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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. TxDot has plans for Spur 527- According to TxDoT spokesperson- 527 is targeted to be placed below ground from Alabama to I59. That will allow commuters and residents the opportunity to experience NO ACCESS from 527........resulting in better informed opinions I’m sure. BTW COH/PWE reported that when Bagby was entirely closed while Brazos bridge was dismantled NO. Repeat No complaints were received at all, from anyone concerning changes in access.
  2. Maybe.....just Maybe...those that actually live next to Bagby and Brazos of this discussion should have their opinions heard and “ weighed” against the idea that large businesses like Spec’s ( and their many satellite stores) Whole Foods ( and their Satellite stores) and Randall’s ( and their satellite stores) would be adversely impacted by moving off ramps and access ramps TWO streets over....yes literally a stone’s throw— th streets that were constructed for just that purpose. Avondale ( their neighborhood boundary is on the north side of Bagby and Brazos at Elgin) spoke long and hard against the Bagby access (as did Westmoreland, Audubon, and First Montrose Commons)when it was first proposed so many years back——-those opinions were ignored because someone who had “researched and was knowledgeable “ knew what was better for those residents! hmmmmmm and so the residents lived what turned out to be a character building experience. The noise issue is indeed horrible and impacts the quality of life— the idea of a green space there is incredible and will Impact the quality of life. Closing Bagby access and taking away the Brazos bridge to make room for a pocket green space is a good thing, that deserves support.
  3. I ( and 50 others) attended an almost kum-bah-ya gathering to turn Bagbystreet that accesses Spur 527, and Brazos bridge to a green space. A few things stood out to me: COH owns the land in this proposal , not TxDot, plus willing to go forward without TxDot approval. The money saved ( minus “spanking” fee from TxDot could see this project started and mostly finished.) might find other money. Since TxDot doesn’t own it COH would have more leeway in dealing with potential homeless problem. YES there probably is potential homeless problem but these residents who literally live next door to 527 Spur, would rather deal with homeless and have less traffic noise from spur. Big statistics thrown out that Bagby doesn’t have that much traffic ( COH/PWE speak for “ not that many Courtlandt Place access users nor Hawthorne street access users) leaving Smith street and Louisiana ( with a few PWE safety tweaks) more suited anyway. COH/PWE are prepared to accommodate the Lower Westheimer reconstruction— when ever that happens you get to vote Yes or No and provide comments............it might or might not be useful....apparently Midtown businesses haven’t weighed in yet. Buildforward@houstontx.go Midtown Superneighborhood will have meeting on this subject soon.
  4. Meeting hosted by Westmoreland Civic at The Montrose Center 401 Branard, 7:30 pm. The meeting will focus on public input concerning bridge only; specifically if it is possible to convert to green space.COH public works has also been invited.
  5. Uhmmmmmmmm I was told, The HBG will open in phases.....kids garden and community garden will be first.
  6. I agree Take out pizza joints are scarce going east on Elgin. One of my kids bought in third ward just where it meets Museum district.....sort of a low cost pizza desert....thought something might go in close to Emancipation park or on Emancipation Blvd.......nope. Wondering what pizza chains are waiting for? still....can’t say I don’t appreciate having a Dominos in Avondale......nice when they are located close....pizza arrives hot
  7. Hmmmmm.......wondering if imagery showed large horse topiary (pre2001)on 800 block Westheimer right of way? thought that plant shop next to HPD storefront should have taken better care of it. Still the poor old creature lasted till it was torn down last week.......
  8. I signed up as volunteer, they vetted me, and walked around to view construction that will lead to opening of section this fall. Two interesting tidbits for me- The first year after land acquisition, decided not to mow......nothing sprang up till a year later. Everything “on site” will be reused somehow, nothing taken offsite.....cut down trees, old dirt.....everything. Hmmmmm
  9. Someone sent me this: interesting http://communityimpact.moosend.com/tracking/lc/68c6a75d-0458-4fc5-a256-03214d7c5f50/c3a999ab-8a8c-4b78-99bf-9ce405733da1/ef5d13cf-6968-4698-a11e-a245420ae9f9/
  10. https://www.houstonpress.com/music/daddy-why-is-numbers-called-numbers-6766618?fbclid=IwAR0KMz0b2kaI7Ykyk-I-qrmsKcklfGCsSGvZ_YwQ1FAGEDDZcvr0MrddGCA every thing I always wanted to know but was afraid to ask...lol
  11. Oh my you have hit on one of my hot button issues............what was a fully funded improvement project from Bagby to Montrose made into a partially funded improvement project from Bagby to Shepherd?? I wonder if the Harvey recovery effort made better by the use of it.
  12. This the type of renovation that leads me to have hope for the old Kirby Mansion (I still wish for a Mayoral residence) that great old house at Austin and Elgin deserves a plucking lawyer with a sense of history and a flair for renovation also. These nicely done renovations get all my good karma wishes as I am so great full these are spared and will be cherished by my grandchildren.
