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Everything posted by Ethanra

  1. Add: Mosiac of Houston - 5925 Almeda Rd - Herman Park - Twin 320' Towers at 30 stories. - UC started 2006 finish ? Memorial Herman Office Tower - I-10 @ Gessner - Memorial City - 35 stories - 500'+ - UC started 2006 Finish 2009
  2. It is not walking the extra 50; it is making it look nice and having the the entrance street side and not having a ugly suburb style structure in the midlle of an area that is trying to be redevelop and create an urban indentity...
  3. Projects get put on hold and canceled in every city. No more or no less. You realy think all dozen or so of the mix-use projects that were announced over the past couple years were going to come through.
  4. Drove by today.... The frame is going up and all four sides of the building are surrounded by parking. Basicly a suburb style CVS in the middle of the block surrounded by concrete. A sighed letter or petition needs to be put together and let CVS know who and why their is a protest and boycott of CVS..... At least the Walgreens in MT had two sides facing the street as well as nice landscaping. Walgreens did a good job with the one in the heights as well. I just don't understand , why they couldn't have CVS run the length of the block facing main and have the back half of the block parking....
  5. --Yes, Sambucca is still open. It is always full but usually closed by midnight. We still enjoy the food and the live music, but I've heard others mention the food has gone down-hill. --I'll repeat it again. DT main street is dead, their was even a report on the news. Over 80% of the clubs and bars have closed, and anyone can see it by just walking and see all the "for lease" signs. It use to have dozens of clubs and bars open. I remember it was a crazy scene. Playboy, one year, even ranked Mercury Room one of the top 5 clubs in the U.S. I would see athletes from Barkley to Rashard Lewis with Kevin Garnett. Jaime Foxx would be spotted as well as other celebrities. It is a fact, Main Street was a fun scene. It is also a fact, Main Street now is dead! The rest of DT is dead after 11PM when the shows are done, and the nice restraunts and bars close. --I wish the few remaining clubs would close on Main Street. I like what DT is turning into, I truly believe DT main Street is going to be an one of the best neighborhoods to live during the next decade(s). You will have nice restraunts, bars , and retail. You will also have cool venues like the HOB.
  6. That is an impressive map! Imagine if someone added what was going up in the energy corridor, westchase, memorial city, and china town. Very cool map...
  7. I am "keeping it real"! The fact is Main Street has maybe five clubs open now vs. dozens that were open several years ago. So Yes, main street is dead compared to what Main Street was several years ago, compared to midtowns dozens of bars that are open, and compared to other areas like the village. Also, all the nice restraunts and bars DT close by 11PM. Main Street is dead.... By person of color, what do you mean, because MT is full of Asians, Hispanics, Middle Easterns, and Euroamericans. I'll repeat myself -- Different people like different music and atmospheres, and that is the reason different clubs and areas have different groups of people. Are gay bars against straight people? Are country bars against black people? Are Latin clubs against white people? No, it is not a race issue, different groups of people like different things. The race issue will never stop as long as people like you, continue to bring it up with no merit! So "Keep it Real"!
  8. Compared to 5 years ago, main street was dead. Four or five clubs were open vs. dozens that would be open several years ago. People are not scared of blacks but most Euro, Asian, and Hispanic Americans did not like the same music and atmosphere that the few clubs that are still open cater to. Since their are few blacks at country music bars or alternative music bars does it mean that they are scared of Euro Americans? Midtown was full of thousands of people just like the way Main Street was several years ago. Asian Americans and Euro Americans were in line at Sammy's. Euro Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Middle Eastren Americans were walking the street having at a good time at El Patio, Little Windrows, Toppsy Turvy, Pub Fiction, and two dozen other places. Their were very few blacks Midtown. Are Euro Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, Middle Eastren Americans scaring blacks from Midtown?? Don't play the B.S. race card, people are not scarred and every group of people have different interest and people are going to go where they enjoy the music and atmosphere. Please note - the first paragraph had a little sarcasm behind hit.
  9. Cool Map, I've seen a map couple monts ago with the same concept. The Austin area now is shaded the Titans color. The cowboys color covers the whole state except around the Houston Metro and east from Houston along I-10 towards Beaumont.
  10. Dalparadise is 100% correct... We went out Thurs. night and DT main street was dead. A few clubs were open and that was about it. I remember going out 5 years ago DT main street was full of people with dozens of clubs and bars from Wed. to Sun. night. Since DT was dead we took a cab to midtown, midtowns restraunts and bars were full of people. The streets were full of people walking and eating at the outside bars. It was very similar to what mainstreet was several years ago. I beleive their are two reason why main street is dead now. First reason - Main street is in a transition phase. I heard this from two people who are involved with the inside issues of DT. The city and DT residents want the clubs closed. Residents were tired of hearing loud music and people through the night. The city wants DT main street to be a livable neighborhood with upscale restraunts, bars, and retail. This is why the city has stop issuing new and renewing bar and club licenses. This is the main reason why the clubs are closing and new ones are not opening up. Second reason - Houston going out scene migrates from area to area. I remember when the Richmond Strip and Shepard Plaza were cool and their were full of people. Then DT main street was full of people having a fun. To be honest with every new area that was full of clubs and bars, every thing was cool, then a few years later the thugs start showing up and it slowly pushes out the people who spend money and want to have fun. This is happening to Main Street and this is what happen to the Richmond Strip and Shepard Plaza. Areas like the village have done a good job of not letting this happen....I also hope this doesn't happen to Midtown. You right their are many other places that are full of people and that are full of fun, but right now DT main street is dead after 10PM. The nice restraunts and bars that are full of people close about that time and people scatter off of main street like a plaque is coming.
