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Everything posted by IronTiger

  1. ...wasn't everyone's? But then again, some areas in the 1980s weren't bad and then got worse? Like, say, Greenspoint Mall?
  2. IronTiger

    Snack Food

    And the fact they have an uncanny resemblance to cat litter or that stuff they use to clean up vomit in elementary schools. (where's the sick smiley?)
  3. I was there last June and wish them luck in their move. The original brewery is kind of hard to find (the little car parked out front makes it more visible), and their "gift shop" is a counter in the humid, beer-smelling, main room. Kind of cool, kind of depressing...especially with that mural painted on the cinderblocks.
  4. IronTiger

    Snack Food

    I've never liked energy bars, ever, except for this one chocolate "calorie stick" that had an astronaut on it (forgot what it was called). Regardless, they all seem to leave some sort of weird aftertaste. Pretzels are pretty good (but don't eat the dust...your mouth will BURN) as well as a nice glass of milk: keep it at 1% (or skim, if you stomach it). STAY AWAY FROM: A lot of times at the local Kroger and H-E-B one can find fried "veggie chips". They're too expensive, taste gross, and aren't much healthier than real potato chips. Cheese is not preferable. Sure, they make low-calorie cheeses, but they taste gross too...save your calories for something you REALLY want to eat (ice cream!) Fried pork skins. They have a strange taste but I've gotten a sick stomach after eating them...every time!
  5. Apparently there was a gang-related shooting this morning that injured six people. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/07/23/national/main5181612.shtml
  6. already has a Facebook.

  7. Supposedly JCPenney was to be a convention center (it's labeled as such) but I don't think it's ever used or was really remodeled to suit that purpose.
  8. Frankly, I'm surprised that Greenspoint Mall has lasted this long. Oftentimes, once a major crime happens, the mall goes way downhill, often completes some great remodel but can't be saved, and the whole thing is razed. Look at Mall of Memphis (Dead Malls.com) or Pinellas Square Mall (later ParkSide Mall)...two malls that could not be saved...both had functional ice rinks at death. What saved Greenspoint Mall is the fact that it fulfills the "urban mall" niche: it survives by luring nearby office workers into its food court. The situation at Greenspoint won't worsen unless more violent crimes happen.
  9. The STOP ASHBY HIGH-RISE signs recently weren't nearly as prevalent as my spring trip to Houston was one year ago. At that point, you could drive up any given street in the area near Rice University and shoot a gun at the right place, a bullet would pierce every one. It's a relatively low-rise area, and if a high-density tower was built in MY neighborhood, I wouldn't be happy about it. Upupup, why are you unhappy the Ashby high-rise building won't be built?
  10. I didn't say it looked a lot worse, it looks okay, a pretty normal mixed-demographics Houston neighborhood. But you wouldn't expect it to be nearby an upscale mall.
  11. Johnme: Not to worry, I linked to your site at least once (check the Greenspoint Mall thread in "Other Houston Neighborhoods"). You can see the Foley's before they painted it a stark white!
  12. I have. The "niceness" of Memorial area disappears. It looks decidedly lower-middle class with Spanish signage.
  13. That low-rise near Rice Village?? Dang...it looks kind of like a more dated version of the Rec Center in A&M University.
  14. From what I've read in things like Houston Chronicle, Texas A&M will never become a "world-class university" with antics like this. The Murano resignation turned A&M into a laughingstock.
  15. I think you're right. I was looking at the original (http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs034.snc1/2412_1039553424264_1088372042_30133051_8850_n.jpg) and the other one (http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=1268). The stairs are a different color, everything is nicely painted, and finally, at the top, the fence to the right has little ornaments on it on the fake, but its regular on the original.
  16. The pictures are broken because bandwidth was exceeded.
  17. Absolutely stunning! It's such a far cry from this shot, of the same place. Everything is a stark white, the upper level is closed...
  18. If you look on old (2002) aerial photography, you can see (like, say, at Memorial City Mall) that there was the abandoned MKT Right-of-Way. Of course, it was all obliterated for the Katy Freeway expansion.
  19. Yeah, I knew news broke last night, but Elsa Murano has resigned from her duties as A&M University. I think it was a coup within the University system, but...? What do you think of it all?
  20. Northwest Freeway, I think ends shortly before the highway "splits" from the bypass freeway to older, two-way segment.
  21. When I was new here, there was some talk of a Sage or Globe store (both?) across from Town & Country Mall. But I was talking to someone about the Pasadena area and she said a Globe was opened across from the Foley's at Pasadena, that later became Target. While I would still like to know if the Target is still there, I want to know about Sage and Globe. Apparently one was dumpier than the other, but... ...tell me.
  22. I managed to save the Flying Tomato frisbee from a garage sale. I can take a picture...then put it on the HAIF Buy/Sell board.
  23. It's okay. Has anyone driven by the old Mervyn's site recently? What's happening?
  24. It's possible someone owns Greenspoint Mall pictures. Even shoddily done pictures could look a bit better with Photoshop.
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