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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. The baby wakes us up at 6 anyway, we might as well go do something cool like this. Please confirm platforms and donuts!
  2. There are 2 parties involved, from the very beginning, and neither should be able to just "choose" the other out of it. It's not his body, but it's his legal and financial responsibility once that child comes into the world. In that case he should have just as much input as she does. To me there's no real difference between the situation of the man wanting to keep a child and the woman not wanting to, and the other way around. Neither is a good situation, but the decision was made by both parties before you even get to that point. If you get to a disagreement between man and woman on whether to keep a child, it's already a bad situation. But it's one they both are in, not just the woman. I'm not saying there's an easy answer on how to resolve those situations, I'm just saying one party shouldn't have all of the power when both are undoubtedly involved.
  3. So you think a child created by a man and a woman belongs only to the woman? I'm not saying all men are reasonable on this issue, but to say men shouldn't even be involved is taking it way too far.
  4. By definition the radical right OR left are going to be a ways off from reasonable or commonly accepted stances. Both radical sides piss me off, they make the rational ones who sit on either side look bad when they claim to be on the same side of things, and the right no more or better than the left.
  5. Rode by today on the bike - it does look really close. I peeked inside and there is still some key work needed, like finishing the bar and trim. I think it'll be a cool place, I hope they finish it up soon.
  6. Has this opened yet, and if so has anyone been there?
  7. I love it when the thunder is loud enough to set off car alarms... for about 10 seconds, then I am annoyed that no one is turning off their car alarms. I have been known to sleep through hail, lightning, and really loud thunder. If one wakes me up it'll be because the roof just got blown off.
  8. I've gotten it a couple of times. A dangerous looking popup with Ok/Cancel and it takes you to their site no matter what.
  9. Sad that I missed it, but we got invited to go on a friend's boat down in Kemah and ended up being there all day. Hopefully next time!
  10. I ain't lyin! See below. Yeah, and beware the wrath of hurricane Norbert!!
  11. Obviously I don't know where T&C is/was. Does it even still exist? I have only seen that building on the north side of I-10 that says T&C something, but clearly it is something else. I think mall success has a lot to do with "freshness". It's not even the stores, it's the perception that it is the "place to be". In Baton Rouge, when the Mall of Louisiana was built, the previous "hot" mall, Cortana, near instantly became deserted. Same great stores, same exact place that people flocked to before the new mall. I prefer it now since there are no crowds at all. I think it's even cleaner. But I'm guessing, if it hasn't already happened, they will start to lose tenants and it will go into some decline. Mall-going I think is as fickle as fashion. There is little reason to it. Yeah, you need the basics (decent stores/body coverage), but past that it's about trendiness.
  12. I don't know the area very well, but driving on the beltway it seems that south of I-10 is where all the residential is, and north of I-10 there are tons of warehouses, distribution centers, or businesses. So as far as Town & Country vs Memorial City Mall, one is just on the better side of the tracks.
  13. Anyone know what they are doing on the west side of Shepherd between Fairview and Welch? There is/was a shoe hospital there that still looks open, but some semi-serious destruction going on as well.
  14. The Atlantic M name is Marco this year, and in the Pacific the P name is Polo. I am way too excited about the possibility that those two storms happen simultaneously.
  15. I wasn't expecting one, but apparently I accounted for it being based on the wrong year's AGI, and it showed up last week. In check form, although I used direct deposit the past 5 years. Hmm. They better not want it back, it already got put toward something we had already bought.
  16. Holy crap they make those in adult sizes!!! I have been telling my wife I need them, and she said they don't exist for me. She is in trouble now. Why walk when you can ROLL!!
  17. Slow down there, I don't know about paradise. I am here because there are no jobs worth a damn in LA for college grads, and since I've been here I've learned there are a lot of things that are great about the city. As for comparison to LA, I'll just bite my tongue and take solace that Houston and Baton Rouge (my hometown) could both stand to improve, and honestly they don't have any basis for comparison. Completely different environments, and I love them both. Someone in another thread brought up the topography as holding Houston back - I totally agree. It is flat here (hill=overpass), and although we are a huge port, it is no Miami or San Fran when it comes to beach quality and waterfront attractions. Dallas is equally flat and boring, but I honestly don't hear anyone saying Dallas is all that much better except for Dallas homers. Same for Atlanta, I don't think it is much of an international destination either.
  18. I whine about being hot and muggy more than anyone, but it was a pretty pleasant April and May this year. Warm at times, but some good fronts that brought in low humidity. I'm not going to say we have great weather for 8 months...typically half of May through some of October really sucks. Sometimes all of October and part of November still don't regularly dip down into the 60s. I hate that. 70 degrees is a perfect high, but a crappy low temp. I love being in Houston, and it has always been a major vacation destination for unadventurous or budget-limited Louisiana folks (where I'm from). Actually much less so now that Astroworld is gone. But as far as an international destination, not even close.
  19. I love the huge 10 billion ton metal plates they put everywhere. I had never seen those until I moved here, but sometimes when I'm looking at houses while riding my bike, I'll nearly eat it when I catch the corner of one.
  20. I haven't found it that hard to turn east on Allen Pkwy from Dunlavy, the light down at Shepherd creates good enough gaps. You just have to book it sometimes. The left turn from Allen-west to Dunlavy has a short lane right now, mainly because there's a left turn right before that. Perhaps those 2 turn lanes could be joined up for a longer lane. As long as they keep it no left turn onto Allen I think that will work fine. It's too close to the Waugh underpass to do much else I think. I doubt widening the ROW is an option because even if they wanted to cut into the hike/bike trail area, there's a cemetary right across from Dunlavy.
  21. Has anyone seen a study or done their own research on one gas versus another? Not only the regular vs premium, but different brands. I realize at some level they sell each other's gas, refineries don't only feed their company's stations, but certain ones have different additives that are supposed to help one way or another. I get gas at Bucee's more often now, and I wonder if that affects anything versus Chevron or whatever. Is grocery store or Sam's club gas crap?
  22. TJones your sig is the best ever!! My brother-in-law is a vegetarian and vet, and I thank him all the time for keeping those animals healthy so that I might eat them one day. I know, tons of people love animals and whatever. So do I, just in a different way.
  23. Welch St east of Montrose, turning into Dennis St all the way to Bagby. Passes in front of the junk store (?), no way it has been maintained in the last 20 years. I haven't been by in a few months, maybe they snuck in there since then.
  24. I have a Scott's reel push mower as well. I wish I could tell you how long the blades stay sharp, but the one I bought last year got stolen, so I'm back to a new one. But by the end of the season last year it was still cutting great. Just be sure to wash it off after every cut, and after it has dried spray the blade area with WD-40 or similar. It kept mine from getting rusty/corroded and also kept the friction low so wear was less on the cutting surface. I do love how quiet and easy it is.
  25. A year ago, 7 miles Heights to Galleria, <15 minutes before 7am. Today, 22.5 miles one way Heights to wasteland, I mean west of Pearland, Almeda at 2234. 25 minutes at best, 45 minutes on the way home usually.
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