  13. I attended the Montrose TIRZ i was charmed that a bit of “the futuristic “ was discussed.........what type of transportation will be used by Montrose resident in the next forty years and how can that be planned for currently. otherwise just the milder details of contract negotiations over ratio of business to public parking spaces ( yes a bit of a side bar over dimensions of driverless cars) I think it will be 5 business parking places to 1 public parking space. I have to say a bit of that type of discussion can make for a much more enjoyable meeting as far As this audience member was concerned........ ;)
  14. Oh my Better perhaps to hope the Lower Westheimer initiative goes through....Then all the wonderful shiny new builds will be at the front of the lots and the parking at the back, hopefully hidden by new build. secretly, despite all the restaurants Built nearby, I am hoping to revive “Pipe Organ Pizza” a tall modern building with taller carillon tower that plays recognized melodies, perhaps reclaimed large stained glass windows on two sides, a roof top dinning space, vine covered 2 story parking, with harvesting water detail to keep plants green with rainwater.and seasonal flowering beds planted out front........
  15. Sad to say I haven’t tried any Daiquiris to see if there is alcohol involved.Guess I’m not the only one “ not trying” if the empty parking around it are anything to go by. i did notice that next door the remodeling has gone so far as to expos3 the brackets that support the roof over hang.
  16. Of course this was a dicey building that the homeless seemed to take over. But oh how I will miss that mural! money I suppose is the key to bringing in public art to your neighborhood. The owners of this building just gave us that mural— I loved seeing it each day- I always hoped to Thank them. It made it easier not to overthink the falling/public nuisance/safety concern structure next door—- I mean there are vines growing through the attic to the chimney. Still it seems to get a by-your-leave from COH no matter how many times it is reported to COH...........sigh
  17. I found this thread looking for an update on the beer garden at Wheeler and Emancipation parking permits are not always a useful tool for home owners. Rosewood east of Emancipation is permit parking only......but to be effective the parking patrol must come and ticket offenders. So far the parking patrol seems to be patrolling elsewhere. the s@me for Wheeler street east of Emancipation. You can call and report violators but that does seem to translate into actual police cars coming to the area.
  18. She and I seem to pop up at various “ anti crime events” enough that I have become familiar without really knowing my name etc. I’ve talked to her a few times here and there. I’ve met a few of the “fired” staff. I’ve met a few of the new staff as the DA office sends asst DA to attend PIP meetings.Kim Ogg always seemed to be on board that non violent crimes committed by poorer people shouldn’t mean months of incarceration because bail was too expensive. But the repeat offenders in crimes like assault or robbery seem to get on her nerves when released on OR’s and never have to put up money. I agree— just how many times can you justify no $ bail to a person who commits those crimes over and over. IMO........I’ve lived in Houston from DA Chuck Rosenthal forward and each DA had more than its share of Uh...ah. ....drama. So the hiring and firing mentioned etc doesn't seem more sedate nor more thoughtless that the previous office holders.From the outside looking in — the DA, the DA staff etc seems very complicated. So, for me, I’m backing Kim Ogg even if I’m in the minority . One of of my kids is a criminal lawyer and sees DA office as short staffed. That impacts efficiency. Non efficiency impacts justice. on that note .... I’m still confused that the big bucks thrown at the bail situation leaves me puzzled. If all that $$$ will only be used on those that commit crime, and not used to help the entire system, which seems to need help- why was it set up that way.
  19. With his elevated recognition on Iron Chef and Top Chef not to mention here in Houston, you’d think one of them ( Chefs) might put out feelers to help him out.
  20. Heard DA Kim Ogg speak beside the frightening statistic that 100,000 cases come through her office but only 345 on staff. she spoke about that 1mil$ for bail reform but it can only be directed towards the accused.... no $ for extra courts, court staff, DA’s, PD’s, etc only $ for accused........ what’s up with that? DA’s office is posting her remarks on internet but forgot Internet address.
  21. Perhaps it was only a matter of time.... Reef closed Hope Bryan Caswell can rebound
  22. Wow I got my dates mixed up Today Neartown hosts DA Kim Ogg heres the info on District C candidate run From the Neartown presidents email With the race to represent City Council District C going to a runoff, Neartown is teaming up with our adjacent Super Neighborhood, University Place, to co-sponsor a Candidate Forum. We urge you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet the two remaining contenders in the District C race, Abbie Kamin and Shelley Kennedy, and hear their positions on issues important to our city and our neighborhoods. Houston City Council District C Candidate Forum 6:00 pm, Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Congregation Emanu El, 1500 Sunset Blvd. The runoff election for this and other local races is Saturday, December 14, with early voting starting November 27th. Check www.harrisvotes.com for
  23. Neartown hosting meet and greet with 20 minute Q&A for District C run off candidates Abbie Kamin and Shelley Kennedy.at Tuesday, November 26 meeting. Everyone welcome, Cherryhurst Community center, 1700 Missouri, 7 pm.
  24. That House was in fairly good condition, so I innocently wondered out loud why not give it away to moved, with buyer assuming moving costs. All Avondale business members went on to explain how that notion didn’t make economic sense. Economic sense seems to be my biggest stumbling block, I guess. Pure and Simple I hate seeing useable historic homes bull dozed.The remaining houses on the west side of Crocker are in better than “fair” condition. Extensive remodeling was done to each. One of the houses has a better than average historical story attach. It was the home of Billie Bath, part of the Levi family and sister of Harriet Bath, who helped found TheHouston Ballet Guild.
  25. The Central 1&2 division PIP ( positive interaction program) will honor Officer Wayne Pates retirement after 14 years at the HPD storefront on Westheimer. Tuesday, Dec 3 at 7 pm refreshments served 1602 State street.
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