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Posts posted by Pumapayam

  1. I'm sorry, I just can't find my way around (old dog, new tricks thing). I don't have a "view recent posts" or "view latest content" button that I can find. I'm trying really I am. It's just that that is what I always linked to when I came to this site.

    It's been replaced with "New", to the right of "Traffic" on the menu bar.

  2. To be fair, this sounds like it's less than a tenth of the size of Disney World. For this to get built wouldn't be a total surprise to me. Not a very dramatic project in my opinion. Nice place but nothing to get too excited about.

    Yeah, they used the term "theme park" to build a sense of false expectations. I mean paint ball, canoeing, etc sounds very cheap. No huge themed rides of anything. Especially when the construction starts this fall and opens a short 6 months later.

    When I think of what a "theme park" is, EarthQuest is more like it, and as Matt said, a Disney/Six Flags setup. ^_^

    This, not so much. <_<

    • Like 1
  3. of the Architecture sites, why do you think Houston has been more successful than the others....

    I was poking at Glass Steel and Stone, and it's relatively quiet in there too, some thread in topics not touched since 2007.

  4. It turns out the Facebook/Chrome thing is a Facebook thing. The Facebook API doesn't support Chrome.

    Makes sense, when I pay my electricity bill on Reliant, it locks up using Chrome.

    I have to use FF or IE instead.

  5. So... here's the deal.

    I've been told that a new version of the forum software will be released real soon now. One person says next week. Another says when they feel like it.

    It's my understanding that a number of the issues raised by HAIF members will be addressed in the upgrade to the upgrade. Especially things like pagination boxes in search results and last-page jumps and things like that which were in the previous version, but mysteriously disappeared.

    Thanks for the update.

    The forum upgrades are like night and day since this weekend.

    It feels much more familiar now, but with more features.

  6. Here's a shot in the dark...

    Have you used Chrome recently to log in to your Facebook account? if the Facebook API system relies on Facebook cookies and you only go to Facebook from Safari, then they'd only exist in Safari. Thus, the forum would only present you the option if you were using Safari, or whatever browser you use to visit Facebook.

    Try logging in to your Facebook account from Chrome, then returning to HAIF and see if the Facebook option appears in your profile settings.

    My Safari was cookie free when I did that. I don't use Safari at work, only Chrome. Using Safari, I logged into HAIF first and the facebook connect option was instantly there.

    Whereas on Chrome, I have facebook open within the browsers tabs.

    I think it is just a Chrome issue.

  7. I'm seeing the facebook settings.

    I'm most certainly not seeing the "Change Underwear" Option that you have on yours. What the heck OS are you running over there ?

    :lol: LOL, okay that last one was just a quick photoshop joke. I was wondering how long it would be before someone caught that! Pretty quick I guess.

    But I am on XP at work, using Google Chrome.

    Let me try Safari or Internet Explorer instead.

    It seems you and Wayne are on Safari.


    Okay, I have attached an actual side by side shot of Google Chrome and Apple Safari viewing HAIF, and the facebook icon is missing on the Google Chrome browser.

    Is that possible?


  8. Step one:


    Step two:


    Step three:


    Your Step three looks much more robust than mine does.

    I think non-mods are missing features that you mention.

    Can anyone else verify.

    Here is a copy of my window.


  9. My Settings > Profile > Manage Facebook Connect


    My Profile > Edit My Profile > Manage Facebook Connect

    Okay, I did both routes, and I am not having any luck finding it Wayne.

    Has anyone else linked their fb profiles successfully?

    I just don't see the options anywhere.

  10. My Settings > Profile > Manage Facebook Connect


    My Profile > Edit My Profile > Manage Facebook Connect

    Thanks, is there an option to comment on status updates, like facebook, or am I pushing it?

  11. It's possible, but would require $350/year in licensing fees for the software. Obviously, since Agoraphoria's traffic is so low, I'm reluctant to spend that kind of money on it.

    Yeah, it never took off like HAIF. Agoraphoria used to be CAIF, the Chicago Architecture Info Forum. It had a small following for a while, but fizzled out.

    If you'd like to help breathe some life into Agoraphoria, the best thing to do is switch from lurker to poster. Most people don't like starting threads, but they're more likely to reply.

    Well, let me visit NYC first. I can't comment on something that I have never experienced.

    I already got chastised for discussing something like the "Menil", and I have yet to go visit. (dodges rocks) :P

    If I am not being too nosy, with all these "sister" sites, do you have a summary, like activity/members/post count info ranking each "city" site?

  12. New Feature: Mobile HAIF


    If you have an iPhone, iPod Touch, or Blackberry you can simply point your browser to the regular HAIF address to get a version of the web site specially formatted for your device. No special URL. And threads you click in HAIF:Now on your mobile device will automagically open in the mobile version.

    This is more powerful than the former Diet HAIF. That was a read-only experience. With HAIF Mobile you can log in, start threads, post replies, and many other functions you'd expect from your computer. And yes, the bandwidth has been reduced for people on EDGE and GPRS connections.

    I want the icon!

    How do I get it?

  13. Double Dave's? DOUBLE DAVE'S? Why is that abomination even on the list?!?

    Good grief. Double Dave's is for people in the far exurbs who think Cheddar's is fancy Saturday night date dining. SORRY. Double Dave's has some of the rankest, nastiest pizza I've ever had the displeasure of tasting.

    /rant over

    My vote goes to Dolce Vita. (Shocker, I'm sure. :rolleyes: )

    Yeah, seriously along the lines of Little Seizures! Just a pile of grease.

    DD's is all over Bryan-College Station too.

  14. I appreciate that, Gary. Considering that several posters thought we were the same person, we definitely should get along better. :D

    Looks around . . . :unsure:

    Ya Red, you had me fooled early on regarding that! :P

  15. OK. This works now. It actually does more than I previously thought.

    Facebook integration activated. You can now link your HAIF and Facebook accounts. When you update your status on Facebook, it will update in your profile on HAIF. When you update your user picture on Facebook it will update your avatar on HAIF (or maybe your profile picture, I'm not sure which). New members can now login with their Facebook account instead of creating a separate HAIF account.

    Hey Wayne, I have been poking around my profile, and can't seem to find this feature to link the accounts.

    Please help when you get the chance.


  16. puma created a thread about it somewhere saying that it could replace all the two-word "me too" type posts people submit.

    Yup, it got rejected pretty quickly by the majority of the members.

    I was referencing if we could mimic some on the forum functionality that was on Amazon. They have a "Was this post helpful?" button, it would eventually hide the post if it was not.

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