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Posts posted by margokorin

  1. From what I undestand the main difference with the prices in the neighborhood have to do with the highschools that are zoned. Everything east on shepard goes to Reagan and west of shepard is zoned to Lamar. Seeing that you arent going to be around long enough to worry about highschools I dont forsee that being a problem. Lots of the town homes in the area have been on the market for a long time. Do you homework about your builders. I have lived in the area for almost 5 years now and love it. No crime for us personally, but I know a few folks who have had thier cars broken in to at night. My advice would be to stay far away form Washington bc the parking at night sucks.

  2. I wonder what is going on here? Havent seen any construction on the place in over a month. I was very curious to know who would buy one since they are all of 15 feet from that gorgeous building they are calling reign lounge. Reign has a huge second story patio. Imagine the noise in the townhomes. They are located on washington and jackson hill. On a happier note, the condo unit at snover and rose has finnaly sold after being abandonded for over a year. They are ripping out cabinets and carpet and I couldn't be happier!

  3. Did anyone see the story on channel 2 last night? They were brodcasting from across the street from pearl bar. Talked about the super neighborhood 22 meeting and the problems with parking and general drunken lewdness in the area. Pearl bar says they arent the problem bc they rent out 5 lots for the valets to park cars. I call Bullshit. Not everyone valet parks lady.

  4. yep... they all live by the galleria.. in some old ass condos that are now for rent. OR they live in pearland. that is why they park their big ass trucks and block my driveway. sorry about all the ass in this comment.. ive had a few beverages. btw haifers who do I need to call to get someone to tow a car that is blocking my driveway?

  5. The same folks that own 6th street also own 1400, or is it 1800? Either way the place on shepard. The crowds at different times of the day vary GREATLY. I actually enjoy the food but the waitstaff sucks mostly. I was really excited when they opened bc I loved the patio but the place is so random. It is like they cant figure out what they want to be... Have you been there for the DJ? wtf?

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