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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Isn't that where more townhomes are going up? My mind is not working right now, I will stop confusing people and just pay attention on my way home today. The one I'm thinking of looked like an old shopping center, and hasn't been completely leveled yet.
  2. What going up between Yale and Heights on 11th? I imagine there's a thread but I had no luck searching. Maybe I'm thinking of 14th St...one of them has the car wash place and the other is destruction/construction. I should slow down and pay more attention next time. EDIT: I think I found the thread, if this is where a new bank is going. Just says 11th where the HEB used to be, but I haven't been around there long enough to know where that was.
  3. I don't know if the style/look is really outdated, or if everyone is just tired of every single HGTV show, every single person, for the past I don't know how many years saying "granite and stainless, stainless and granite, blah, blah". I got tired of hearing it and went with black appliances out of spite. The granite counters were already in though, they look fine and will for a long time.
  4. Expensive to the point that a friend of mine had to bail out on doing it when he did the math and the payback period was 30 years on it. That's going to deter most anyone from putting the effort and $ to it.
  5. Kroger rocks. I try not to buy anything not on Kroger special, and I am a dork and make a game out of how much I can "save". It tells you on the receipt, I think the most savings percent I've had is 45% on a $70 bill. I put the receipt up on the fridge. Now we (my wife) go to Fiesta for produce. Sometimes not as fresh, but more variety and cheaper. Much better avocados.
  6. Maybe it's a pretty vs ugly thing. Nice, slick tv screens are pretty, billboards ugly. I like to look at a nice bungalow, but not if the windows are busted out and there are weeds 5 ft tall in the yard.
  7. Where is Antedote? I also have a baby to go drinking with...
  8. I am stuck in specialized hell and they pay me too much to be able to leave right now.
  9. I definitely run through the ones I don't like first and fast, and save the best for last. And no mixing, unless appropriate.
  10. Church if we feel like the baby will let us get away with it. Clean house, yardwork. If I'm lucky, bring out the smoker and do some ribs. Then focus as hard as I can on baseball/internet/HAIF while my wife watches the horrible Sunday night shows. Today is unique, we're doing an alley party with the neighbors. Cranked up the smoker at 6:45, should be a good time.
  11. You know, I never thought about it until I read this thread, but where I used to live (Hyde Park, couple different places), the lines were in the front. In the Heights we have these nice alleys, or at least servitudes where alleys once were, and the lines hide back there. I think I like them in the back better, but clearly I don't care much if I just thought about it. Only thing that can be a pain is when they work on the lines they might block my driveway. Oh well, at most I have to walk half a block during the few hours they are there. Not a big deal. I much prefer this to them digging up my alley/driveway every time something needs upgrading or fixing. I would prefer that we take this imaginary money to be used burying lines and use it on building rail transit from my house to my job...another imaginary project...
  12. I don't mind them, they are part of the city. When I lived in a duplex in Hyde Park, on nights I hung out on the porch I could see rats go across them on the other side of the street. It was great. I was drunk.
  13. The Texans, as unglorious as they have been, beat out your lack of Utah team any day of the week. And football is king, take your little basketball victory and go high five someone.
  14. A&P rocked!! Except for the blood and what not. Cheap, not so clean, and never crowded. Did they have those in Houston or did you grow up somewhere else? We definitely had them in Baton Rouge. Someone mentioned 31 flavors, that is where my friends worked in high school. Awesome. I spent almost as much time there as they did. When we weren't eating things, we played such games as scoop baseball (ziploc bag, wooden bat, play until messy), whipped cream baseball (yeah, cans busted), and topping wars. You would think topping wars sounds tame, but a cold M&M is not soft. I was glad I wasn't the one paid to clean up on those nights. Customers would walk in like "WTF"?? But they were rarely ever scared away from ordering their 3 scoops. People were addicted to that junk. And now my friends have abnormal cake-icing skills that have impressed the ladies on more than one occasion.
  15. Camp Logan (is that an official "neighborhood"?), can't beat the trees and proximity to Memorial Park.
  16. I don't think TVs have to be tacky. I travel to Cincinnati often, and in one of the main squares downtown there is a huge tv on top of probably a 7 story building. At all times of the year I see people sitting out there watching, hanging out. It's nice. That square is also where they do the place they do the outdoor ice rink, they are constantly doing something new or seasonal there.
  17. Damn straight to living where you want. My stupid office decided to move from the galleria to near Pearland a month after I bought in the Heights. Not my damn fault, and no way I'm going to move to that crapland. Not that I consider myself an environmentalist by any means...I would say I'm "environmentally responsible" in general, and in other cases where convenient for me. But other times I don't care. I'll create all the greenhouse gases I want while burning wood in the smoker to cook up a nice piece of beef or pork. I guess that was off topic. On topic, I think places that inherently suck will still suck with a nice coat of paint on them, for example all the new crappy shopping centers being built in Pearland (clearly I'm not bitter about my job being shipped down there). But, people will move there because it is affordable and they don't care as much about the great things a real city offers. And 20 years down the road, if there isn't a good plan to keep it looking nice, clean, and "current", it will become a slum until someone else comes in and gives it a new paint job.
  18. Technically it was $10 per lawn when I was about 12, but the first "real" job was washing dishes and bussing tables at La Madeleine. I hate that place, but learned a bit about food service.
  19. I agree with a lot of these points. The fact that idiot sportswriters vote on the hall of fame in the first places takes away some credibility. I mean, to not vote for someone on first ballot just so they don't ever have someone get 100% on the first ballot is stupid. It just proves they don't vote on who should get in. I have never stopped loving baseball and never will. There is no more cheating in baseball than in any of the other sports, don't delude yourselves. The NFL will always be the pinnacle of finding the next undetectable drug that gives you the edge. That stuff just trickles down into baseball afterwards. And I even agree with lockmat - when Barry was roided up, and we all knew it, it was still damn impressive to see him destroy a ball. The ratio of good pitches he saw to balls he hit well was astounding. I could care less if he wants to shorten his own life. I have no teenage kids, much less who play sports (4 month old only), but if I did I would worry about the impressions it gave them on what they should be doing with their bodies. But if it's just me watching the game, don't care.
  20. I got a nice letter about our 2006 taxes. Thankfully they were wrong and owe us money instead of us owing them. Or at least that was the case I sent back to them. To be determined whether they agree or not. When I got the letter I had that same feeling as when you get pulled over for speeding. Sucks.
  21. I agree. I love Alton Brown, I have learned a lot from him. But the original with the frantic floor reporter just had a way of making the thing seem way more intense. Some things are better dubbed.
  22. So I've come to the conclusion that it must be all about the hall of fame for him. Why else bother with it to this extent? He wants some exoneration, but since there are no official charges the defamation suit was his only means. I could be wrong, but assuming that's the case, do you think he would be better off if he had just confirmed what was in the Mitchell report (and conveniently claimed those were the ONLY times it ever happened), apologized, and moved on - would he have gotten in the hall of fame? Will he now? I think not.
  23. When is it supposed to get here? What was the AGI limit for married people? I know I could look this up, feel free to ignore me, but I've decided to make HAIF my sole source of info on the internet today.
  24. Clemens is a complete idiot for wasting all of our time and his money on this. He is not going to prove or disprove anything. If he had just come out and said yes, it happened a couple times, I'm sorry, and then lied about how much it happened, they we'd all have moved on by now. I don't know who convinced him it was worth it to go this route, but they are an idiot.
  25. It was at baseball practice when I was 11! I don't go near them now.
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