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Everything posted by trymahjong

  1. I hope I don’t embarrass my self with this question. i am sort of “wine naive”. So yesterday attended a wine tasting where the focus was on small batch wines with little or nothing added to them. we were told some wines couldn’t be listed as vegan or vegetarian because of ingredients. Also got information that there is a much sought after level beyond ‘ organic’ but I forgot the name. i was a bit puzzled when it was over. so now I’m wondering why ingredients aren’t listened on wine labels after the % of different varieties of grapes are listed.
  2. I meant to say that Sparkles doesn’t do hard liquor in their daiquiri i had had had the operator on 7138843131 try to intimidate me when I call fabout noise but I remind her the the captain of Southcentral told me ALL calls are important— this usually met with silence.
  3. This one of those places that would benefit from market based parking. But the neighborhood parking problems would increase.
  4. This corner (SE) has had a very busy bar ie DBar ( noew renovating space next door to sell food)for 4 years, also a “ sometimes “ busy bar D’Legacy that opens sporadically. A fancy (NE corner)restaurant ($40+ per plate) tried to open 2years ago but residents were extremely vocal against it, being suspicious ( more than a few bars started out that way) that it might open as a restaurant but likely would close quickly and reopen as a bar. Then Sparkles hamburgers opened beside D’Legacy ( puzzling but somehow no hard liquor will be used in their daiquiri recipes)the building seems built ( few windows) well like a “bar” . The residents again were suspicious that that restaurant would turn into a full blown bar. BTW there is little available street parking as that part of Wheeler and the Rosewood street have permit parking only. Now close by residents received post cards that the D’Legacy bar will be renovated ( probably leaving partial original building for grandfathered liquor license) and turned into a beer garden. The lot next to ir on wheeler probably part of this deal. The lot next to 3rd Ward Tours ( Barber and Bastrop) is requesting liquor license for a Turkey Leg “satellite location. So as I attend the Southcentral PIP , Civic club and Superneighborhood meetings, I hear over and over from residents that live within a 2 block radius that FIVE bars on this one corner are TOO many. yes. There is lots of discussion about attracting new business especially Black owned businesses but the neighborhood ALL the neighborhood wants to know why it has to be bars? IMO DBar is NOT a good neighbor, besides the shooting at Christmas 2017– there are nightly complaints about noise and trash, weekly complaints about fights in parking lots or the many motor cycles competing for most street noise. That food truck with constant motor running from 2am to 4 am ain’t winning any friends either and the trash pile after it moves is discusting !!! The neighborhood has HPD, HPD’s/parking on speed dial. Even HFD is called when too many people are crowding into that small space. The health department was called because of the way their grilling of food was suspicious. Despite all this—- the parking lot is full of high dollar cars that park with impunity on ROW sidewalks close to fire hydrants and stop signs. I just heard a HPD/ parking rep say she had no recollection of ANY parking complaints filed at DBars location—-I gave up filing parking complaints after I had posted 17 all with pictures. I was advised to resend all those complaints and the department would “ take a look” But DBar must be made of Teflon- no complaint sticks and liquor licenses seem to be granted too a myriad of different names at same address. all that’s left I guess is to vent- lol
  5. Of course this thread should be used to raise awareness that the residents close by 4420 Emancipation are skeptical that the business labeled Sparkles Hamburgers and Daiquiris will remain so. Most residents have suspicions that new builds such as this go broke ( sometimes intentionally) and reopen as a bar.—- those same residents don’t want any more bars,
  6. Is there any grocery stores north of blogett, east of Emancipation south of Elgin or west of Delano? there is a lot big enough fora cVS or Walgreens Alabama between Emancipation and Live Oak, that small church on Live Oak owns it. There is a big lot off Live Oak between Bolgett and Wentworth for a grocery store or up on Emancipation north of Elgin off Rosalie that could have a Walgreen and would be close to the new development off St Charles. there is a lot of available land for just about anything—- I don’t understand why only bars seem to take a chance when it comes to locating in the southern part of third ward.
  7. You are correct. Still- Any new bar seems one too many to most residents. The residents close the bars seem United to fight against any new bar. the neighbors just don’t want new bars. I hear this over and over at public meetings. With the recent COH/MCC housing development at Cleaburne and 288and of course the Emancipation Park improvement— the neighbor hood is hoping instead of more bars ; for established chains ( CVS, Walgreens, Dominos, Papa Johns, Aldi’s, perhaps Walmart’s “ neighborhood Market or perhaps a Tide’s Dry cleaners )to come in and build. Even with the new HEB- the south western part of third ward is a food d.essert- more so when Fiesta changes.
  8. I guess the keywords “several along Emancipation “ tell most of th3 story. I have attended local Civic club meets as well as bigger neighborhood meeting and those bars all always front and center of topic discussion. None of these discussions are positive. When construction started on Sparkles everyone held their breath that another bar was coming. I’m not sure what impact “virgin” daiquiris will have on the neighborhoods dislike of bars. When renovation started on the old Typewriter house as a high dollar restaurant ($40.00+ per plate)All neighbors vocally expressed their skepticism that another bait and switch was being perpetrated on them......roll out a concept of neighborhood eatery , to get all the permits required, then close and reopen as a bar. Basically over and over neighbors want to know why so many bars and so little new build of anything else.
