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Posts posted by Pumapayam

  1. This is an example of why I stated at the outset that each slogan should be in its own post. If someone likes three of these and dislikes six, then the entire batch end up with a -3 rating. And worse -- if it ranks high, then I have to actually choose the best one to represent the entire post.

    Rank him low for not following directions. . . I kid I kid. :lol:

  2. Thanks for posting that heights_yankee I was just about to post the same thing I saw it on click2houston http://www.click2houston.com/news/20596909/detail.html Hope they catch whomever it is soon, what a sicko...

    From the comments

    There are 92 comments on here about dead cats and only 47 comments about the murder-suicide in front of a two year old child. There is something wrong with this picture.

    Interesting, but comments are comments, and should not dictate importance.

  3. Our kiddo lost his tortoise last night. A wood tortoise, about 6" diameter, generally tortoise shaped. Should be soemwhere near 7th and Harvard. Any sightings, please PM me. Thanks.

    At least you know he won't get anywhere far to fast.

    I remember losing a pet once when I was young. I hope y'all find it.

  4. “What harm does it do to vote each entry? Vote the ones you like up and ones you dislike down... if everyone does that, then the outcome will be the same.”

    OK, so I’ll just vote every one of mine up, and everyone else’s down. That should be fair, accurate and scientific, right?

    Well, if more people like it, it should remain positive, but I see your point, the quantity of the votes is lost.

    Essentially, something could get 9 negatives, and 10 positives, but still ultimately show as 1 positive vote.

    I think Wayne will transition the best of the positives into a true poll to vote on once the entry period is over.


    Just reviewed them all, and yeah, more negatives, than positives. The best I see is a +2, but most are -4, -5. and -6.

    Ouch! :)

    • Like 2
  5. I'm sure the shopping center will cease to exist in the next 5-10 years, so no biggie there. And I think the entrance in the allexy/driveway is fine. Paris is made up of alleys and I remember the entrance to my hotel being just up the alley.

    For such a new shopping center, it's sad if that were true, but I would welcome a better use of that land at such a prime location.

    It has great potential to pull sidewalk traffic from Macy's

    As it stands, there is not motivation for people to cross the intersection, and then walk across a strip center style parking lot.

    Let hope, if they do, we can so retail near the street in the next redesign.

  6. I've upgraded the forum software to the latest version. As you can probably tell already, a few new bugs cropped up. I'm working on them and will post progress reports here and on the Twitter feed.

    So no bugs I assume.

    The forum feels like it used too again.

  7. Did anyone know this was being built? I searched and could not find anything on it. Sure it's not headline news, but it's 15 stories and they made it pedestrian friendly.

    Not sure how much discussion this will get since it's finished, but thought I'd post a notice anyway.

    C2N said it best, it's been finished for a while, and both hotels are back to back.

    Not the best "pedestrian friendly" design, but better than most suburban designs.

    The shopping center next to it screws up that potential, and the front entrance is just a driveway/alley, rather than a street.

  8. Love it.

    It hits the space angle but would people associate it with the reputation for sprawl?

    Funny, you mention reputation, as that's what our votes are dependant on! :P

    That might explain a lot of my minuses. :unsure:

    This whole thread +/- voting is based on the slogan bud, so don't take it personal. Heck mine got nailed too. :)

    • Like 1
  9. I've seen lots of warehouses and factories converted to lofts. I even lived in one in Houston (Dakota Lofts, a former paint warehouse). Walking around, though, I came across this -- an interesting idea.


    What the designers have done is taken the space between two windows, and put down a metal floor, and then closed the whole thing in with glass. I think it's a pretty cool idea, and the first time I've seen it.

    Great idea for a little extra space.

  10. “And am shockws that Blagojevich did not accept, if he ever was considered.”

    I think the idiot who started this post meant that as a joke.

    Nice self reference.

    But considering his wife was on "I'm A Celebrity" as a sub for him since he could not leave the country, it is not so far fetched.

  11. Actually, Florida would be better withouth the rain. Drought for them was over months ago and they have been receiving alot of rain lately. Georgia needs it though.


    US Drought Monitor - Southeast

    Good new for that part of the country. Nice weak storm with some generous rain.

    Did we not have a 'Claudette' in 2003 or '04? My belief is that names are rested for 10 years before being used again.


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