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Everything posted by kylejack

  1. Just looks like a standard suburban gated community.
  2. Tell me what makes the individuals living there shady, please.
  3. Tell me more about the very shady element living in them. What makes them shady, exactly?
  4. Prerequisite for getting that lot is building another post office somewhere else, so that could be really expensive. Meanwhile, they already have an empty lot where they demolished a warehouse.
  5. Call it whatever you like, Books a Million wasn't selling what downtown was buying. Not enough of it, anyway.
  6. Cielo dying, but Bombay Pizza and Samba Grille are successes.
  7. Yeah, seriously. Who kicks out hundreds of paying customers when they could just call extra staff in to work? Industry folk would love a busy 3 hour shift.
  8. They said they have a lot of physical evidence from her apartment, where they think the body was burned. She admits to dumping the body since she was caught on camera, but says she didn't kill him. She says she was given a plastic bin by the dad to dispose of which she never opened and just dumped, which makes no sense for numerous reasons (1. the mother got a strange phone call from Mona and an alive Jonathan 2. It was not a plastic bin dumped, it was just a burned body). Seems to me like she's full of crap and she did the whole thing...but WHY did she do it? That part is very unclear to me. Maybe a botched kidnap for ransom?
  9. A lot is coming out about the owner. Apparently he has some DWI and some arrests for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in his past.
  10. Yes, in an economy with massive unemployment when people are willing to do almost anything to make a buck. They have a right to run their business as they wish, but not on my dime.
  11. Because I don't consider it nice presentation but rather sexist exploitation. The reviews say the burgers are not so good, for the most part.
  12. It's a breastaurant, therefore I will never go.
  13. That might be the strangest job application I have ever seen.
  14. In the comments of the CultureMap story, an organizer of the party says he had spoken with them several times to organize this party, and that when the place was shut down, they were told by the manager that the owner (Adam) had come in and didn't like the crowd, so he ordered the shutdown. It would be nice to hear their side of the story, but they've shut down their Facebook page, and there is no statement about the incident on their website. The statement strains credulity.
  15. Interesting. Website says they close at 2. They say that's not true and they actually close around 12...but that because they were so many people they did last call at 11. This explanation really strains credulity, because come on, clubs barely even get started around 9 PM typically. Furthermore, the allegations of a racist door policy on the Yelp reviews precede this party they shut down. Where there's smoke there is probably fire.
  16. That sign's been there since roughly 2 months after they moved locations. Is the front door still boarded? 2009 closure: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/2009/03/late_nite_pie_takes_a_dirt_nap.php A couple weeks ago: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/eating/2010/12/openings_closings_13.php
  17. They've already been locked out a couple weeks ago. This seems to happen every year, but this time it seems to be for good. The new owners were running the business very stupidly. The beer selection had dwindled to almost nothing and the pizza quality was plummeting. The surly service used to be something sort of adorable that you would put up with to have a good time, but lately it was just annoying and the icing on the cake. The week before they closed they wouldn't let my friend pay for dine-in with credit card. Credit cards were for delivery only, they said. So yeah, it looks like they were intending to not pay their rent and get as much cash in hand as possible before it went under.
  18. House and Hahl Road. My friends and I used to go out there to watch meteor showers because it was extremely dark without going too far into the country. It was a pretty good place for my teenage sexcapades too because you could see cars coming from a long way off. It still exists but some of it was replaced by that neighborhood, and there's more light pollution out there now.
  19. Out, Kubiak. OUT. We have a winning combination with the offense, but the defense is just atrocious aside from Pollard and Cushing.
  20. More specifically, it's a sambal mayo. Sambal is a chili sauce. Sambal mayo is definitely their best condiment, IMO. They also have black pepper ketchup, country mustard, regular mustard, or Ross-Sauce (all of the above). My favorite dog now, when they have it, is the Duck with Orange Sauce. They are now smoking the sausages for longer periods rather than cooking on the grill, so they are actually ready just a minute or two after you order (unless you show up right when they open). Make sure not to miss the fixins box sitting on the patio. Inside is cilantro, some kind of sliced jalapenos, onions, and various other toppings.
  21. Yeah, New Year's Eve is the last night. They're supposed to re-open, possibly on Caroline, but I don't know where exactly.
  22. Dirt Bar is open for four more nights, and then it closes to make room for the Walmart.
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