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Everything posted by 2112

  1. Most of that population are here to work, and work HARD, for pennys, mind you. They literally risk thier lives to come here and work thier butts off for nothing doing the crapy jobs the rest of us don't want. When you come to this country with nothing, not even the language, it is going to take a generation or so. Thier children will assimilate and become productive citizens. But how can anyone expect immigrants who spend all of thier time working laboriously to quickly assimilate. Maybe if they are young, then yes. But if you are a typical immigrant over the age of 25, it's almost too late. Your entire existence is work work work, so that the children will have better lives. That is where the payoff is. They are here to work. That's what they do.
  2. The entire thread. See what some of you don
  3. Just what the hell is wrong with me wanting to hold on to my Mexican culture? I can
  4. For what it's worth, I am a firm believer that, even though it is convenient to generalize an entire school district, it is the individual school that should receive the focus and the scrutiny. Why? Because I have seen the stereotype work FOR an undeserving school, and AGAINST a deserving school. I have seen a so-called
  5. I will be there next Month. Anyone here on HAIF have any recommendations, besides Deep Ellum?
  6. Oh, don't worry, I'm happy. Really, I am. Actually, most people who know me know that. Anyways, I was just trying to distill the essence of the source of it all. Now where's my beer...
  7. Of course it is insecurity. There is something lurking in me that I need to say, but which I just cannot seem to be able to bring out. Behind all the brave sounding rhetoric, behind the cheap shots, and behind all the rudeness, there lies a civic consciousness that has slowly been built after decades of demeaning, demoralizing, and the simple lack of regard towards my fair city. When your hometown is the constant target of sly comments throughout the nation, would you not feel some insecurity? Of course you would. A recent New York article started out with the phrase
  8. I, for one, appreciate your industry for such endowed research. It takes the rivalry to a new and almost academic level. It makes it more
  9. And now, this is the time when someone from Dallas will now attempt to redefine "City", "largest", and the word "is". ...standing by....
  10. These are the facts, and they are undisputed: Even if you add the population of Fort Worth (against their wishes, mind you), to the population of Dallas, Dallas IS AND CONTINUES TO BE smaller than Houston. Houston is the largest CITY in the state of Texas, and nationally, it falls right behind Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. These are the facts, and they are undisputed.
  11. Go to thier forum to see MY thoughts on the whole subject: http://forum.dallasmetropolis.com/showthre...19&page=1&pp=50 It starts getting interesting at the bottom of the first page of the thread.
  12. Free tows? Does the phrase "camel" come to anyone's mind besides, well, mine?
  13. I LOVE THIS CRAP!!!! We are now using satellite imaging, SATELLITE IMAGING for crying out loud, to fuel the Houston-Dallas-Fort Worth rivalry!!! This is simply hysterical! We ALL are really a disfunctional bunch, arent we!
  14. Also, the corn. That's what I reallly like about here. The corn.
  15. It seems odd that the woodlands would not be included. To my understanding, there is a huge commute pattern from the woodlands into the city. But then, maybe I dont understand.
  16. Damit. Well, so much for bragging rights.
  17. Yea but, that's exactly what it is.
  18. All friendly rivalry fun aside, I'm glad they got to the 6 mil mark. As someone has mentioned over at thier forum, the entire Texas triangle of D-H-SA will soon be one large mega-opolis. It's all good. Texas rules.
  19. So, if DFW is "like the central business district of the United States", THEN, since the U.S. is essentially the leader of the world, and as far as we know, there are no confirmed other worlds with any kind
  20. Yea. That sounds about what I remember. By the way, did you ever move back to Houston? Ok, back to the subject!!
  21. I believe, if I recall, that the whole issue there was changing the address of the GRB to something other than
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