  11. Houston gets a bad rep for the city being full of sprawl and so spread out. This is true but at least most of the important characteristics of the city are in the core of the city. The museum district, TMC, 3 major universities, theater district, the teams stadiums, the wealthier neighborhoods etc... are all in the core while the important characteristics Dallas likes to say it has is spread over the whole metro area and not even in Dallas.
  12. It was my understanding that most of the four BRT will have its own lane to drive on. Is this true? I read an article today on how BRT is becoming more popular aroung the nation because it is cheaper and better for the enviroment. If our four inner loop BRT lines do have their own lane majority of the route, it is smart, it may mean more money for other lines.
  13. Is that what you have heard or is that the location you would think would be a good spot?
  14. I truly believe this project is further along then any of us know of. I expect a big announcement by the middle of July. What I have gathered from rumors in the Houston soccer world and from someone who is some-what close to this situation the stadium has a lot of support from Drayton, the city, Oliver Luck, and Garcia to be built on LOT C by MMP. A parking garage(s) will be built in the area as well. As far as fields for the youth program and other soccer needs, I'm not sure where they will be (haven't heard any news on that). The stadium will hold approx. 22,000 and cost about 70 million. The stadium has a good chance of breaking ground this year and be ready for the 2010 season. Also the east-side BRT will run right along the south side of the stadium, which a stop will be placed next to the stadium. I know some of this info is the same stuff from a few days ago but this is what I have heard over the last two days. IMO this stadium will be built on LOT C and will be one of the top soccer facilities in the nation. This is a very exciting project and will bring an extra element to the east-side of 59. quetstion- Does the DT neighborhood stop at 59 and if so, East of 59 is that neighborhood considered 2nd ward? Is their a map that shows the name of areas inside the loop with the boundaries? Thankyou---
  15. 10 minutes ago on the Glenn Davis's radio show, Oliver Luck said "The letter of intent will be sighned tomorrow with the City of Houston". Also DT is the location that the team is trying to get a stadium built. July is an estimated time for an announcement of exactly where the stadium will be and renderings. The stadium will be finished for the 2009 season... I'm sure updates will be announced.
  16. German Soccer Stadiums. Use this link and there are some good pictures. Oliver Luck is going to be on the Glenn Davis soccer hour tonight at 7PM on 790AM.
  17. Read and heard some great news the last couple days. I heard that Pearland last minute effort to get the Dynamo is over. So the two cities left were DT and Sugarland. JUST READ that Sugarland is out of the running. I also listened to two seperate interviews with Oliver Luck and Bill White and it sound like Drayton Mclane is working hard with Anschutz Entertainment Group, who own the Dynamo, in building the stadium on the season-ticket lots just east of MMP. A parking garage(s) will be built on empty lots around MMP for the season ticket holders and other venue goers. Also Bill White was asked about the new stadium a he mentioned, jokingly, they are in the 6th inning of discussion. Which may have been a clue that stadium is close to an agreement around the baseball stadium. Also Glenn Davis who has a weekly soccer show, last broad-cast was done from?.... The empty lots east of MMP. This may have been another clue. One last thing, Olive Luck who runs the Dynamo has worked with German soccer teams before and the rumor is the new design of the satdium will follow an authentic German soccer stadium design (which is a very good thing). I would look for an offical announcement with-in the next few days.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong but Houston DT is 1.8 sq miles and Dallas DT is 1.2 sq' miles so were not talking about at least twice the size. Also 90% of DT Houston structures are with-in a sq' mile. Majority of the blocks on the east side are parking lots.
  19. Everything that I have heard from two current buisnes owners on main street, (1 has a bar, the other has a resteraunt) DT is in the middle of a transition phase. Five years ago DT main street was full of clubs and had a great street night life from Wed. to Sat. night. The city, now is doing everything it can to make DT main street from a club scene into a livable, quality neighborhood. The city has stop issuing and renewing liscenses to clubs which may be the reason DT night life is disappearing. In another decade DT main street is going to be an awesome neighborhood to live in. The empty spaces on Main will be retail, restraunts, etc... I like what they are doing... Also saying DT is a ghost town is a little harsh, Their is the theater district always full of people, bayou place, ball games, restraunts including on Main Street that are all full at night.
  20. 1:15 on a beautiful Sat. afternoon, not a single person in the shot.
  21. Does this mean Metro has started pre-construction on the 4 BRT and IT? METRO NEWS
  22. Houston has gotten bad press about air pollution through the national media. Some people say Houston and L.A. flip-flop back and forth as having the worst air quality. According to thisarticle Houston isn't even in the top 10.
  23. A few years ago DT use to be full on the weekends. Main Street had dozens of clubs and bars that reached every target. You even had a few clubs that stayed open to 4 or 5 in the morning.... This past weekend we had dinner, where we knew the manager. We had a conversation about main street and DT being is in a transition phase (every club seemed to be closed down). He was metioning that the city is working hard to make DT in to a great neighborhood to live (which they are taking all the right steps). He also mentioned their are plenty of new exciting things to come to DT other then what we already know about it. The clubs are closing because the city is not issuing licenses to them any more. They are only allowing upscale restraunts and bars, and retail to open on main street. I realy like the new vibe of DT, it is very comfortable and relaxing, you have shows, great food, sporting events, all with a nice enviroment. My buddy was down from Chicago for the first time in 3 years, and he mentioned how DT has changed for the better since he has was here. Give DT another 10 years and I realy think it is going to be the best hood in the city.... Fingers isn't investing 100 million, HP investing 200 million, the city with the new park with out the chance of DT becoming an exciting community....
  24. Good answer...You need to understand some on this forum are the most negative and pesimistic individuals. It took me a few times on this board to learn this, ignore it, and not let the negativity bother me...
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