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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Don't forget about the Wal-Mart shopping carts that will soon displace the Kroger, Home Depot, and Fiesta ones at the bus stops! No one is safe! They are going to take over everything!
  2. Ah, the Tavern. Used to could walk there, and did many a time. Probably for the best that it goes back into the void now that I'm no longer in the hood or allowed to walk to bars. It's been under 10 years...because I moved here 10 years ago and my first weekend we went to Blue Agave at that location. Good memories though. Betting my buddy that the bar area was not elevated, she really was 6'7". Trying to eat 100 wings between 2 of us on 25 cent wing night (and failing...but we got 80). Rocking an NTN trivia round enough to be #3 nationally...one time.
  3. There are less people on the road at night, so let me get home faster. Going slower is more boring, more risk of falling asleep at the wheel. There, I made it sound like a great idea!
  4. From a western vantage point, sure, but put the rockies behind anything and it looks at least kinda cool. New Orleans skyline is boring. Good thing that doesn't matter, because the food and culture are the best in the world.
  5. I'm guessing you just mean Texas leadership, the ones who failed to bring it here? This thread has been interesting to me. As someone who did not grow up in Houston, no, I don't have an appreciation for how big of a role Houston played in the space program. To most outsiders, I bet NASA is more Florida, and Houston is just where mission control is (and that only based on 1 line from a movie they saw 15 years ago). As I read this thread, yes, clearly the shuttle should have come here. But if you asked me before I read the thread, I could care less. Most people probably have even less of an idea of Houston's importance to the space program, so they care even less than me. It's a cool museum piece, why wouldn't any city try to get one if there was a possibility? You can say that the politicians from other states and Obama should know better, but even if they do, I would expect them to fight to get a shuttle in their state if they could, not just give in to Houston because it's right to have one here. So the real people to blame are definitely the Texas politicians who either argued poorly or not at all back when the decision was being made.
  6. Even in years past when it has seemed the team would be bad, people have shown up pretty well for the first few series. I was at opening day and went again today, and there isn't any crowd to speak of. Opening day attendance says 41,042 but there is no way it was that full. Today was nice, I rolled up with the 1 year old halfway through the game and sat down near home plate in the shade. I kind of like that no one is there, it makes it easier to move around and a 5 seat buffer is key when the 1 year old wants to climb and explore. Also, it doesn't get too loud and scare him. So, with the team obviously for sale, is this a lost year? Or are some of the unknown players in the lineup young guns who will mature into the next solid players? If you look at it they aren't even that young, just unknown. Bourgeous is 29, Downs 27, Sanchez 28. Some people seem to love Pence, but something about the way he plays he just looks awkward. He throws like a 7 year old whose dad never taught him the right way. He runs weird too.
  7. Dennis St between Taft and Bagby. Westheimer from Bagby to Montrose.
  8. No oil? No way! You better take care of those blades. WD-40 or your water/rust-displacement material of choice after every use. Anyway, I already have one so I guess I don't need another. My Scott's 16" does the same. It's never more than once per week though, maybe that is due to a mostly shaded yard.
  9. Is this the thread for complaining about government budget issues? No? Whatever. The government should behave like every other family/business/individual with a budget. Prioritize, and cut things that don't matter. I think they do a poor job and deciding what does and doesn't matter.
  10. Waste of money. Better spent on their people, who need it a lot more than they do.
  11. I miss not having a cell phone. But I would end up getting fired for lack of response to everyone. I do enjoy being able to check scores from anywhere (except while driving...not at a light at least).
  12. The ratio of beautiful to not beautiful is much lower than one should hope for. Landscape and development just haven't gone in Houston's favor, ever. Delude yourselves all you want, but if you stack Houston against other cities almost anywhere, it's going to look sub-par at best from an aesthetics point of view.
  13. Today maybe, but I meant the stuff built centuries ago that is still there. Not just a veneer.
  14. Free pass for what? I know you aren't attacking me, I'm just trying to decipher the point. I wasn't in any way claiming that a PF Chang would get built, I just used that instead of writing <random chain 1 notch above fast food>. I like some crappy chain food - all of us do, some are just too good to admit it publicly. So if they put in a Wings n Things, yes, that would be neighborhood outrage and travesty to some. But I don't care, I think their wings are awesome so I'll go there instead of the depressing one on 290/Antoine.
  15. Hold on, did anyone hold the illusion that a chef-driven restaurant would be IN the Wal-Mart? Please. Anyway, it's gonna be trendy chains that fill the rest of it up anyway. That's what you (most) people want anyway. It's why Berryhill is the most happening restaurant in the hood already. Everyone just take off your uppity hats and admit you'll be eating at the PF Chang when it opens.
  16. You must have much better eyes than I do. I've been on the first row of the upper level for a concert and couldn't see a damn thing. Maybe I need some lasik action.
  17. 200 is considered high, but what's really important is the HDL/LDL levels (good/bad). My good is decent, my bad is normal but not great.
  18. It's also really easy, a productive way to get your masochism fix in, and you get free snacks! I have other theories about giving someone else my cholesterol so I can make new fresh blood, but I can't prove anything there. I just know my last 3 total cholesterol results have been 163, 162, and 162, and I eat more animals than most people.
  19. It's still true, you just add that brick (or stone or steel, for that matter) can be done equally as crappy as any other materials. What I was thinking of were places I've been in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, or Dublin. Old, made of stone, and done right the first time. There were definitely crappy stone buildings built 400 years ago too, but those aren't still around. Location is something that I think is required for these mass-developments to be in it for the truly long run. If you find yourself saying "damn, it' s way out there, but it's nice", then my bet would go with it being pretty slummy in 100 years.
  20. Yes. Those things aren't built to last any more than the latest luxury apartment complex. They build them to go up fast and be affordable. The intent isn't for them to last for 200 years. If it's not made of brick, steel, or stone, it has a shorter shelf life no matter how many "upgrades" you put in it.
  21. How long can the pile of rubble stay there? Until the woman's estate is settled?
  22. I give blood every 8 weeks, almost to the day. In fact I'm going today. Still hot. Good point on certain activities, testing might be required before any idiotic commitment is made.
  23. I have an idea...and I know it's bad, but maybe some medical professional who knows more than me can come say it's not a big deal. Every year when it warms up, I start to whine about the heat. I don't like whining, but I don't like being hot and sweaty so i can't help it. I've noticed that my dad and step-father-in-law, who are both on blood pressure meds, are now always cold because of it. What if I get the cheapest, lowest strength blood pressure meds and take those to keep my body temp down? Again, I know this idea is probably dumb. But not being hot would be so awesome.
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