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Everything posted by 2112

  1. Ummm...can we NOT use "main@dallas" as the address please? How' bout main@polk? Yea, main@polk. That's better.
  2. Open ended questions. (j/k)
  3. Hey Thanks. Now I can move forward with that nightmare I've been looking forward to about giant worms popping up from the ground to eat me. Just last week, I had a dream that consisted of my new office building where all our cubicles featured blue-shag carpeting for desktop surfaces.
  4. The thing that is bugging me is: Why is Bayou Place not brimming with activity? I mean, this new development is pretty much like Bayou Place, and BP has more synergy to tap off from, mainly the theater district and its proximity, now, to the historic north downtown district and all the clubs there. But then again, I guess you could say "build it and they will come". maybe the south downtown area will attract the midtown crowd, especially if there is a destination like a large book store. I want to see this happen, but I am worried that it will be as dead as Bayou Place can sometimes be.
  5. Houston is one of the most progressive cities in the nation. The economy and growth are second to non other. There is a huge restaurant and club scene all over the city, and the international element is incredible. I am quite confused at your post here, really.
  6. 27, You are good people, I can tell by what is in between the lines in your posts. So no, you didnt. Cheers.
  7. This thread brings out the true colors in some of our members. First, there are those who will simply group ALL Hispanics, including assimilated Americans, into one nice section proclaimed to be the root of all of our problems. No one bothers to consider that one is insulting a proud heritage, a heritage that has every right to practice it, especially since it is just as much part of
  8. The movie "Suburban Madness" really ticked me off. Its like come on man, enough with the stereotypical southern accents allready. THERE ARE VERY FEW PEOPLE in Houston that talke like they are from Savanah Georgia. I hate it. Houston is 75 percent ethnic including asian and middleeastern, not to mention the huge latin population, so the reality is you hear everything here. I think I have mabye 5 times or so heard a southern accent the 18 years I have been here. And another thing, Texas and Southern are 2 different things. So if you are going to stereotype, at least get it right for crying out loud. (get the rope.)
  9. "...He is survived by his long time partner, David..." Did I miss something here?
  10. So, if I understand the logic here, "inner-city" has been decreed to ONLY exist inside the 610 loop? Is that what I am hearing? So, lets say, if the 610-loop was instead built 4-miles farther out in radius. Then, by this definition, the
  11. I would like to see a permanent telescope facility on the Moon
  12. Ok. I am a little biased, being that I have been at Johnson Space Center for 18 years now. But this following thread just really rubs my fur the wrong way. Don
  13. And I especially like the phrase: "...and other occasionally competent companies..." I guess up to this point, we lacked being "thrilling", and one could not find at least 2 enthusiasts who were "eager to say the same." Are these people for real? Or have I simply started using drugs again.
  14. Found this article from Six Flags, about Astroworld, and found it kinda
  15. My favorites for technical: Brown Bookstore Microcenter For more soothing artsy and urban stuff: Half Price in the Rice Village Bookstop on Shepherd
  16. Actually, its a no brainer. Houston is know for its restaurant scene. (Yes! Its TRUE!!!!). It's long over-due.
  17. Of course. Because they have only one Mexican...
  18. HAHAHAHAH. Sorry, you made me laugh, because, you are so right!
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