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Your First Post - Memory Lane


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I thought it would be neat to see how everyone found HAIF.

Place your very first post in here, you can find it by:

  1. Going into your "Profile"
  2. Click "PROFILE OPTIONS" (see top right)
  3. Click the cascading menu and click "FIND MEMBERS'S POSTS"
  4. Go to the last page and copy in quote and paste the link of the topic and why or how you came here to HAIF!
    Just make sure you remove my "quote" when you reply so that the post size does not get too large.

Here is mine:

I just finished reading the book, it was great, a real eye opener. It does mention, Houston briefly, along with Los Angeles and Atlanta early on, but that is just about it. It was really interesting. I am goint o read another book called Asphalt Nation next. Nice to see others reading similar books.

I posted that message in this topic, Suburban Nation, The Rise of Sprawl

I found this site when I was Googling info on that book, it is the 4th entry if you cross refernce that with Houston, which is what I did, and 780 posts later, I am still hooked on HAIF. :lol:

I also used a photo from that book for my Avatar which shows the difference between a grid neighborhood and an urban sprawl neigborhood.

Okay next! :D

Edited by Pumapayam
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Its like the dust clearing from the bomb of a nuclear attack. We need to recollect our data, and rebuild our mighty forum. We will not let this minor thing ruin what we had, Time to rebuilt! Let HAIF triumph once again!

Long live HAIF!


This was when HAIF was just rebuilt, and I was a totally different person back then. I'm kinda glad the old HAIF is gone, saves me more embarrasment.

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I dunno what my first post was. The site got hacked, and the database was lost forever. I do, however, remember why I came to the site in the first place. I was moving to town, and wanted to research the city. I've always found discussion groups/forums to have the best info about a given topic.

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Here is mine:

I remember I was in fifth grade and going to school out in West Houston. We were late to school because I remember traffic on the Katy was horrible and we had woke up late. My dad would always listen to NPR and news radio like that and I remember a guy on there screaming that a plane, jet, or something had hit the WTC North Tower. I told all of my friends at school and they didn't belive me.

As the day went on people kept on leaving school. The first left around 9:15. Everyone thought it was normal (like a doctor's appointment). But as the day kept trugging on more and more people left. At the end of the day there were 15 out of 25 people in my homeroom class. Half my grade was gone and the school felt like it was deserted.

When I came home my mom said I didn't have to do my homework and I could go watch what happened. I turned on MTV and instead of getting TRL or whatever I wanted to watch, I got a CBS newscast about what had happened and saw the whole thing in my room. I knew it was serious, but I didn't really know how serious. All I remember thinking after watching the newscast was that it was my friend's birthday and it was a horrible day to have one.

The next day at school we had a moment of silence, and I learned that some people in my grade at family in the Pentagon. This girl in my class had her uncle die in the Pentagon. My best friend, who's birthday was on that day, aunt got killed in the WTC South Tower. At that time he said his family didn't know, and couldn't find her. But as the weeks went on, they knew and find out.

In total, that day didn't affect me when it happened, but weeks later when I realized what did happen, it just kills me and still does. After watching Inside 9/11 on the National Geopraphic Channel a few months ago, just makes the whole even even worse.

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