concerns are just word dressing to disguise the disgusting nature of dishonest bigotry. The real reason people oppose this apartment is because it's for poor people, and the likelihood is greater that a poor person won't be white, and there's a possibility that non-white people won't "even [be] American citizens".
  5. That is terrible. Not as terrible as being poor, but still... Obviously your aesthetic sensibilities are far more important than the rights of other people to live where they please in the manner they choose.
  6. I'm offended you didn't offend me on purpose. Unintended offenses are the most offensive, don't you think? Kinda like when a defensive tackle makes an interception and then a cornerback has to block for him?
  7. It's the novacaine. Don't worry, it'll pass.
  8. Really? I think you're confusing religion and politics. That tends to happen with Republicans. Zing!
  9. I really like the idea of putting the heads all around the city. Maybe they could be kept centralized within the loop or something, and that could easily fit the desires in that other thread looking for a marketable Houston landmark. It certainly would be unique.
  10. I do. But you're right. I do prefer to ride rail - unless I'm in a third world country. There, buses are generally much nicer and/or more interesting.
  11. Lighten up. I hate to disappoint you. Edit: And for what it's worth, when I was a kid I saw some Christian concerts there too. It was Carmen and Stryper if I'm not mistaken.
  12. Well... I was hoping to leave the implication that it wasn't much different than Houston (and therefore not a model of betterness - in other words, agreeing with you.), but it appears my communication skills have broken down yet again. I do still think having an inexpensive rail connection to the airport does make it better though. At least a little. (Although we do have the 102 bus which gives travelers a scenic view of Greenspoint's many apartment offerings.) The presence of rail doesn't necessarily imply urbanity, and using it as the benchmark to determine urbanity is just plain ol' silly.
  13. On a positive note, it looks like we have the highest percentage of carpoolers.
  14. Eh... I've ridden Brussels. The one (central) underground I was in reeked of urine and was full of (or at least surrounded by) transients. The big positive that city had was that the airport was connected to the center of the city. If citykid wants to level a genuine complaint that differentiates our systems, that would be his best avenue. There is no quick public access transit service here for that. THAT is a legitimate complaint. Learn to pick your battles, citykid.
  15. Neither group is winning. It's been a process of compromises. Perhaps this is where our disconnect lies. You see this as a competition, and you shouldn't.
  16. If that was free in coach, I'd never fly another airline.
  17. A huge part of me wants to round up all the CEOs and CFOs of massive corporations along with a big bunch of Washington politicians and grab them all by their lapels and shout at them, "You wanted deregulation! You wanted to set your own rules! You did, and this is what happens! You've corrupted our economy and driven more and more people into poverty, and you have the gall to ask us to fix what you broke?!" The whole situation makes me angry on a visceral level. That said, there's a part of me that understands the reasoning behind the bailout theory even if I disagree with the implementation.
  18. "I pledge allegiance to the flag, and the corporations for which it stands..."
  19. I think the upgrades were a condition of landing the iPhone contract. Apple made them improve, not the consumers (at least directly).
  20. Perhaps they could just put Maruchan Ramen Noodles on board and still provide it free. That stuff is way cheaper than a wilted lettuce sandwich.
  21. Have you ever been to Dallas??? You have zero credibility with anything pertaining to urbanity. One, who gives a crap about alpha? Save that discussion for the other thread exactly about that. Two, people are migrating here regardless of your pie-in-the-sky ideas of what a city should be. You know why?? It's not the rail, and it's not the density, and it's not the neat-o tall buildings... in the phrasing so popular with former president Bill Clinton, "It's the economy, stupid." Great... beginning a retort with a dictionary definition. Now I know I'm talking with an expert. I tell you what... rather than chase this bunny all the way into Wonderland, how about I just defer to you and your particular brand of self-loathing? Frankly, I don't want to participate in a discussion with you. If you were to offer helpful criticisms of the system in place, or if you were to make astute observations beyond the ridiculously subjective comments that seem to spew forth from your fingertips like vomit, then perhaps we could talk. You see, I recognize the system isn't perfect, but it's not a polarized issue like you and citykid are so intent on framing it either. If you wish to have a rational discussion, we can. But I will not be baited into some insipid off-topic tangent about what my idea is of a city-sized utopia. I don't care how impressive your copy/paste skills are. I won't be hoodwinked into buffoonery simply because you have mad linking skillz.
  22. I've lived in both Central Texas and Memphis, TN. There's nothing here that impresses me with its greatness, at least not that I've eaten, but there are a ton of serviceable bbq joints.
  23. Why should I be called to task about my opinion? I'm not the one complaining that the city doesn't fit into my vision of what it should be versus what it actually is. That's in yours and citykid's purview, not mine. As such, your desire to want to know (and it should be oh so good) what my definition of a "realistic" (your quotes) expectation is for Houston is a specious diversionary tactic, another cheap rhetoric device and bordering on an ad hominem attack. And, where did I claim to speak for all the workin' folk? You took an awfully broad interpretation of my words and twisted them in an effort to belittle me. That's weak. And, so you know, I actually like Dallas. It must drive you nuts to know there are people who happen to like both cities and appreciate them for what they are, but you are delusional to think Dallas is a vastly superior place to Houston.
  24. Really? Every other city? Your exaggeration weakens your point. Did I call a grade-separated rail system pie-in-the-sky, or did I call his expectation for what a city should be pie-in-the-sky? My opinion of his view is based on a history of inanity, not simply grade-separation. Please don't misquote me going forward. Again, it weakens your point when you have to resort to cheap rhetorical devices to prove it.
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