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Everything posted by AtticaFlinch

  1. Central Park isn't in Downtown Manhattan either. It's just north of Midtown Manhattan. It's an appropriate comparison, I suppose, though Hermann Park is still probably a better comparison.
  2. Though not so great for kids these days. Jacket weather makes the fountains not so much fun. I think Hermann Park is by far our city's best urban park.
  3. Don't forget folks, free zoo day on Friday. Get there early before the good parking spots are taken (but not earlier than me - I'd hate to have to walk far).
  4. I know. It was stupid of me to ask so much. Perhaps we should air condition the zoo and install those moving walkways like they have at the airport too. Better yet, instead of moving walkways, perhaps they can come equipped with seats. Lord knows I don't like lookin' at a hippopotamus' blubbery butt unless I'm sittin' on my own.
  5. Let me see if I've got this straight... If the deal doesn't go through, then we will guaranteed lose money, but if it goes through, there's a slight chance we may lose money but most likely we make money? It seems to me the anti-stadium folks pushing against the stadium for fiscal responsibility reasons are actually being fiscally irresponsible here. This stadium is pretty much a no-brainer. Let's hope it happens.
  6. Once in the zoo, you're going to walk a good two or three miles anyhow, if not more. I don't understand why anyone is complaining about the quarter mile extra they'll have to walk to the entrance from one train stop vs another. Hell, you'll be lucky to park as close as either train stop on a busy day anyhow. Plus, if that extra little bit of time added to your jaunt is more than you can physically handle, then perhaps you don't need to go to a zoo in the first place, an air conditioned gym next door to a Jenny Craig outlet and a Hoveround store perhaps, but not the zoo. Your earlier recommendation about putting in bus service to connect the rail stop to the zoo entrance is just ridiculous. I really hope that suggestion was made in jest.
  7. So? If the debt goes bad, then the city's sitting on top of $15-20 million dollars of prime real estate. Of course, the real estate will be worth far more now simply because it's developed, but that's besides the point, I guess. I really don't see how the city (or the taxpayers) can lose on this.
  8. So much for assumptions. The people of Houston will pay back the team... by purchasing tickets and concessions. This isn't new news either. Of that $20 million, $15 million is the free land. You know, the land that's already been purchased? Besides, under the plan, the Dynamo will be required to find private backing to underwrite the public funds. What's so awful about this idea? The city's on the hook for what, $5 million dollars that could possibly go to bad debt? That's a bargain at twice the price.
  9. Austin has street food vendors. I used to get breakfast tacos from a Korean guy in Austin every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Of course, his cart resembled something more akin to a hotdog street vendor than a taco truck, but still. Besides, if these street vendors weren't allowed, they'd find some way to peddle their goods anyhow. Think of the tamale guy who prowls the bars and pubs of Montrose every evening. I doubt he's got a Health Department inspection sticker.
  10. I still don't think I would be in the market for one. Long term, you have to consider maintenance costs, and VWs are not cheap to repair. Plus, the infant seat takes up far too much space to eliminate the need for room in the back.
  11. I'm 6'3" and I fit fine in cars this size. Of course, I effectively reduce the cars to two-seaters.
  12. I think you're thinking about the building across Milam from Pennzoil. Houston Club Garage, I think. Anyhow, I'm pretty sure that garage is used by the Chase employees at the Gulf Building.
  13. I've got the news on right now too. For about the last hour or two, I've continually heard about how Hasan's actions may have been partially motivated by the stories he heard as a psychiatrist from soldiers he counseled. Apparently, war is hell (and... duh), and that weighed so heavily on his mind he decided to go out and kill people.... He protested killing people by killing people.... What a dipflurf. I hope they nurse this guy back to perfect health and then resurrect ol' sparky or put a noose around his neck. He doesn't even have a lifetime of oppression to cite as a reason for his actions. He was raised in middle-class America, and the worst thing to happen to him personally was he faced a handful of slurs against his religion. And that makes him go postal?! He counseled some people who had difficulty adjusting to the reality of being a soldier so he murders innocent people?! Did this guy live in a land of make believe before he was assigned to Killeen? Sorry for my anger, but this asshat's actions are so completely unjustifiable and reprehensible, even his family has disavowed him.
  14. Actually, I think at the time he got in, the only requirement was that you make less than $30k per year. It's sort of a pyrrhic victory.
  15. This woman is about to get mythologized. I just read something that said she single-handedly thwarted a would-be burglar from entering her home while her two-year-old kid was in another room. To resurrect a tired interweb meme, I think we may have found the first person on Earth who makes Chuck Norris wet his pants in fear. In all seriousness though, Munley just answered that age old question, "what would you do if..." with about the most definitive badass response possible. I'm sad for the 13 people that bum murdered, but think about the number it could have been had Munley not been so quick and resolute in her response.
  16. For anyone interested: A BBC profile on Major Malik Nadal Hasan
  17. It'll be interesting to see if he's prosecuted from a terrorism or mass-murder standpoint. Either way, he'll fry. He should have chosen a different state to do this in. Edit: If the prosecutors and investigators do discover that this was religiously motivated, will he still get his 72 virgins since he didn't die at the scene? I'm sure he was hoping to die in the act, so I'm glad this bum had that taken from him, but I think it would be even better if the promise of a fulfilling afterlife was taken from him too. All these religiously motivated homicides and suicides could probably be eliminated if people were to stop thinking they'll live in bliss through eternity for their violent heinous actions on Earth. It's time we bring science and nihilism to the Muslim world. Forget guns, we need Richard Dawkins.
  18. Malik Nadal Hasan Yeah, definitely Arabic. I can't wait to hear what Pat Robertson has to say about this. Guh.
  19. It was an officer that was being deployed to Iraq and didn't want to go. Well... guess he's not going now. Whatever happened to soldiers that want to go AWOL just fleeing to Canada? This is unfortunate indeed.
  20. There are a ton of idle construction workers out there right now. If they so wanted to, and all the necessary materials were readily available, they could probably get this project done in a couple weeks if they put 1000 construction workers to work.
  21. Hopping back on HAIF any time soon?

  22. Yep, the big block on the bottom right of the map in the photo on the first post is Richmont Square. I can't say I'll miss Richmont. They don't allow dogs which puts them in my doghouse.
  23. I like Houston Shazzbot Super Wow Club. And, I think the exterior should be painted day-glo green. That'll really jazz up Downtown's stodgy image.
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