  9. What HISD elementary and middle school is this in? It feels like this is a beguiling alternative to those families moving into those new developments in that area.
  10. Funny about using the name “Avondale” i wonder if it’s the same developers that are doing the apartments on Avondale blvd...... i wrote before that that sometimes developers try to take a piece of the “myth” by using evocative names Now I’m wondering if they are after the. Mythology of early Avondale mansions owned by Levy/Bath family (textile mercantile) or O’Neals family ( cheek then Maxwellhouse coffee) or the Meyers Family or Bering family Or if they are counting on the Nortorious side of Avondale from 70’s and 80’s when Dirty Sallies was soooo popular.....? ot now with ripcord, TC’s andGeorge’s have their own place in that mythology
  11. Yes all true the COH walk@ble committe recommended that Bagby to Montrose get started a bit early while the equipment and manpower were finishing up Main Street to Bagby plus it was already fully funded—- nope all the equipment and manpower taken away, lower Westheimer first postponed, the attached to non funded Shepherd toMontrose. Blvd. at Cohens last CIP program COH stated it was STILL a priority.............that doesn’t really ring true now.
  12. Perhaps the City applied for Federal funds for project from Shepherd to Montrose but As far as COH spokespeople were concerned the project from Montrose to Bagby was fully funded and ready for a start date.
  13. I have heard METRO’s presentation 4 times now at various meetings- Some presenters are better than others, but of course there are knee jerk answers to probing Questions that puzzle me and make me wonder if all bright and shiny proposals will be implemented as presented. Richmond is destined for the dedicated Bus lane.——Metrorail on that street only a memory. a direct metro rail route from Downtown to Hobby probably a sure bet— to IAH.....maybe not so much The auto/unmanned Buses TSU engineers helped design, probably are no more than “iffy” at best—- real IFFY but the idea of fewer bus stops plus dedicated curb cut out Bus stops along lower Westheimer, to help with traffic flow really excites me. If you’ve ever been next to a Bus ( inside lane)on lower Westheimer when the bus begins to crowd you into oncoming traffic—-you too would be excited. sadly when the in-laws come from NYC there is a fair amount of redundant sarcasm at the state of our mass transit—— It would be nice to be able to show them them tangible improvements
  14. No real reason I should speculate....but I think money matters at COH are probably a headache right now— some of that money might have been borrowed for now an$ paid back later.
  15. AnotherEllen Cohen meeting this time a CIP held in latter March— its. “For Sure” that lower Westheimer renovation project that was 100% paid for and destined to begin in late 2018-2019 is now labeled ” a partially funded project from Bagby to Shepherd” with a not specific start date. Fully funded pocket park at 424 Westheimer start date set back. Those street repaired from Main to Bagby where new sidewalks were installed- not an official COH sidewalk improvement project. afew of the answers from Cohens panel; were confusing.
  16. Ellen Cohen is having her annual CIP (capitol Improvements) meeting this Thursday at the Multiservice Center on Gray 6:30 I’m hoping she brings her usually cadre of COH people and can shed some light on this Parks process and when construction will start. Last November the COH parks people gave a status report at Neartown that all things were a go, fully funded etc but after hearing a Councilman “rebrand” the 100% funded ( from Bagby to Montrose) lower Westheimer improvements to partially funded improvements from Bagby to Shepherd; the Park project seems stymied.
  17. I think perhaps there will be a few Civic Associations testifying about this at COH Ellen Cohens Quality of Live Committee meeting.
  18. I have that bag! also, I to joined the “slow moving” anti- plastic straw movement.......really just raised eyebrows and. Verbal tsk-tsk to anyone who serves me a plastic straw. Uhm? Does that qualify for Raising awareness of a.small but disheartening environmental problem. Also— every family member got a stainless steel (with cleaning brush) straw for Valentines Day.
  19. I was just wondering.....whyhasn’t A food/market chain never built further inside the third ward or at least down Emancipation?
  20. Saw CBS interview of VP Pense and the question was asked why President did not recognize the sacrifice the furloughed employees made in his SOU. no good answers......
  21. I guess I will now be using that emoji with hearts in its eyes when I speak about Dan Crenshaw. There was a picture of him online under the headline ”Proposal to withhold pay from Congress, President during Government shut downs.” I would add flying fireworks to that emoji but so many in Congress seem to become millionaires after being elected.
  22. 2 weeks doesn’t seem to be enough time for 800,000 fed gov employees to regroup and prepare for another likely shut down. I’m still worried over the number of families who probably maxed out their credit cards and put up dozens of IOU’s not to mention using up all their “safety “ why are these employees pawns? The work these employees do seems valuable and important—- why the mistreatment? How much preparation are these families likely to be able to accomplish in 2 weeks? Who in Government will be advocating for them?
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