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Posts posted by margokorin

  1. Im in! I just returned from a relaxing trip to Wimberley and Austin and need a little douchery back in my system! Plus, this may be one of the last times I can make the walk down the street to the drinkery... the move is coming soon!

    I have yet to decide if I will introduce myself to anyone or lurk....

  2. Went to Bronx last night. Stupid lay out. The upstairs porch has no bathroom or access to the inside. Cant wait to hear about the dumb girl who falls head first down those stairs. The inside is about 600 sq feet and has only one bathroom for men and one for women. Its a cool old building and they managed to leave it some of its dignity. I will give it this, they had a really good DJ on a tuesday night which was a plesant surprise. Douche factor was low, but that was only because there were like 10 people there.

  3. Howdy folks!

    I am looking for a rental property in the Heights, Oak forest or Garden Oaks area. I have looked on HAR, craigslist and all the usual places. Thought maybe someone on HAIF would know of a hidden jewel! We have 2 dogs so the place would have to be pet friendly.

    We currently live off washington and things are just getting a little too ridiculous over here.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. Sorry to hijack the thread but the reason that I ask is that I have several friends who are in their early 30s single, never been married, no kids that worry they may be classified as such. All are good looking girls who put their careers first. We love a 5 dollar Rain martini and go to Benjys all the time. Glad to know we arent being considered as such.

  5. I was seriously considering large rocks in the yard, but then I limit parking for my own guests. Maybe I will get one of those air soft guns and start shooting folks. I imagine the pellets dont hurt all that much, and everyone is so drunk they will have no idea where the shots came from! ;)

  6. Well reign opened up on saturady night and it was a cluster f*ck at best. Traffic was STOPPED on washington going both ways at jackson hill. I actually called the cops for the first time to make a noise complaint about drunk people in front of my house.

    By no means do I hate the bars, I enjoy walking to them just like everyone else.. It isnt the people that walk to them that are the problem. It is the jackasses that drive in from pearland in their huge trucks who park all over my yard and rip it up.

    When I moved here 5 years ago this neighborhood was nothing like this. It may haev seemed "scary" to those who dont live here but once you get to know the homeless foks, it isnt scary at all. What is scary is all the drunk drivers, and the lack of action from HPD.

    So was I supposed to use my crystal ball to forsee what was about to befall my quiet niehgborhood?

    Its almost enought to make someone move to the surburbs. :(

  7. My best friend and her fiance just bought a house in the Heights and were looking for some cute neighborhood places that they could take their engagement pictures. THANKS!! btw - we arent limiting ourselves to the heights, so if you know of any other places, please do tell.

    The photographer is a friend from out of town so he dosent really have any good suggestions.

  8. We went the night it opened. I too thought the prices were a bit high and the menu somewhat limited. The SO enjoyed a good selection of bottled beer. I had the fried shrimp basket and the shrimp were huge but they were pretty stingy with the fries. We sat outside and they put paper on the tables for some reason and that was a huge pain in ass due to the fact that the paper kept blowing away. Not sure what that is all about... good luck to them.

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