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Everything posted by 2112

  1. Not that you had anything on your mind or something.
  2. No. But that's more Katy people that will get bored with the same-old-same-old, and who will come to Houston to party, drink, spend, and be happy. Out of those, some will decide to relocated into the city. It's all good.
  3. Please tell me that is not a true story.
  4. Ahhhh... As usual, we have out-done ourselves again. It makes me so proud to be a Houstonian. Carry on.
  5. Those are words and letters. Show me pictures.
  6. Maybe it's because I was raised in Texas, and lived in Houston for almost 20 years, but I dont consider the random warm days in December as "sweltering". Not even close. The hottest day in December was pretty damn confortable compared to July.
  7. I don't like them. I prefer the lightrail look and feel, with all the suspended infrastructure and such. Better yet, I like the grit of heavy rail.
  8. It's funny that when Houston has this mild weather between October and April, 7 months, no one remembers. Yet, the admittedly sweltering months between May and August are remembered by all. Bastards.
  9. I can see NYCTexan!'s face right now. FYI, he has been with the forum for several years allready.
  10. Unfortunately, it's to late. They are there. We must fix them.
  11. Sarcasm or do you mean that? Sorry, can't tell.
  12. I had a dream last night where I was standing in some line to buy something, and a short woman behind me actually found me attractive. As she was leaving, she handed me a five-dollar tip and said, with a sensual smile:
  13. My post above was supposed to be funny. I guess no one is familiar with that "song" in "Up in Smoke". Funny movie. I also like their other movie that featured the horse anus and the retrieved license plate. Remember that one?
  14. I think part of the problem is that different people use the term, uhh, differently. To Americans of Mexican decent (happy now?), the term CLEARLY only means "Americans of Mexican decent
  15. Ok, so would you say using the two phrases clearly means two different things?
  16. In your view, what is the difference between an American who calls himself "Mexican-American" and one who calls himself "hispanic"?
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