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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Yeah, mcnuggets are nasty. the texture is just all wrong for real meat. Ultimate cheeseburger, now that is the best at 2am. 1 is enough for sure. If I'm up at 2am having a ult. cheeseburger, then I've been drinking, and after one it is time to pass out.
  2. 50, easy. I've had 40 hot wings before, they are bigger and more harsh.
  3. Alaska has a very low population and a very high rate of depression, drug abuse, and alcoholism, especially among native peoples. Part of this is probably due to the weather and being holed up inside for 9 months a year. Another part is probably the fact that the state government gives so much money to natives (oil money) that a lot do not work and have more time to make trouble. I'm not saying the violent crimes are all natives by any means, I've just read their alcoholism rate and depression rate is crazy high.
  4. I didn't really get offended either, but I'm from LA so didn't have my TX history classes. Usually I figure Absolut ads for humor or wit or just plain art, but I don't see how this one is amusing, even to Mexicans. Look, a map of what could have been, but isn't. Super, whatever.
  5. I didn't say anyone should be tolerant or intolerant either way, I said I think people should be honest when they pick a roommate, not tolerant. I'm not about to tell my anti-gay friends they need a gay roommate to better themselves, that is idiotic. That's why I said put the question on there so people know what the deal is when they are browsing. Be what you are, just be up front so you don't land in a situation that is going to cause trouble.
  6. Intolerance of homosexuals is also known as homophobia, that is what I was referencing. Maybe you don't agree with the term, but it has more to do with intolerance than fear, and it definitely comes into play when you are talking about 2 people living together. It's not about being scared if that's how you took it.
  7. The question should be "would you have a problem having a gay roommate". I don't think it's a crime to ask if someone is intolerant, then others could stay away at their own choice. Now you might say, who would admit that, but the couple of friends I have who feel that way would be damn sure to write Yes in capital letters, their phobia knows no shame.
  8. How far have we gotten in documenting the previously undocumented? There has to be a pretty good number of illegals out there still, and it's possible they could be counted (depending on legislation) by 2010. That could make for a large jump, but I doubt a million.
  9. Speaking of townhomes, the ones on Heights at 14th, I think they are the Harry James with the brick fronts - I was driving by yesterday and it looked to me like there was about 10 inches between each building. I might be off, but it was a tight space. No way a person could fit in there. Is that a potential problem (cleaning, painting, etc)? Maybe I saw it wrong. I know nothing about building or architecture so it may be a dumb question.
  10. I used to hit I-10 EB from 610N in the afternoon, and what they did with that made it much worse. The branch off to 10E isn't until the last 100 feet of the ramp, so those of us going east have to sit behind the standstill traffic of everyone going west forever. Whoever made that ramp arrangement must not have thought about that.
  11. I also got used to eating alone from business trips. I've been halfway around the world by myself, and I just don't feel weird at all eating alone any more. Sitting at the bar will definitely help if that is available. Otherwise I suggest bringing something to read, if I had an awkward moments it was after ordering in a place that wasn't busy, just staring into space because there was no people watching to be had.
  12. "Dirty, cramped" city with a soul, or shopping center and surface lot covered wasteland of the soul-less suburbs...different strokes indeed. I hope I never end up out in the boonies with every other chain store/restaurant just 5 convenient minutes away.
  13. I don't think pro football can touch college football in terms of atmosphere and great fans. Then again it depends on the experience you had (or didn't) in college. Geaux Tigers!!!!
  14. Thanks for all of the tips! They were just finishing matting and framing one at Dramatika when we went to look, and now it's on the wall at our house.
  15. I've got XM, and I don't know for sure but I'm guessing they offer about the same on musical channels. Decades, genres, etc. The reason I'm sticking with XM right now is they have major league baseball. Every team, every game. During the season you've basically got 15 games a day. Sirius has NFL, but I'm always home on Sundays anyway. Baseball is more of a radio sport I think. I haven't heard of timing on the merger of the content, I should look it up.
  16. Yeah I can easily tell if a car or home has been smoked in, or if a pet was ever inside. It took 6 months to de-cat when I bought my house. I figured 1 little cat, I can handle it. I'll never buy another indoor-pet-house again. I wish my sinuses weren't so damn sensitive.
  17. Bad parenting is a much more volatile topic than this one. Almost everything a parent does influences their child's behavior to some extent. I think smoking indoors with kids is a bad idea, if not child abuse. Back to the topic, I've never looked into this, but are butts biodegradable worth a damn? I would hope so but from the trash I've seen I doubt it.
  18. I really don't mind second hand smoke, it reminds me of going to baseball games with my dad when I was young. I don't even care if people want to mess up their lungs. Really doesn't bother me. What does bother me is that for some reason cigarette smokers think they have free license to scatter their butts everywhere. I hate pulling up to a stop light and looking down to see hundreds of cigarette butts that have been gathered by the wind. Then there's the guy who's standing next to one of those butt holders the city or building puts out, but chooses to drop it and step on it. Even worse, I'm hiking in a beautiful wilderness, where there's no litter to be found - except cigarette butts. It's disgusting, and it's making our country (at least across the south I've noticed) look like crap. I know there are already fines for littering, but I want to see this enforced for smokers. Every butt out the window, $200. Every butt in a park or other public area, $200. I always tell people to pick up their crap when I see them do this, I hope others can keep up the trend and these inconsiderate smokers will learn one day that the world is not their ash tray. Every time I go walking I pick up whatever reasonable trash I can carry, I hope others can do the same. Litter just pisses me off. So prevalent, so easily preventable.
  19. I haven't listened to local radio in 4 years, XM has everything I need. No way I can go back.
  20. I think you took a little liberty with interpreting my post. I never said I need the biggest anything, just big enough to put kids and a little stuff in. It is completely unreasonable to expect people with kids to drive that kind of 2 seater toy. I'm not positive, but I bet you can't fit a car seat, much less 2, in that thing. And by the way, I've got a 4 door sedan that gets 30 mpg on the hwy, I walk wherever it is reasonable, I recycle everything they allow in the green bin, and I ride my bike whenever I can, so I'm not sure what mentality you think I have. Downsizing is one thing, but you can't expect people to have to get those little trailers that you pull kids in behind bikes to put behind these little ultra high mpg toys.
  21. The why isn't midtown left-town? Someone has their compass all messed up. If it's a marketing ploy they should just sell out completely and call it fantasy island.
  22. There's a little Woodrows next door to the Gingerman (just south I think). That one has always felt different to me though, haven't liked it as much as the one they just razed or even mid town.
  23. Cool, thanks for both tips. I hope to find a print size to put on the wall. If all else fails I'll take it electronically and bring it over to my uncle's plotter to make it happen.
  24. I'm looking for a print of the original Heights neighborhood layout, same one they have up in Carter & Cooley. Apparently the antique shop they got theirs from is out of them, does anyone else know how to get one? I am sure this has been covered in past topics, I just haven't been able to pinpoint it with searching.
  25. My theory is that they realized they forgot to jack up our land value, so now they're going back through to make sure they screw us good.
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