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Posts posted by Pumapayam

  1. Ooo! How about a "Mark all topics read?" on the new msg screen?

    Just realized I can adjust reputations!


    What's the difference between a reputation and rating. It's even in our profiles.

    Someone could be rated 3 stars, but have a -1 reputation?

  2. Redscare.jpg

    With all the hoopla around the format change, we all managed to miss another member getting to 10,000 posts.

    Love him or hate him, Redscare is one of the biggest contributors to HAIF. Congrats on being the 2nd person to reach 10,000 posts.

    +1 on your reputation.

    He makes grown men cry.

  3. Fighting the battle against unnecessary white space since not everyone has a 30 inch monitor.

    • Reduced author info margins
    • Reduced post block h3 margins
    • Reduced full page margins
    • Increased useable horizontal message space.
    • Reduced post date and time margins.
    • Reduced post margins and line height.

    Looking better.

    Still a huge gap between the banner and menu bar on my end.

    20 inch screen here.

  4. HAIF:Now now has an iPhone/iPod Touch icon. If you've already put HAIF:Now on your iPhone or iPod Touch, the icon will automatically update itself the next time you touch it.

    A minor victory, but one more thing off the list.

    Just logging in after an eventful weekend.

    I am living all these little updates Wayne.

    It's been a long time coming.

    I am off to check out the new digs!

  5. Stupid Cybersquater.

    When Guadalupe Zambrano registered his Web site in 2004, he probably thought he'd struck digital 'oil.' The Texas real-estate agent found a domain name that would attract thousands and thousands of users -- thejaylenoshow.com. Just one problem one problem: a certain large-chinned comedian now wants his name back, and it looks like he'll get it, too.

    Another win for Houston/Katy in the news? :rolleyes:

  6. Next on The HAIF things get interesting! RedScare and The Niche compete for posts, the secret relationship between two well-known HAIFers, NenaE's true love leaves her, a bad cold lands BryanS in the hospital, and Memebag is leaving?!

    (that was a joke, Nena, Red, Bryan, and Niche...please don't get offended)

    Clever, one of the few posts that I actually find funny IronTiger. . . :P

    I kid. You're alright. :D

    Would you do this?

    Coming into the parking lot a little while ago, I see a well-built guy with his shirt off, in gym shorts walking into the building. He was going to our company gym facility, obviously.

    This is a big parking lot, during lunch hours. I just didn't understand it. Actually I do but...

    Maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he had his window down and the wind ripped it off or he was being mugged and the guy ripped it off as he was getting away????

    Unless the gym was "shirt" optional, he was just showing off. No reason for it.

  7. Just curious how everyone ended up finding this board because, as far as I can tell, it's not advertised anywhere...

    Personally, I was googling for information on whether or not Tillman Fertita bought Someburger.

    Been there done that.

    Also, where is your "poll"?

    Vote to merge.

  8. After using the search function on this forum, it appears threads are being displayed as collapsed.. (where the topics are shown at the bottom of the message) and only one message at a time is being displayed..

    uhm.. can this be turned back? I'd prefer the whole thread and messages rather than collapsed one at a time..


    Check out OPTIONS, on the top right corner of the thread starter.

    Switch to standard.

  9. So when are we going to have dead celebrities forum. :P

    We sure have enough interest and content to sustain one?

    How about we get rid of the Museum District Forum and replace it with this one to conserve space, it has been collecting dust for over 3 weeks now. :D

    • Like 2
  10. it took us less than a week for the dot com. Maybe two or three for the billboard?

    We need some lifetime HAIF subscribers

    I don't know if the riff raff of curious internet surfers joining based on a freeway billboard would be helpful.

    Could lead to more trolls.

    Sticking with our target demographic with specialize magazine ads or sponsoring local events I think would be more beneficial.

  11. You didn't get rain!? It really appeared that big parts of the storm lay west of us and were moving south.

    Oh no no no, I got rain, happily.

    I was just commenting that as Houstonians, who USUALLY get rain on a regular basis, the fact that we went over a month without it, and when we do get it, we get excited about it.

  12. 7:39 PM and big old fat raindrops are falling. This is what we need; some rain every other evening or so for the next month. We water with sprinklers, not firehoses - all a huge storm will do is run into the gutters after the first few inches.

    How sad are we, we feel like LA peeps now.

  13. Can anyone out there recommend any galleries here that can host photo exhibits? I've checked a few here in town but they're either closed at night/weekends, or too small or way too big. I'm looking to display at least 25 photos with some added elements to the exhibit.

    It's part of a project I'm working on that has a tremendous local history bent to it.

    Thanks for your help!


    Why limit yourself to a facility dedicated toward that.

    Why not consider a trendy bar or coffee house.

    25 photos is not much, and I am sure someone would love to host an "event" at their business if you can guarantee some sort of compensation with lots of paying customers/gallery goers.

  14. Any suggestions for good home builders for single family homes ranging in the low 100Ks to 200Ks?

    I would say Trendmaker is the best of the mass produced homes, but that's not saying much.

    And to stay on topic, the thread title is still relevant.

    KB Homes still sucks.

  15. I think Billy got hit on the head by some overhead luggage during a rough landing. Appeared to be fine, he said he was fine, then a little while later, an Aneurism or bleeding on the brain.

    How dare Billy try to steal some of MJ's thunder..............."AND THAT'S NOT ALL !!!"

    So who's next.

    I pick Donald Trump. . . anyone anyone?

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