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Posts posted by Pumapayam

  1. Once again deaths seem to always come in 3s. Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and lastly Michael Jackson.The Death of MJ was shocking... once again it is my opinion as well: Jacko in his older age was more than odd and a turnoff, but when you see him in the 80s, in videos like Thriller, it all becomes clear why he was an icon like he was. I heard in a report that "The King of Pop" was a title he gave to himself after the success of Thriller.

    I have heard that too. Is there a list of triplets somewhere or a Wikipedia entry?

  2. Thanks for all the hard work, Editor! I would also like to extend a thanks to those who donated to make this possible.

    (Maybe I'll be able to donate myself once I'm done being a broke uni student...lol)

    I like the new badge, thanks for the honor Editor.

    Also, is this forum section, now, dare I say, "dated" :P

  3. I think this is one of the best HAIF ideas yet.

    It's not showing the map at the top of the page for me, but I think it has more to do with my company settings and not HAIF.

    I see that map at the top of the page.

    If you mistag and try to retag, as I did in the Legacy Condo, it won't correct it.

  4. My friend told me that the Bally's in Rice Village is closing for good. Does anybody know why? I joined Ballys because of this location. Now there are no Ballys in the Loop. I feel cheated on my contract.

    I have noticed that the clientele numbers have declined since the 24 Hour in Midtown opened.

    They are in bankruptcy, it had nothing to do with 24 Fitness Midtown.

    Also, members with single gym memberships were grandfathered into nationwide memberships.

  5. I left my Post Oak building at 4:30 and drove right through the intersection as per usual. Saw four protestors, who looked to be no more Iranian than I am.

    As demonstrations go, the May Day one from a few years back was better.

    It really did not pick up until closer to 6 p.m, but I expected more people too.

    Plenty of new blurbs about it last night with videos.

    KTRK Story

    KHOU Story

    KRIV Story

  6. I believe it is closed down for good. Btw, why is 24hr Fitness not really 24hrs though?

    If they don't get enough traffic to support the need to be open 24 hours, or if there is another gym that is already open 24 hours nearby, like the Galleria area, then they will close.

    But that is usually on weekends.

    Most are open 24 hours during the weekdays.

  7. Sorry for the long post, just a simple copy and paste.

    It serves as an invitation for those that want to participate, or a fair warning for those that don't want to be stuck in traffic much longer than normal in the Uptown Houston area.

    You've been invited/warned! :P


    To protest against the fraudulent result of the presidential election, and the use of force to establish an illegitimate government in Iran, all Iranians and non-Iranians are gathering in Houston (exact location to be determined). Let our words be heard by people around the world and let them know that Ahmadinejad is NOT our president.

    Please invite your friends and spread the words.


    1- Please do not bring any flags, loudspeakers or horns.

    2- This is an independent rally and is not sponsored by any political parties.

    3- Preferred Dress code is either Green or White Tshirt.

    4- This protest will be covered by major world-wide media.

    Write your slogans in English.

    5- Students from schools in Houston and other Texas cities will be joining us as well.



    Update: 3:00AM June 15th, 2009

    Dear all,

    Since the most important goal of this rally is to protest against the behavior of the government in the last few days, it is crucial to stay focused in our slogans. Therefore, while everyone could bring his/her own slogan, it would be great to make sure it is based on one of the following ideas. There are a few punch lines we want to deliver with our rally and through our slogans. So it is to our best advantage to focus our slogans on following key points and avoid distraction to help deliver our message to the world.

    1) Ahmadinejad government has carried out a huge fraud that engineered the election results well before the election was happening.

    Sample slogans:

    -Ahmadinejad: The Big Liar!

    -Ahmadinejad is NOT our president!

    -Ahmadinejad, you are a shame to us!

    -Where is our votes?

    2) What we are observing in Iran is virtually a coup. Government with support of supreme leader is using all of their police, militia, and intelligence forces to carry out a coup against all opposition parties in Iran and establish a new system without any -even small-sign of democracy. More than 100 politicians and journalist have been arrested in the recent days. Mir Hossein Mousavi under house-arrest and extreme pressure and can not communicate with his supporters.

    Sample slogans:

    -We wanted an election, we got a coup detat

    -Ahmadinejad = Pinochet

    -We don

  8. Another gem from the infomercial

    It's embarrassing for someone to help you with your personal matters. The Comfort Wipe allows you to maintain your dignity, while you maintain your personal hygiene

    Plus, if you want the other piece a plastic, the Get A Grip, which together is a $50 value, for only $19.95.

    Really, a $50 value. . .!?!?

    But the Get A Grip is actually also $19.95, and you get 2 of them, and you also pay $7.99 shipping and handling. Wow, that's a lot for a little.

    But is it a $40 value on the Comfort Wipe site.


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